Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My retirement plans

i have this dream already.
i wan to retire in new zealand, w a house on a hilltop. i will hav a small farm, w sheeps n cows. then, i will milk them daily for the tiny winy income so dat i can sustain myself n my partner. i will sit outside the house on a rocking chair w my partner, toking abt wat happen to our dog the day b4.....
serene n relac life.
i wan it.
then my bro n i were toking abt it last nite.

me: i wan to retire in NZ, then hav a farm.
bro: huh? y farm?
me: cool mah. farmer leh. got controlled price for everything.
bro: hmm....true. i wan to own a resort when i'm old.
me: huh? buy in east coast ah?
bro: tsk, no la. machiam those in japan, beach boys. provide homestay for ppl.
me: oh....min su ah?
bro: ya....then everyday go fishing.
me: huh? but u duno how to swim wor.
bro: tsk, u noe wat is a fishing rod or nt? fishing no need to swim one lor,stupid.
me: ya hor. but japan v stressful one leh.
bro: i noe. so i will hav extra activity to relief my stress on weekends when i'm old in japan.
me: simi?
bro: i will go n take their mrt, n deh young girls' kar ceng.
me: huh????? eeeee, u pervert.
bro: no mah, if i dun do it, other ppl oso do it lor. it is so common in japan.
me: hmm....its true.
bro: ya la, then i will still hav black hair when i'm 80 yrs old, cos i hav this to keep me young!
me: yaya, then ur wife will ask u every weekend "where u going ah"
bro: take mrt deh kar ceng lor
me n bro: hahahahaha
after 5 mins.
me: eh, i go n visit u in japan when i'm old.
bro: huh? for fu**?
me: take mrt w u.

our pervert dreams.

*P.S: the above conversation was not meant to insult anyone in particular. it is juz a part of stupid family conversation. any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

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