Friday, October 20, 2006

Take for granted

went to a absolutely boring lecture/meeting at HQ yesterday. keep asking us nt to b "lubble"standard (i nv spell wrongly. he really said it in that way).
waste limpeh's 3 hours. n the fare i paid to travel from ys to jurong.
luckily, a kind colleague of mine volunteered to send a few of us to AMK mrt stn. thank you Tony!!!
so, we tok cock on the way to amk. i can oni say dat the kids now r really pampered.
this colleague of mine, A, is in her early forties. she had one 13-yr-old son. apparently, she've juz sent her son into a boy's home last weekend, cos the bleady son went to hit the father.
u shd hear how the son grow up.
he was showered w all the love (oni son mah, wats new) his parents can give, bringing him to china, japan, thailand, HK, etc since he was 3 yrs old. limpeh 3 yrs old go chinatown oni lor, where got china?
they bought him wat he wants. PS 3, xbox, PSP, laptop......watever.
the uncles n aunts even bought him rolex (real one hor, mind u) n diamond bracelets. n he threw them aside.
n he hit the father bcos he wanted to move out from the house.
si gin na ba. if he is my son, i will throw him out n ask him to F off.
give birth to a pcs of char siew oso better.
i told A dat she've spoilt him rotten. let him suffer outside, then he will noe how fortunate he is.
guess wat she say.
she say they r going to fetch him back from the home this sat.
wah lan eh.
ci mu duo bai er.
sorry, A, i dun mean to interfere w ur way to bring up ur son. i'm juz feeling upset for u.
she told me that she will pray to god, hopefully the son will turn better.
i wanted to recommend her kuan gong.
no offence to christians. but i still think that parents hav to do their part in educating their child, instead of getting help elsewhere.
i noe religon provides a peace state of mind.i visit guan yin mah frequently too.
but thats abt all. they dun give u miracles. erm well, sometimes they do, but not always mah.
nvm. the more i say, the more wrong it sounds.
so, i hope God, if u really exist, try make her si-gin-na-ungrateful-son treasure watever the family has given him.
try la.
thank you.
bless A n her family.

so ppl, treasure wat u hav now. we seemed so blinded by other stuff nowadays.
i hav to tell u dat nt oni children take for granted. adults too.
one colleague (ya, again) of mine was telling me how her mum forces her to pay the bills for the hse. the thing is, she is nt staying w her mum (she's married). she did give her the money, but the mum used it for gambling, then kept asking for more. end up, the bills are nt paid for a few mths.
yes. parents make mistakes too.
we r no saints either. so, pls take a look at wat u hav done over the yrs. change for the better.
easier said than done.
i still scold vulgarities when i watch soccer.
fuck it.
some habits die hard.

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