Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Motorola D&G Razr V3i

my oh my.
isn't it a beauty?

sleek, posh, classic.
damn nice.
cost abt S$1600.00.
c'mon. show dat u love me.
buy for me.
i will repay ur kindness w extreme selfless love.
u noe i'm joking.

My top beauties

ok. i wanted to do this for quite a long time.
a rating of beauties.
who say ugly ppl cannot rate others? as long as i hav eyes n a mouth, i am entitled to rate n criticise others. no pre-requisite required.
so here goes.
as we r getting more info on female stars overseas (thanks to cable tv n taiwanese variety shows), our eyes often "feast" on the beauties. the below r some of my all time fav.

My number 5

in case u duno who the hell she is, her name is Cai Shu Zhen. she's one of the celebrity model in taiwan. i like her class n elegance. no, its not abt the boobs (although i muz say, they r quite impressive). u shd c her on the variety shows. cool n posh. like a cat. aloof.
but i like.

My number 4

not a typical beauty, but well, i like her working attitude. always striving for the best, putting in extra effort for a role. good!! look at her in the bloody ang mo country. enuff say.

My number 3

u shd noe her if u r those taiwanese-drama-freak.
xu weilun. famous for her a-sa-li and fiesty character. quite a chilli padi. very ineteresting n fun loving gal.
i like.

My number 2

pls. any normal human being will find her beautiful. i dun care wat she did in the past (shei mei you guo qu?), i juz noe dat she is a very talented woman, v sweet (until can melt ur bones), had a heart of gold, very pretty......i fell i love w her when i watched "mei tian ai ni 8 xiao shi" (loosely translated as "everyday love u 8 hrs). when she appear in tony leung's room w his shirt after her shower (hello, dun think dirty), wah biang eh.....my nose bleed (nearly la) lor. pls la, no men in this world can resist her. i personally think that is sexy in the healthy way.
very powerful.
then, i saw the entertainment news in taiwan, showing her visiting her fan (w terminal stage cancer). she became frens w the family, went to their hse weekly, gave them all the help she could. the fan eventually died, n she's still v upset abt it. she even dedicated her new song to dat fan recently in her new album promotion concert.
sweet. i love vivian hsu. love u love u love u. (may vaness wu rot in hell)

ladies n gentlemen


woo hoo!!! she's the goddess of all beauties. elegant, pretty, high EQ/IQ, cute, smart, friendly, caring, strong, hardworking......everything. u name it, she has it.

perfect woman.

no one in this world wide world can match her assets (physical n mental). simply gorgous.

u shd watch the clip on her visit to africa.


she looks gorgous even wout any makeup. n her heart is certainly made w 24k gold. yes, she helped them build a duno-wat-water-tram-something-i-nv-c-before-so-shut-up-thing w her barehands. ok la, we all will do dat la. but she's a well known model, n she can sleep-at-hm-oso-got-money-to-spend. but she didn't.

n her voice (those whom hate her voice, pls wake up ur idea. she was born w the voice, so stop ur unecessary judgement), wah lau, melt all the bones in men.

i can hear some objections.

shut up. nobody asked for ur comments. u r nt super model, so fuck off.


i dun care wat u think. i love chi lin. she's my goddess.

vivian can b wife, chi lin can b mistress.

can can???

dream on. got chance.

on an entirely diff note, i wan to eat hairy crab. wah lau, i've already missed it for like many yrs liao. now....sigh, no money.darn it.

anyone wans to treat me to the crab feast? i will b ur slave.

i'm kidding.

u noe i'm kidding.

Monday, October 30, 2006

My weekend

ok, i can announce liao.
no, i'm not having any heart problems. my ECG looked normal, HR ok.
my eyes has recovered from infection, so i can wear contact lens again.
na beh.
i waited for 2.5 hrs on sat to c the doc, then i ended up gana laughed at.
he told me " u r as strong as a bull".
thanks wor.
so the verdict for my chest-tightness n pain is STRESS (again????).
yes, the person whom left a msg in my previous post, i need SSRI.
damn it.

to compensate for the "humiliation" in the morning, i've decided to hav muthu curry fish head for dinner (ok la, excuse la). i tell u, if u had nv tried it, go bang urself.
so tasty!!! v hot n spicy man!!!! i love it so much.
initially i tot it was a "coffeeshop style" restaurant. boy, i was wrong. the restaurant looked so poshed n stylish, the staff was v friendly, service was good.
power. i will go there again after my paper.
who wan to go w me?

