Friday, September 29, 2006

Random comments

the mth is ending soon.
time is going too fast. b4 u noe it, its gone.
i think i wun score well for my cdt.serious.
not after he told us abt our assignment.
terrible, he say. n he proceeded to explain y.
my god. i dun hav a good feeling man.
sigh. hack la
as long i get 2nd upper, i'm happy.
i am so burnout already. juz wan this to end soon.
n i've finally found out y i'm having tight chest recently.
stress? maybe. but the most part of it muz b due to the "feng shui" in my office.
the air con is faulty (again), n the air flow in the enclosed area is really bad.
so, dats it.
hey, pluto still haven't reply me.
reply me ah.

Thursday, September 28, 2006






Daily crap

i broke my record this morning.
i swam 12 laps in 20 mins.
ok, it might nt mean anything to u la, but for a lao lang kay like me, it is definitely an achievement.
yeah baby.
btw,if u r pluto,the one whom left msg in my "comments" section, please tell me who u r. i'm sure if u hav my blog addy, u will hav ways to identify urself to me.
i wan to noe who u r.:)
there is a new club at st james called "the dragonfly", n guess wat music they hav.
M pop!!!!
i wan to go!!!! who wans to go w me???
suddenly, i missed those days when i can sit by the river/seaside n sing together w frens.
i still rem when i visited HK 4 yrs ago,i sat by the habour w HZ, adel, SC, P and auntie FY. we juz sat there n sang together, for 1 hr.
we can nv nv do dat in spore.
sigh. i wan that feel. i had nt felt like dat for ages.
lets go HK again n do it. it will b so so fun.
i will b going for my tanning session later. so, do expect to c a lobster tmr.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I am Rain

In case u guys nv c it, here it is.
Laugh baby.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My retirement plans

i have this dream already.
i wan to retire in new zealand, w a house on a hilltop. i will hav a small farm, w sheeps n cows. then, i will milk them daily for the tiny winy income so dat i can sustain myself n my partner. i will sit outside the house on a rocking chair w my partner, toking abt wat happen to our dog the day b4.....
serene n relac life.
i wan it.
then my bro n i were toking abt it last nite.

me: i wan to retire in NZ, then hav a farm.
bro: huh? y farm?
me: cool mah. farmer leh. got controlled price for everything.
bro: hmm....true. i wan to own a resort when i'm old.
me: huh? buy in east coast ah?
bro: tsk, no la. machiam those in japan, beach boys. provide homestay for ppl.
me: oh....min su ah?
bro: ya....then everyday go fishing.
me: huh? but u duno how to swim wor.
bro: tsk, u noe wat is a fishing rod or nt? fishing no need to swim one lor,stupid.
me: ya hor. but japan v stressful one leh.
bro: i noe. so i will hav extra activity to relief my stress on weekends when i'm old in japan.
me: simi?
bro: i will go n take their mrt, n deh young girls' kar ceng.
me: huh????? eeeee, u pervert.
bro: no mah, if i dun do it, other ppl oso do it lor. it is so common in japan.
me: hmm....its true.
bro: ya la, then i will still hav black hair when i'm 80 yrs old, cos i hav this to keep me young!
me: yaya, then ur wife will ask u every weekend "where u going ah"
bro: take mrt deh kar ceng lor
me n bro: hahahahaha
after 5 mins.
me: eh, i go n visit u in japan when i'm old.
bro: huh? for fu**?
me: take mrt w u.

our pervert dreams.

*P.S: the above conversation was not meant to insult anyone in particular. it is juz a part of stupid family conversation. any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

Monday, September 25, 2006


“爸爸告诉过我,长江的流水可以把我们的思念寄到被思念的人心里。”她看着我说。“是真的吗?”她 问。我摇摇头:“我不知道。”
南京大屠杀 - 一九三七年十二月 - 一九三八年二月

Grouchy + depressed

i hav been having frequent migrane attacks recently. duno y.
the state of depression is back again.
i dun feel happy already, n mood has been on a swing towards extremes too.
dats not good at all.
i need a break from everything.
leave me alone.

anyway, in order to give myself a treat, HZ n i went for a movie at GV grand gold class.
miami vice.
i tell u, i can shoot a better film then whoever is the bloody director.
knn, waste limpeh's time la. watch until end, oso dun noe wth he wan to show. esp those long takes on the character's face.
wan to let limpeh c whether there r any pimple on their face is it????
ta ma de. end up i fell asleep on the comfi chair.
waste limpeh's 2 hrs.
i rather go n hav a drink lor.
btw, there is a new italian cafe in great world. quite cool, cos its a place for chill out, w wide varieties of champagne n caviar!!!!
i love it.
someone go w me.
wan or nt, my mdis gang? then we can hold our mthly tcs session there.
maybe that will help to make me happy abit.
abit oni.

