Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Food again

i tell u, i'm losing patience w myself already.
i had a "foody" dream again last nite. wth.
i dreamt dat i was having noodles. 3 types together, mind u. instant noodles, mee pok, mee kia all cooked together in my fav wanton mee style (the one i've eaten for more than 20yrs).
c, i'm so hungry in my dreams.
anyway, regarding my last post, i've recieved mixed reviews. some like it, some dun. the one whom dun like it commented that she dun understand wat i'm writing.
kns la.
use ur imagination. haha
then she told me "u ask me to comment, then u ask me to go imagine." hahaha.....well, maybe it really take the comments seriously.
i wan to b a famous writer mah. (i noe, dun puke) i've been writing stories, poems (chinese one hor) n lyrics over the years. i told HZ b4 that i wanted to print all out n make a book out of it. my own book. but we nv do it la.
nvm, i'll bind it myself, then i'll sit in the tunnel at orchard mrt stn, nxt to the uncle whom play the keyboard. then i will beg everyone whom pass by to take a look at my "book".
bah. rubbish. haha.
i'm having illusions.

他抵了件厚厚的棉袄给她,说:“天气冷,把它穿上吧。” 她默默地底下头,“嗯”了一声,把棉袄接了过去。外头正下着雪,刺骨的北风在这时吹了进来。他看见她颤抖了一下,便握紧她的手,道:“要好好照顾自己,如果他对你不好......”他顿了一会儿,然后轻声的在她耳边说:“我会一直在这里......不要把我给忘了......”说到这儿,他的眼泪不禁地流下。他把她紧紧地拥进怀里,因不想让她看见他的泪水。可是他却没发现,她也在偷偷地流着泪。

给你一碗桂花酿 碗底全是碎花瓣 甜的那么淡
心是多么伤 满脸是泪的我 你看也不看
为了和你好聚好散 不敢说出多悲伤
你的心已淡 我的情未断 怎能相信我们 还来日方长
从此不再为你想 怕你又是我的方向
永远都为你心乱 心乱
如果你真的可以忘 不再说该谁欠谁还
相不相爱都无关 无关

ps: HZ nv laugh it off. i was wrong. wrong info. sorry ah.......

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