after dinner, HZ n i went mustafa. hahaha....it was so fun. but after the hearty meal, we felt sleepy n tired after half hr. so we went hm to catch the Man U match.
yeah!!!! rooney is back!!!!!
interesting match.
love it.

nothing special happened yesterday, except the majong session at my hse after dinner.
so stupid.
my sis was on the losing streak for the whole session. then she say "ma de, we need to change fengshui liao. so bloody suay." i suspect it was a curse. cos after dat, she kept winning.
n she ended the game w "zi mo qing yi se".
u win la.
i went crazy, cos i was waiting for my last tile to game.
u po bor kia.
majong after my exam. dun care.
muz revenge.

Friday, October 27, 2006


曾经填满我心中的你,现在却躲在一个角落,不曾离开,也不会离开。一直在记忆 的长廊徘徊着,时不时就偷袭。




i'm having this emotional episode again. for no reasons, i feel so bloody upset from the morning.
no, there r no reasons. i really duno y.
maybe i need to go to a shrink.
btw, i will b going to the doc to hav my heart checked tmr. i dun wan to die from heart attack wout knowing i actually hav it. at least i noe. although i dun think i really hav it. but as jen had told me, better b safe then sorry.
so, ya. i will b going to c the doc tmr.
no mood to do anything now.
feel like crying.
duno y.

Thursday, October 26, 2006



我想出去走一走 哦妈妈点点头
我想出去走一走 哦朋友点点头

this is one of my fav song by kit chan, written by our own homegrown talent, lian wen fu.
i like the way he wrote his songs. always touches my heart.
there will b a musical in 2007 dec by him, with the same title as the song. nt sure whether kit chan will b in it.
they r conducting an audition for the actors/actresses next week.
should i go?
i duno. tempted but quite half hearted at the same time.
grhhhhh......duno confused for wat.
maybe i shdn't habour any of these tots already. so old liao. sing wat sing.

anyway, on an entirely diff note, i was having this conversation w HZ yesterday.

HZ: eh, i got my results le (v excited)
me: yah, then? (non-chalantly)
HZ: hee....like that lor....(still sound v excited)
me: na beh, u got A rite? dats y so happy
HZ: hehe....ya ya.
me: knn. hw many?
HZ: all lor
me: huh? all get A??????
HZ: ya.
me: how many subjects u hav?????
HZ: 3
me: n u got A for all 3 papers?
HZ: yes.
me: ^%$^%$&%^&

xiao ah!!!! how to break this kind of record la. 3 As lor. mad or wat???
ta ma de la, y u set the std so high? now limpeh hav to work like xiao lor.
like dat oso wun get 3 A one lor.
knn la u.
darn it.
i going crazy liao.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cheese test

hey fellas, take a look at this.

try it.

Super funny!!!!

hey ppl, take a look at this.....
so bloody funny la.
watch how NTU students write their feedback abt lecturers.
clever ppl really write differently from stupid ppl like me.

PH? All machiam animals from zoo.

wat the hell.
sporeans r v deprived of holidays. we r working too hard i guess.
went to watch deathnote w HZ in j8 yesterday. the place was like so bleady crowded, until we hav to squeeze into the cinema to get our tix.
anyway, the show was ok. cleverly done. could b better though.
nothing fantastic. but pass la.
i wan to watch the sinking of japan. seem nice.
i think i need to bury myself in books already. had a nitemare. scary man.
i dreamt dat i cant finish my PMPD paper. and up, results like shit.
knn. scare the shit out of me.
better start work hard now.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Interesting deal

hey people, take a look at this.


this is a ring for all the single ppl out there. the color is nice though, but its damn ex. CAD 55 each. which means around 100 bucks in sing dollar.
mad meh.
but if u hav the money to spare, y nt? quite nice mah.

oh ya. all TP-ians, take a look at this.

dun u juz miss those days?

lets do the chickee dance!!!!
yo yo yo!!!

