Friday, September 22, 2006


i wan to watch "the banquet". i love zhang ziyi.
i went to cut my hair yesterday (finally), so dat i will look good on jen's banquet.
suck. i still havent buy clothes for the occasion yet. hav no time at all lor.
damn it.
i think i'm too stressed out recently. i'm having tight chest, chest pain n breathlessness again. after i went to the doc so many times bcos of this, i'm sure i dun hav any heart problems.
i juz need a break.
too tired.
apparently, nobody in my cluster wanted to help driver's OT hit ll time high, n my boss is already breathing down my neck abt it. however, the world we r in is so selfish, everyone is so pre-occupied w themselves, regardless of hw i beg.
fine. u wan to scold me, scold lor. i really cant do anything. i oni hav one driver, n she has to send ration everyday. hw not to hit OT. u teach me la. then everyone hear my voice on the phone machiam c ghost like dat, say they cant spare, then ask boss, he told me he oso busy. then how? i use bamboo n take 2 pails at a time la.
i sure mati this mth. my survey oso suffered bcos of the pushing of ration.
i hack care liao. wan to pok me pok lor.
i can't do anything.
or shd i say, i've done everything i could.
moron mgmt = under performing staff.
definitely true.


Anonymous said...

Hey skywalker, its just one of those days. Dont let the foul managers get ur mood down, tink about this, get ur fat december bonus n apply for new post. Let them die in their own shit! and clean it all up for lunch...haha tats bad liao. Pluto.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way skywalker, get ur self assessed by a specialist. This chest tightness, n shortness of breath is worrisome, dont sound like "just tired". Forget bout the local GP's cant do much, see a specialist. Does sound like a heart issue, dont take it lightly,,,Pluto