Wednesday, September 06, 2006

War of my life

last nite was the turning point of my life.
anybody reading this pls give me compliments n encouragement. no sneering pls.
i nv noe i will do it in my life.
i nv noe.
ok, here is the incident.

i was half asleep at 12.10am this morning, my sis was doing some stuff for her bf on her bed.then, i heard a scream from my sis. shocked, i woke up immediately. she was jumping out of her bed, hiding behind me as i stood up. then she started crying hysterically. then, she told me.
"there was a lizard on my bed."
ppl whom noe me long enuff shd noe that i really really hav this phobia of lizards. big, small, any color, any designs (yuck!!!). i will die when i c one near me.
there my sis was, hiding behind me (while pushing me infront to die la), crying until she's going to faint.
my god.
this is traumatic.
i shooed her into the living room, while i went to my parent's room to ask for help.
my mum woke up reluctantly, went into the room. apparently, the lizard hid when she's there. she even fliped my sis's mattress. not there.
my mum was so pissed, kept scolding my sis, saying that she saw the wrong thing. then she went bk to the room, warned me "u better dun wake me up again"
my sis was still crying in the living room at this time.
suddenly, i hav a hunch. i think it muz b there.
fed up, i fliped my own mattress too, pillows, bolster.....
not there.
then, i looked at the pile of notes i hav on the floor. i pulled all out one by one.
it came running out from one of the files.
can u imagine hw close i was w it.
it crawled out frantically towards the door, hid under my Mayday's score/book.
i stepped hard on it (the book la). the lizard ran out.then.....
it crawled towards the wardrobe.
xiao ah!!!! i cant imagine wat will happen if it did. eventually i will hav to take out all the clothes to hunt for it.....
i will nt let it happen
in the nick of time, i picked up a copy of newpaper n whacked hard on it. 3 times.
guess wat.
i killed it.
my god.
in the process of killing, i was roaring w fear + excitement, as a result, i woke my parents up (again, this time, both of them came out). my mum was furious. however, when she saw me shaking on my sis's bed, announcing to her dat i've killed the lizard (yes, she was SO suprised), she sort of cooled down a little bit. she even helped me to clear the "dead body" away. when she did that, i asked her "r u sure it is dead?".
she said " ya lah, u wan to c or nt" (walking to me, showing me the "body").
"NO, NO!!!! I BELIEVE U!!!!!" (me still shaking).
dats it.
my experience w the lizard.
i will do a spring cleaning this weekend.
after all the commotion, my sis was led into the room again.
apparently, she was tired from the all the crying that she fell asleep within 20 mins.
snore some more.
adrenaline + cortisol level to the max, i stared into blank space until this morning.
so much for being a hero for killing the pest.
so shack now.
say i'm mighty.


Anonymous said...

Ohh my GOD!!! U actually killed it! This is really a historic u can faced the fear of ur life and even killed it. Well done well done!!

Skywalker said...

thanks hor

Anonymous said...

Congratz Skywalker, uve really walked into the sky this time for overcoming ur worst fears by killing the lizard of a small beast. Yeah Im scared of spiders and clear lizards, the kind with red eyes. Shit always outside my main entrance. Once I opened the door, the lizard lost hold of its grip and fell on my head, I wriggled and screamed it fell on the floor but still alive. Fast man real fast ducked away. All my hairs were standing and my jaws locked in agony. Neve forget tat experience. Its a record breaking moment to be so close to something ur scared off so "gangbei" for that. Pluto.