Photos again!!!!

these r some of the pix took during my belated bday celebration w my poly mates.

our bday cake!!! v nice, choco mousse cake w mashmallow in it. n it dun taste as sweet as it looks. yumyum.

this is the "horse food" i was raving abt.
look like (taste oso) horse food mah. c la, nobody wans to finish it lor.

u wan to ask me wat the hell was i wishing for rite? from the look of my excited face, it muz b smth exotic. no, i'm nt going to tell u. stop probing.

mui: y u so excited? wat u wish for?

me: huh? i wan to b a millionare, n i wan vivian hsu to b my wife, lin chi lin to b my mistress.

mui: hahahaha......fat hope lor u. dream on.

mui n i were arguing abt how to divide the cake.

me: oei, the cake is mine hor

mui: u xiao ah? pls lor, u so fat, the cake is mine

me: pls lor, u so tall (connected meh?), eat so much for wat?

me n mui: %$#%^$^&^

others: we want the cake........

mui n i wanted to take a pix w "shi yi". but flop.


dis ain't any better lor. still damn flop.hahahaha.....

the newly wed. jen n marcus

cheryl: eh, u stare at me for wat?

sharon: c oni cannot ah?

ann: wah lau, u gals wan to fight ah?

me: eh wah lan eh, limpehs smile until the jaw wan to drop liao lor, u all still take ur own sweet time......

dats better.

from the left, (behind) may, ann, cheryl, elmo, (front, from left) sharon, mui, me, jen n marcus

thanks for the enjoyable dinner!!! it was fun!!!

Hero of Earth

ok. i'm nw convinced dat god is bias sometimes.
really. hw can someone b so so so perfect???? talented, good looking, educated, cheeky......
so perfect.
ladies n gentlemen, may i present ot u,
god's perfect masterpice creation.

Wang Lee Hom, the music man.

one will b mad or blind to say dat he is nt shuai.

i went for his concert on sat, n man, i was so so so so so x 100000 impressed by his talent in music.

dun believe?

c? shuai?

if u r still nt convinced, this is the best.

the way he played the violin made me want to run to him, kneel down, beg him to teach me hw to play the violin. i will nt give up even he kicked me away, n ask me to F off.

he wun la. he so nice.


i'm nt kua zhang ok. serious. if u've missed the concert, go buy 2000 pcs of panadols n drown urself w it. u've juz missed the big time. bang urself on the wall if u wan.

one of the best concert i've seen in my life.

lee hom simply rocks. he is the man!!!!!

n i dun care whether he is straight, gay or bi. he is my number one idol now.

dun ask me abt jay. he is in a diff class now. hahahaha



Saturday, October 21, 2006

Photos (zoo zoo zoo)

alrite. the long awaited photos.
of the zoo animals.

this is the 1st aimal we saw when we stepped into the zoo.
scary hor......

look at the beauty

ya ya, it is not that close i noe, but my face still looked freaky

HZ n the white tigers


ok la, dun blame her on her weird facial expression. i was forcing her to

say "hao da zhi" (very big) when i took this pix. hee hee

confirm my face look smaller than it rite?

ok ok, i was juz trying to show hw big the actual polar bear is.

n i can't figure out hw to fucking turn the photo.

turn ur bloody heads to look at it. dun b lazy.

my fav lucy. she looked so pretty, isn't it?

i love giraffe!!!!

stinky penguins

HZ was trying to tell me pigs r actually intelligent animals.

ah....no use, stereotyping was done decades ago.

this jap di di was sitting in front of us, n i can't resist the temptation to take down

his pix. si beh cute hor......

c la, wat kind of company adopt wat kind of animals.

can relate directly. obvious lor. duh.

here u go.

v fun. serious. find a day n go w ur frens, family, hubby, wife.

gu gu jit bai. dun say eeyer.

last but nt least, my dinner at the german restuarant.

look at my shack-de-best face. damn ugly.

Friday, October 20, 2006


i think this really describe hw we feel now.
happy holidays ppl.

