Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What a way to start my day

everybody/thing is so wrong today.
i started my morning w a v bad stomache. end up i nv go for my daily swimming session. if u r wondering y, read on.
then i pushed my tired body to amk mrt stn to take the bloody mrt to yishun.
guess wat i saw.
a man sitting in front of me started shaving w his electric shaver. n he was doing it happily. i looked on in awe, as in, i wanted to noe wat he will do after his shave. maybe he will brush his teeth as well.
now ladies, this is definitely equivalent to women trying to apply eyeliner/lipstick/blusher on public transport. so, dun do it in the future,ok? spoil image. imagine ur boss is on the same train as u. there u r, in front of him, opening ur bloody mouth to apply the bloody lipstick (literally). xue pen da kou. my god. so gross la.
pls dun do it.
then after the adventure (i dun get to c wat the man do after his shave), i proceeded to take a bus to my workplace.
bizzare again.
a man broke the scanning machine at the exit of the bus.
yes, he broke it. by scanning his card.
someone on the bus passed the "broken scanner" to the bus driver. u shd c her (the driver) face. she was standing at her driver seat, duno to continue driving or to fix the bloody pc of plastic. she looked like a kid lost in a supermarket. i was so amused.
hahaha. poor lady.
ok. now, y the stomache.
i went to meet mui n cheryl for dinner last nite. they wanted to pass me my bday prez n my invitation card for jen's wedding (in the end, sotong cheryl nv bring).as we were thinking of where to go, we met sharon at the rd junction at the heeren.
y so qiao la.
then we decide to hav our dinner at sakura(since my dear miss sotong wanted to eat sushi).
i happily helped myself to the oysters n salmon sashmi.
the oysters were tasteless. muz b those spawning ones. cheated my feelings.
other stuff was ok.
n then, our dear sharon told me "eh, the durian puff v nice one". so, i ate a pc. after half a dozen of raw (yucky) oysters.

me: eh, i juz ate oysters lor. like dat mix will die or nt?
cheryl: i think there r some toxic reaction involved leh.
me: huh??? then will die or nt?
cheryl: erm, duno leh.
me: ......
cheryl: i think wun la. the most food poisoning.
me: huh?? eh wait, i tot u ate the oysters b4 ur durian puff too?
cheryl: oh ya hor!!!! wah lau, then how? will i die???
me: wun la, the most lao sai lor.
cheryl: huh......aiyo.....
me: then tmr all of us mc. i will sms u if i mc.
cheryl: ya ya. cos we all dua lao......

well, i duno abt them, but i really hav a bad stomache this morning.
stupid oysters.
stupid durian puff.
i'm having a cough rite now.
stupid me.

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