Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My top beauties

ok. i wanted to do this for quite a long time.
a rating of beauties.
who say ugly ppl cannot rate others? as long as i hav eyes n a mouth, i am entitled to rate n criticise others. no pre-requisite required.
so here goes.
as we r getting more info on female stars overseas (thanks to cable tv n taiwanese variety shows), our eyes often "feast" on the beauties. the below r some of my all time fav.

My number 5

in case u duno who the hell she is, her name is Cai Shu Zhen. she's one of the celebrity model in taiwan. i like her class n elegance. no, its not abt the boobs (although i muz say, they r quite impressive). u shd c her on the variety shows. cool n posh. like a cat. aloof.
but i like.

My number 4

not a typical beauty, but well, i like her working attitude. always striving for the best, putting in extra effort for a role. good!! look at her in the bloody ang mo country. enuff say.

My number 3

u shd noe her if u r those taiwanese-drama-freak.
xu weilun. famous for her a-sa-li and fiesty character. quite a chilli padi. very ineteresting n fun loving gal.
i like.

My number 2

pls. any normal human being will find her beautiful. i dun care wat she did in the past (shei mei you guo qu?), i juz noe dat she is a very talented woman, v sweet (until can melt ur bones), had a heart of gold, very pretty......i fell i love w her when i watched "mei tian ai ni 8 xiao shi" (loosely translated as "everyday love u 8 hrs). when she appear in tony leung's room w his shirt after her shower (hello, dun think dirty), wah biang eh.....my nose bleed (nearly la) lor. pls la, no men in this world can resist her. i personally think that is sexy in the healthy way.
very powerful.
then, i saw the entertainment news in taiwan, showing her visiting her fan (w terminal stage cancer). she became frens w the family, went to their hse weekly, gave them all the help she could. the fan eventually died, n she's still v upset abt it. she even dedicated her new song to dat fan recently in her new album promotion concert.
sweet. i love vivian hsu. love u love u love u. (may vaness wu rot in hell)

ladies n gentlemen


woo hoo!!! she's the goddess of all beauties. elegant, pretty, high EQ/IQ, cute, smart, friendly, caring, strong, hardworking......everything. u name it, she has it.

perfect woman.

no one in this world wide world can match her assets (physical n mental). simply gorgous.

u shd watch the clip on her visit to africa.


she looks gorgous even wout any makeup. n her heart is certainly made w 24k gold. yes, she helped them build a duno-wat-water-tram-something-i-nv-c-before-so-shut-up-thing w her barehands. ok la, we all will do dat la. but she's a well known model, n she can sleep-at-hm-oso-got-money-to-spend. but she didn't.

n her voice (those whom hate her voice, pls wake up ur idea. she was born w the voice, so stop ur unecessary judgement), wah lau, melt all the bones in men.

i can hear some objections.

shut up. nobody asked for ur comments. u r nt super model, so fuck off.


i dun care wat u think. i love chi lin. she's my goddess.

vivian can b wife, chi lin can b mistress.

can can???

dream on. got chance.

on an entirely diff note, i wan to eat hairy crab. wah lau, i've already missed it for like many yrs liao. now....sigh, no money.darn it.

anyone wans to treat me to the crab feast? i will b ur slave.

i'm kidding.

u noe i'm kidding.

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