Monday, September 18, 2006


ok. this will b a long long post.
1stly, i wan to clarify smth. to L. nothing in my previous post was toking abt u. i hav nothing against u. so, dun get so upset abt it. I AM NOT TOKING ABT U!!!!!
n bcos of this misunderstanding, i've decided nt to write anything abt the beast-whom-stole-the -emperor's-underwear-n wore-it-like-a-traffic-light anymore.
enuff is enuff.
i will nt waste my blog entry for it anymore.
2ndly, wat i wan to say is dat this is MY BLOG. i hav the freedom to write anything. nt happy, dun read (nt aiming at anyone, juz a general statement).
ok, tok abt my exciting weekend.

went clubbing w jen's gang for her hen's nite on fri. if u r saying "wah, so shiok" then u r wrong.
limpeh haven't warm up, our "hen" doh liao.
ya, then end up 4 of us shared the "waterfall" which was actually for jen.
ta ma de.
drink until may (aka the skyscaper) oso blur blur.
wah lau.
then i went to visit ann in the hospital on sat. apparently, all my frens seemed to b cursed. 2 asthma, another 2 in hospital, 1 w serious migrane. muz go guan yin miao n bai bai.
anyway, i think ann is ok, cos she scolded me "knn" when she saw me appearing beside her bed. haha. power.
then cheryl, HZ n i went bugis to look for mui. end up, mui took half day off. so we had dinner together (mui's treat!!! thanks!!!) at terra cafe. power. we enjoyed so much until we kept laughing. i told cheryl i wan micheal blubble (how to spell???) cd. mui heard it n asked me "huh, who is he? na gen cong? (translated as "which spring onion"). cheryl asked her "shei shi cong?" (who is spring onion) .
wah lau eh. i got a good time laughing lor. super sotong.
HZ n i went to watch "forbbiden city" after the dinner. v powerful performance by the cast, esp kit chan. i love her performance so so much. well done. the music n arrangement is nice too!!! by dick (lee)!!!
so touching.
go n watch it. worth all ur money.
one of the song i like alot. by kit chan. it makes me think so much over the weekend.
shd we look at things as it is? or shd we dig deeper to noe more abt the person? will we give chance?
apparently, if ci xi was evil n selfish, she wun let guang xu make those changes to china. too risky. during those days, she had to b ruthless in order to survive in the palace.
was it wrong?
will we b as ruthless if we were in her shoes? they dun hav a choice in that era.
that made me think of another impt person in chinese history. qin shi huang.
wout him, we will nt hav chinese characters (han zi). wout him, we will still b babaric. wout him, china will nt b untied.
ruthless? maybe.
but they dun hav a choice.
i'm sure they still love the ppl around them. i'm sure they still hav emotions.
i'm sure.
ok. the song by kit.

Why Dream Of Love
Is this what eyes were never meant to see
The end of hope and all it meant to me
How can I find the strength to carry on another day
Without my pride there's nothing left to say
Is this the way may life was meant to be?
Too late for me to say that I was wrong
Perhaps the weak believe that they are strong
I thought that if I tried I'd find a way to earn their trust
Yet all I've known and loved has tuend to dust
It seems there was no way I could belong
The fire that birns within your heart
The pain that tears your life apart
The rain that falls from the broken skies
The love I lost beneath the lies
And must I face the truth alone?
Is this the end of all I've known?
The years I gave, the tears I cried
Why dream of love, when love has died?
I know one day the story will be told
And in the end the secrets will be told
And will they look at me and say I should have known the end
Perhaps I did but why should I pretend?
I only dreamt of love and growing old
The fire that burns within your heart
The pain that tears your life apart
The rain that falls from the broken skies
The love I lost beneath the lies
And must I face the truth alone?
Is this the end of all I've known?
The years I gave, the tears I cried
Why dream of love, when love has died......
we all choose to believe what we want to believe, which might nt necessarily b the truth.
learn to accept the truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Skywalker, Im sure L has accepted your explanations and be wise enough to move on. Happi birthday by the way n stop thinking about "old", think about "new challenges" eg planning for your "masters' one day or Phd is u do get 1st class hons. Pluto