Monday, September 11, 2006

Enjoyable weekend, but......

very fun weekend. i had a good time laughing. until i hav 6 pacs liao.
well, almost.
we celebrated elmo n jen's bday on sat evening in the korean rest in far east. food was nice, but quite ex though. there was a confusion when the food was served (as in diff sets hav diff dishes). end up, we shared the time the rice (which is the MAIN course) was served, i'm full liao. i oni ate a mouthful of rice n i was damn full already. so u can imagine hw much appetisers we had b4 dat ( n oso i think the rice is abit too sweet for me).
after dinner, there were tons of jokes by our dear sharon n weihua. they cant stop suaning each other la.....laugh until limpeh ham bin at nite. hahaha......
yesterday was fun too. i had my best pool session of my life. so funny.
HZ n i went grandlink for a pool session after we had smelly beancurd across the street. n guess wat.
we played for 3 hrs.
total 9 games, limpeh lost 7.
nt to mention dat HZ (aka seh wang) was my disciple.
throw face la.
i kept hitting the white ball in after my 1st shot lor. until i cant tahan myself. i'd lied to myself, calling dat 旗开得胜 la, but apparently, it was nt la. kept losing.
then HZ told me that there might b smth wrong w the cue (after 5 losses). so i went to change one.
ta da.....i won the nxt game.
i noe she purposely one rite. win already shiok shiok then tell me.
but she was the MVP eventually la. cos her incidence of the white ball going in was like 80% of the time.
so bloody funny.
we were so high after each game (laughing non stop, machiam drunk) that we've decided to shout "huat ah!!!" after the white ball go in everytime.
machiam xiao lang geng.
now i noe y there were no one beside us despite that there were empty tables around us.
they muz hav tot that we r mad.
so fun.
but, i didn't sleep well last nite.
i'm having a very bad back ache.
it will rain soon. these few dyas i'm sure. n a v heavy one.
so pain......
sigh. lao lang is like dat one la.
dun laugh.

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