Take for granted

went to a absolutely boring lecture/meeting at HQ yesterday. keep asking us nt to b "lubble"standard (i nv spell wrongly. he really said it in that way).
waste limpeh's 3 hours. n the fare i paid to travel from ys to jurong.
luckily, a kind colleague of mine volunteered to send a few of us to AMK mrt stn. thank you Tony!!!
so, we tok cock on the way to amk. i can oni say dat the kids now r really pampered.
this colleague of mine, A, is in her early forties. she had one 13-yr-old son. apparently, she've juz sent her son into a boy's home last weekend, cos the bleady son went to hit the father.
u shd hear how the son grow up.
he was showered w all the love (oni son mah, wats new) his parents can give, bringing him to china, japan, thailand, HK, etc since he was 3 yrs old. limpeh 3 yrs old go chinatown oni lor, where got china?
they bought him wat he wants. PS 3, xbox, PSP, laptop......watever.
the uncles n aunts even bought him rolex (real one hor, mind u) n diamond bracelets. n he threw them aside.
n he hit the father bcos he wanted to move out from the house.
si gin na ba. if he is my son, i will throw him out n ask him to F off.
give birth to a pcs of char siew oso better.
i told A dat she've spoilt him rotten. let him suffer outside, then he will noe how fortunate he is.
guess wat she say.
she say they r going to fetch him back from the home this sat.
wah lan eh.
ci mu duo bai er.
sorry, A, i dun mean to interfere w ur way to bring up ur son. i'm juz feeling upset for u.
she told me that she will pray to god, hopefully the son will turn better.
i wanted to recommend her kuan gong.
no offence to christians. but i still think that parents hav to do their part in educating their child, instead of getting help elsewhere.
i noe religon provides a peace state of mind.i visit guan yin mah frequently too.
but thats abt all. they dun give u miracles. erm well, sometimes they do, but not always mah.
nvm. the more i say, the more wrong it sounds.
so, i hope God, if u really exist, try make her si-gin-na-ungrateful-son treasure watever the family has given him.
try la.
thank you.
bless A n her family.

so ppl, treasure wat u hav now. we seemed so blinded by other stuff nowadays.
i hav to tell u dat nt oni children take for granted. adults too.
one colleague (ya, again) of mine was telling me how her mum forces her to pay the bills for the hse. the thing is, she is nt staying w her mum (she's married). she did give her the money, but the mum used it for gambling, then kept asking for more. end up, the bills are nt paid for a few mths.
yes. parents make mistakes too.
we r no saints either. so, pls take a look at wat u hav done over the yrs. change for the better.
easier said than done.
i still scold vulgarities when i watch soccer.
fuck it.
some habits die hard.


“为什么?” 他不服气地咆哮着。“我是多么的爱你啊!让我们一起努力,好吗?”


有些情绪呀 我不想遮掩
有一些人 我不想遇见
为我快乐 因为我值得

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My belated birthday celebration

yes ppl. 5 days after my bday, i'm still partying over it.
went to olio at suntec w my poly buddies to have dinner-cum-my-n-mui's-bday-celebration last nite. it was fun. i was blabbering non-stop throughout the dinner.
there was this part whereby we hav to decide wat to eat. the display menu showed 2 types of platter which can b shared by 2 pax. it was written in this way:

Mixed Grill Platter
chix, lamb, beef......

Mixed Seafood Platter
Prawn, Squid........

so, elmo was asking me which one i wanted. but the way she phrased the sentence was kinda weird.
she asked me "你喜欢上面还是下面?"
i duno y, but i started to think dirty when i heard dat (yes yes, think sex).
then i told her after relly thinking v hard, "huh?我两个都喜欢咧.....怎么办?" (in a v v v desparate manner)
then, she stared at me. totally blur.
then ann said "我比较喜欢下面". i laugh until my stomach cramp la.
then throughout the dinner, we kept toking abt the 上面and下面.
in the end, me n ann shared the mixed grill cos she is forced to give up seafood by moi. yes girl. no seafood after op. dun care whether u ate laksa in the morning or nt.
the grill came w 2 sausages. so, my darling ann took one, n put onto my plate, telling me " 呐呐,给你下面先".
knn. i laugh la. then i told her "我不要!不适合我。"
yuck. got cheese inside some more. oozes out after we cut it.
machiam gangrene. puke.
but it was the oni thing that tastes nice on the bloody platter. other stuff were horrible. all tasteless n tough.
n they serve the meat w some wheat thingy. jen said it is v nutritious, but it looked like horse food to me.
so, i was commenting on the horse food for the whole nite.
i think all of them buay tahan me liao.
anyway, thanks for all the gifts, love, ghost stories (creepy la, esp the one on the mirror one), everything.
i've always enjoyed the time spent w u gals.
p.s. : y everyone kept toking abt the HDB tai tai thingy???? all become aunties liao huh.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


i'm so puzzled by one thing.
i've realised that aunties n uncles like to listen to "ai bia jia eh ya" when they r cooking/working. serious. i'm hearing it now, this very minute as i blog. my staff seemed to enjoy it. my mum too listened to it when she is cooking or doing housework.
vy vy vy???
like dat more power is it?
n by listening to wat music my staff listen to, i had another shocking discovery.
i heard the hokkien version of "xiao wei".
am i ignorant or am i ignorant?
my staff say "long long time ago have liao, u duno meh?"
wah lau. gana suan.
amazing la. these hokkien songs r spawning so fast.
wah, now my fav song.
"ai dio li sim kia kia, sio dio li sim tia tia....."
i think i hav to go into H-pop now.
hokkien pop.
wah biang eh.

