Monday, October 16, 2006

My birthday celebration

i wanted to post some photos i took for the weekend, but my pc crashed, so LL. i'll hav to wait for my laptop to b returned to me b4 i can share the photos. so, wait bah.
anyway, i had a good time over the weekend.
HZ bought me bfast on sat, ate w me, n we went to the zoo.
yes, u got me rite.
the zoo. now, dun sing the zoo zoo zoo song hor. tolong.
it was a very enjoyable trip though.
we walked for 3.5 hours (non-stop hor), taking pictures of animals, making a fool out of ourselves by making silly faces at them. hahaha. so fun. :)
but i tell u, the funnest part was when we took the elephant ride. HZ's face turned green, kept squeezing hard on my right thigh (lucky no blue black) when the elephant walked around. and her hands was cold n sweaty even after we got down from the elephant. lousy.
we wanted to take the pony ride, but well, it was oni for kids, so no chance. too bad. we will crush the pony to death if we take the ride. hahahaha
after the "excursion", HZ was asking me " y u not tired one ah?"
erm, ya hor.
to think that my face will turn black after accompanying her to buy her shoes, or shop for 1 hr.
y har?
the oni explaination i hav was that the animals r more interesting than the bags, shoes n clothes.
or, my precious body is juz nt built for shopping.
too bad, gals. no shopping for me already.

we went hm for a shower (n rest), then followed by a nice canivorous (spelling?) dinner at this german restaurant in millenia walk. it was nice, but i still think that it was abit over-rated by ppl.
we had a platter. by the time we ate the pork knuckles, we were full like mad (w the plate still full of meat!!!!).
i will nt go back for anything though. too ex, n the food ok oni.
any better german rest. to rec?

she brought me to a canto-pop club after dinner.
i muz thank her for her effort to find it after i briefly mentioned it to her dat time.
but hor, this is the 1st time in my life that i really felt like escaping from the club almost immediately when the band started singing.
ppl whom noe me well will noe that i'm a sucker for live band.
but hor, when they opened their mouth dat nite, i tot i was in a karaoke singing club for aunties n uncles in the CC (those at the void decks of hdb flats; those ur ah mah n ah gong went when they r bored). i'm not kidding, n it is nt even funny. n the ultimate came when they say "ok,enuff of old songs!!! we will sing something current!!!" (i was like, phew, finally).
n guess wat they sing.
i'll give u time.
they sang
"lao shu ai da mi" (the stupid mouse love the big rice)
wah lan eh!!!!! lao shu ai da mi oso can jam u noe!!!!!
dat was when i took my bag, n signalled HZ to leave immediately.
we end up going ONS n danced the whole nite away.
i love latin music n stuff like dat. it was so so so happening in ONS, n i enjoyed myself so so much.
woo hoo!!!
n one thing to highlight.
2 ang mOs (one short n fugly, one quite handsome) approached HZ to dance w them. but she was too aloof to even look at them. n the fugly one was so lost when she ignored him.
hahahaha. so funny.
well, he got someone new to dance w him later, n i was teasing HZ, telling her that her "lao xiang hao" ditched her for another fat bitch. bad of me.
but well, can't b bothered.
i noe HZ was damn tired dat day (imagine walking non-stop for 3.5 hrs, under the bloody sun, then still hav to dance like mad), but she juz went where ever i wanted to, tried her v best to do a salsa dance (but failed badly, hee hee....) n all......i muz say, i've enjoyed it bcos of her.

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