Thursday, September 28, 2006

Daily crap

i broke my record this morning.
i swam 12 laps in 20 mins.
ok, it might nt mean anything to u la, but for a lao lang kay like me, it is definitely an achievement.
yeah baby.
btw,if u r pluto,the one whom left msg in my "comments" section, please tell me who u r. i'm sure if u hav my blog addy, u will hav ways to identify urself to me.
i wan to noe who u r.:)
there is a new club at st james called "the dragonfly", n guess wat music they hav.
M pop!!!!
i wan to go!!!! who wans to go w me???
suddenly, i missed those days when i can sit by the river/seaside n sing together w frens.
i still rem when i visited HK 4 yrs ago,i sat by the habour w HZ, adel, SC, P and auntie FY. we juz sat there n sang together, for 1 hr.
we can nv nv do dat in spore.
sigh. i wan that feel. i had nt felt like dat for ages.
lets go HK again n do it. it will b so so fun.
i will b going for my tanning session later. so, do expect to c a lobster tmr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me me me! I go "dragonfly" with you....

from: qiang