on an entirely diff note, i saw a bangla (ya, again) toking on the hp w one hand as he cycled on the road.
beside my bus.
the bus driver was horning at him as we drove by. the bicycle was travelling in a "s" manner. so so fucking dangerous.
na beh. dun wan life is it? wats so impt that u hav to tok on the phone when u cycle on the road????
ur wife give birth?
ur dog died on the way to give birth?
ur son poo-ed on ur bed, w ur wife still sleeping on it?
or ur son swim in a swimming pool w the cleaner still cleaning the pool despite ur son's presence in the pool? (eh, familar)
knn. these ppl really dun hw to write "die".
it reminds me of a sad memory i've always wanted to forget.
happened in yishun too.
i hav this secondary sch mate (3 yrs younger then me) whom i was close to during my wild days. she was those kind of ren xing gal, always wanted attention, always complaining that ppl dun give her enuff love n care.
the incident happened after i graduate from sec sch.
i was singing ktv w my poly frens in orchard, when my pager (ya, dat time got pager v high tech liao) showed a msg.
"jos is in hospital. critical. pls call me back. L"
my mind went blank instantly. after knowing which hospital she was in, i rushed down immediately. as it was quite late (around 8 plus) when i reached, no one i knew was there. i went into the ICU myself, n i will not, for the rest of my life, forget the scene i saw.
she was lying there, lifeless, n the docs shaved her head bald, with stitches on her head. they've punctured a hole in her throat to facilitate breathing.
she had always loved her long black hair, n was proud of it.
n then, she was bald.
i cant take it. i was in total shock when i saw this. i called her name, telling her dat 'lao ba' is here (she used to call me lao ba in sch, cos i was v fierce to her).
no reaction.
i went out ot the ICU to get some fresh air. then i saw a few of her frens, whom i noe well, outside, weeping. they came n hugged me when they saw me. my heart was crying then, but as the 'lao jiao' there, i refused to show my tears.
then they told me wat happened.
apparently, jos (my coma fren) had this bf for a few mths. then, this boy, out of the blue, called her dat afternoon, telling her dat he wanted a breakup w her. jos was devastated. she wanted to speak to the boy, but the boy refused. so, she cycled to the boy's house (both of them stayed in yishun) to confront him.
she was knocked down by a bus on the way to the bf's hse. two blocks away from his hse. according to the statement of the driver, she cycled in the opposite direction of the traffic on the road, which was wrong. so, the driver escaped punishment.
n the boy freaked out when told of her accident.
he refused to visit her in the hospital.
it was late october dat time, where all of them hav to take thier 'o' levels.
jos scored an 'A' for her chinese. she told her frens dat she's nt happy even she had scored an 'A', cos she still did nt get the love from the ppl around her.
she shd c wat her frens n family did during her coma period.
her mum was there, 24 hrs, waiting for her to wake up.
her frens was there everyday after sch, calling her name, singing n toking to her every single day.
we folded as many paper birds (swan?) as we could, trying to get all the good luck we could.....
i've even learn to sing her fav english song. juz to wake her up.
but no, she didn't.
her mum was telling us one nite
"she is always saying that ppl dun love her. but look at us. silly girl, we all loved her so dearly"
n we all wept after her mum said dat.
even the sch principal was here.
non of her frens studied for their 'o' levels. simply bcos they really really dun hav the mood to.
the older ppl (including me) scolded them, asking them to treasure the chance which jos dun hav.
they listened to us. but they still come everyday to visit jos.
then, smth happend.
the boy came. visited her, toked to her.
n she woke up 2 days later.
i was in the middle of my tutorial when they paged me n told me dat jos opened her eyes.
after one week, she called me lao ba again.
overjoyed. u bet.
but well, the story doesn't end here.
due to the accident, her neurons n nerves for her left side of the body was damaged (she's a left hander some more), thus, she can't move her left legs n hand.
jos tried to recover, going thru all the therapies n all. but she never recover. she was so disappointed dat she gave up on herself. she refuses to c ppl. n we lost contact w her totally.
after 7 yrs, i saw her frens at alley bar early this yr. i asked abt her. all of them gave me a bitter look. they told me that she gave up on herself, n her left side of the body went thru muscle atrophy. so will b wheelchair bound for the rest of her life.
i'm pretty upset abt it. but wat can we do. she had to help herself.
it will b her birthday next week.
josline, i noe u wun b able to c this. but i really wan to say this.
thank u for remembering my birthday every year (b4 the accident), sending me cards w the bob dog u drew on the cards.
thank u for remembering me as ur lao ba when u woke up from ur coma.
sorry for not helping in any way. sorry for always scolding u in the past. sorry for not visiting u for the past few years.



