Thursday, October 19, 2006

My belated birthday celebration

yes ppl. 5 days after my bday, i'm still partying over it.
went to olio at suntec w my poly buddies to have dinner-cum-my-n-mui's-bday-celebration last nite. it was fun. i was blabbering non-stop throughout the dinner.
there was this part whereby we hav to decide wat to eat. the display menu showed 2 types of platter which can b shared by 2 pax. it was written in this way:

Mixed Grill Platter
chix, lamb, beef......

Mixed Seafood Platter
Prawn, Squid........

so, elmo was asking me which one i wanted. but the way she phrased the sentence was kinda weird.
she asked me "你喜欢上面还是下面?"
i duno y, but i started to think dirty when i heard dat (yes yes, think sex).
then i told her after relly thinking v hard, "huh?我两个都喜欢咧.....怎么办?" (in a v v v desparate manner)
then, she stared at me. totally blur.
then ann said "我比较喜欢下面". i laugh until my stomach cramp la.
then throughout the dinner, we kept toking abt the 上面and下面.
in the end, me n ann shared the mixed grill cos she is forced to give up seafood by moi. yes girl. no seafood after op. dun care whether u ate laksa in the morning or nt.
the grill came w 2 sausages. so, my darling ann took one, n put onto my plate, telling me " 呐呐,给你下面先".
knn. i laugh la. then i told her "我不要!不适合我。"
yuck. got cheese inside some more. oozes out after we cut it.
machiam gangrene. puke.
but it was the oni thing that tastes nice on the bloody platter. other stuff were horrible. all tasteless n tough.
n they serve the meat w some wheat thingy. jen said it is v nutritious, but it looked like horse food to me.
so, i was commenting on the horse food for the whole nite.
i think all of them buay tahan me liao.
anyway, thanks for all the gifts, love, ghost stories (creepy la, esp the one on the mirror one), everything.
i've always enjoyed the time spent w u gals.
p.s. : y everyone kept toking abt the HDB tai tai thingy???? all become aunties liao huh.

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