Tuesday, October 17, 2006



Soccer mania

Warning: If u r not into the beautiful game, i suggest u skip this post.

i want to announce smth.
yes. u've got me rite.
ppl whom noe me shd noe dat i'm a united fanatic.
yes, i still love Man U.
but, after watching wat happened over the weekend, i'm sure u will b moved by the spirit of the blues as well.
200% teamwork n motivation.
wat a beautiful display of leadership by both mourhino n john terry (although the match suck big time). this is the moment of true teamspirit. well done, blues.
in case u duno wat the hell i'm toking abt, here's the summary.
chelsea's 1st choice goalie,cech, was being stomped on the face by a reading player, 20 seconds into the game. the injury causes cech to black out for a while. his skull was broken n needed immediate attention. so, he was being replaced by the 2nd choice keeper, cudicini.

as if the injury of cech is nt enuff, cudicini knocked onto a reading player (again) while saving a ball, he too concussed on the field, for 10 whole minutes.
n in the end, he too was stretchered out of the field.
u might ask, wat did the blues do then????
no goalie, 3rd choice nt experienced enuff.
mourhino toked to terry for a while, then, the impossible happened.
john terry put on the goal keeper's jersey, n stood in front of the post. yes, as a goalie.
my god.
suddenly, chelsea's defence was like a wall, w terry shouting instructions by mourhino.
n mourhino dun even give a shit when the back crew fought w reading's management. he kept his eyes on the field.
the match ended soon after dat, w chelsea fans running towards the field. terry ran to them, n hugged all of them, w tears in his eyes.
i nearly cried when i saw this.
fucking touching.
n when the reporters asked mourhino abt the match against barca today (they r wout both keepers), mourhino told them " i dun care abt football now. barca is a great team, but i dun care now. i juz wan my 2 frens (the keepers) to b fine."
my god.
jose mourhino, u had juz earned 200% respect from me.
john terry too.
i'm sure he will make a better skipper then beckham.
kudos to terry n team.
love chelsea.
although i,m still very much pissed off by lousy ballack.
chelsea is the team to respect.

well, u c for urself.

power, isn't it.

but, i still love Man U.

hee.....n my solskjaer scored again!!!!!!


i wan to buy the jersey.

both home n away one.....

Monday, October 16, 2006



My birthday celebration

i wanted to post some photos i took for the weekend, but my pc crashed, so LL. i'll hav to wait for my laptop to b returned to me b4 i can share the photos. so, wait bah.
anyway, i had a good time over the weekend.
HZ bought me bfast on sat, ate w me, n we went to the zoo.
yes, u got me rite.
the zoo. now, dun sing the zoo zoo zoo song hor. tolong.
it was a very enjoyable trip though.
we walked for 3.5 hours (non-stop hor), taking pictures of animals, making a fool out of ourselves by making silly faces at them. hahaha. so fun. :)
but i tell u, the funnest part was when we took the elephant ride. HZ's face turned green, kept squeezing hard on my right thigh (lucky no blue black) when the elephant walked around. and her hands was cold n sweaty even after we got down from the elephant. lousy.
we wanted to take the pony ride, but well, it was oni for kids, so no chance. too bad. we will crush the pony to death if we take the ride. hahahaha
after the "excursion", HZ was asking me " y u not tired one ah?"
erm, ya hor.
to think that my face will turn black after accompanying her to buy her shoes, or shop for 1 hr.
y har?
the oni explaination i hav was that the animals r more interesting than the bags, shoes n clothes.
or, my precious body is juz nt built for shopping.
too bad, gals. no shopping for me already.

we went hm for a shower (n rest), then followed by a nice canivorous (spelling?) dinner at this german restaurant in millenia walk. it was nice, but i still think that it was abit over-rated by ppl.
we had a platter. by the time we ate the pork knuckles, we were full like mad (w the plate still full of meat!!!!).
i will nt go back for anything though. too ex, n the food ok oni.
any better german rest. to rec?

she brought me to a canto-pop club after dinner.
i muz thank her for her effort to find it after i briefly mentioned it to her dat time.
but hor, this is the 1st time in my life that i really felt like escaping from the club almost immediately when the band started singing.
ppl whom noe me well will noe that i'm a sucker for live band.
but hor, when they opened their mouth dat nite, i tot i was in a karaoke singing club for aunties n uncles in the CC (those at the void decks of hdb flats; those ur ah mah n ah gong went when they r bored). i'm not kidding, n it is nt even funny. n the ultimate came when they say "ok,enuff of old songs!!! we will sing something current!!!" (i was like, phew, finally).
n guess wat they sing.
i'll give u time.
they sang
"lao shu ai da mi" (the stupid mouse love the big rice)
wah lan eh!!!!! lao shu ai da mi oso can jam u noe!!!!!
dat was when i took my bag, n signalled HZ to leave immediately.
we end up going ONS n danced the whole nite away.
i love latin music n stuff like dat. it was so so so happening in ONS, n i enjoyed myself so so much.
woo hoo!!!
n one thing to highlight.
2 ang mOs (one short n fugly, one quite handsome) approached HZ to dance w them. but she was too aloof to even look at them. n the fugly one was so lost when she ignored him.
hahahaha. so funny.
well, he got someone new to dance w him later, n i was teasing HZ, telling her that her "lao xiang hao" ditched her for another fat bitch.
hahaha....so bad of me.
but well, can't b bothered.
i noe HZ was damn tired dat day (imagine walking non-stop for 3.5 hrs, under the bloody sun, then still hav to dance like mad), but she juz went where ever i wanted to, tried her v best to do a salsa dance (but failed badly, hee hee....) n all......i muz say, i've enjoyed it bcos of her.

Friday, October 13, 2006




P.S: Please dun leave any comments for this post. The last thing i want today is any encouragement and preaching from any of u. juz let me be.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Come dine with me

no no. i'm not inviting u to my birthday celebration. cos there will not b any. i hav to work n study tomorrow. so, too bad.
i'm obsess w the reality show called "come dine with me", showing every weekends at travel n living channel, 8.30pm. this show is abt how 5 strangers compete to b the best dinner host in order to win some money (i think 5000 pounds).every week, one of them will host a dinner party in their house n invite 4 others to his/her house. the 4 guests wil rate on the food, wine, atmosphere, everything abt the dinner. the one w the highest score will win.
cool, isn't it?
i'm so facinated by the way they plan, prepare, and sort to under hand methods to make the party work for all.
bitchy? u bet.
u shd c how they plan for the party. from buying of ingredients, to decoration of the house, programmes after dinner, blah blah blah......
i wan to host a dinner party as well.
it will b fun.
to make this look real, i will come up with a menu for the party.
here goes.

Baked Mushrooms with Taleggio Cheese and Fresh Herbs on Toasted Ciabatta
(Chenin Blanc )
Herb Salad with Goat's Cheese
Deviled Eggs w Caviar
(Roederer brut Millésimé)
Grandma Egan's Chicken Stock with Celery, Carrots and Turnip
Main Course
Osso Buco with Milanese Risotto
(Chateau Petrus 1994) or (Albastrele Pinot Noir Rosé 2004)
Asparagus Linguine with Grilled King Prawns
(Campanula Pinot Grigio 2005)
Garlic Pork Roast with Ultimate Twice Baked Potatoes
(Réserve Bridayne 2004)
Apple, Cranberry and Pear Crisp
(Jackson-Triggs’s 2004 Niagara Estate Proprietors’ Reserve Vidal Icewine )
Ambrosia Pudding
(Renwood’s 2005 Orange Muscat)
there u go.
if u had noticed, i've even added a wine parring list for all the food.
power rite?
come dine w me.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who's the master - follow up

oei, my dear darling sis.
this is the master of the turtles

his name is master splinter.
u tell me la.
look like wolf meh.

n this is for HZ

he is shredder la.

the baddie from TMNT.

turtle power!!!!