Friday, September 22, 2006


i wan to watch "the banquet". i love zhang ziyi.
i went to cut my hair yesterday (finally), so dat i will look good on jen's banquet.
suck. i still havent buy clothes for the occasion yet. hav no time at all lor.
damn it.
i think i'm too stressed out recently. i'm having tight chest, chest pain n breathlessness again. after i went to the doc so many times bcos of this, i'm sure i dun hav any heart problems.
i juz need a break.
too tired.
apparently, nobody in my cluster wanted to help driver's OT hit ll time high, n my boss is already breathing down my neck abt it. however, the world we r in is so selfish, everyone is so pre-occupied w themselves, regardless of hw i beg.
fine. u wan to scold me, scold lor. i really cant do anything. i oni hav one driver, n she has to send ration everyday. hw not to hit OT. u teach me la. then everyone hear my voice on the phone machiam c ghost like dat, say they cant spare, then ask boss, he told me he oso busy. then how? i use bamboo n take 2 pails at a time la.
i sure mati this mth. my survey oso suffered bcos of the pushing of ration.
i hack care liao. wan to pok me pok lor.
i can't do anything.
or shd i say, i've done everything i could.
moron mgmt = under performing staff.
definitely true.

Thursday, September 21, 2006



你还好吗 还快乐吗
是否还是 笑得灿烂
还单纯吗 还是放不下
你还好吗 还迷惘吗
是否依然 等待曙光
还难过吗 还是在期盼

What the........

wah lau.
i tell u, i'm going to feedback to my condo mgmt abt this.
eventually, the pool cleaner (refer to previous post) did it again.
some more this time diff person.
he cleaned the pool again w me still in it. there was another lady swimming too. apparently, i think the company asked them to clean the pool under any circumstances.

scenerio 1

me: hey, u cleaning the pool?
cleaner: huh? i duno leh.
me: how can duno one? u cleaning now ah? i'm swimming now lor.
cleaner: huh? u swimming meh? i duno leh.
me: #%$%$^....can u clean later?
cleaner: huh? i duno leh....


scenerio 2

me: excuse me, r u cleaning the pool now?
cleaner: ya
me: but i'm swimming now
cleaner: ya?
me: then u still cleaning?
cleaner: ya
me: dat means u will clean the pool w me in it la
cleaner: tsk.....ya

equally knn.

both scenerio suck. wth was he thinking man.
i wan to complain.
wat the hell is happening to our neighbourhood?
our neighbour's father is scolding his fav son, saying that he steal money from the family, n regret choosing him as his fav son.
another neighbour worse. the father went overseas for work, his brother took over his assets, leaving him w nothing overseas.
another distant neighbourhood juz finished a fight w their neighbour, juz bcos the neighbour invited their children to their house.
yet another distant neighbour, half of the household were nt happy w the grandfather, so they've decided to rebel against him. the best thing is, the grandfather is having dementia (or not?), he machiam act blur to the situation. continue to enjoy life.
wth. like dat limpeh cant go to this neighbourhood this dec liao.
so luan.
sigh. will they ever grow up?
ppl dun like u, then let them choose who they wan lor.
simple mah.
say oni la.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So funny!!!!

i tell u, i had a good time laughing.
my jaw dropping liao.

ladies n gentlemen, call me rain (uuuuu...ahhhh....hmmmm....ahhhh)......hahahahahahaha
ok la, dun puke. juz for fun
so fun.
put ur own face on it. click browse then attach ur photo, then click to icon below.
hav fun!!!


认识她是因为 <<明知道>> 这首歌。会注意到这首歌,因为它符合了我当时的心情。


可惜她并没有因为这首歌而大红大紫。反而是<<豆腐街>> 里的<<城里的月光>> 让她闯出了知名度。



A smile a day

i went for my tanning session yesterday, n i'm like a lobster (yes, again) nw. dun tap on my shoulders when u c me in the streets.
something to ponder on though. it was unusually crowded yesterday, so i hav to wait for my turn to use the machine (in case u still cant visualise, it is the machine featured in "final destination 3". n no, i wun end up like them, so stop frowning). after my the session, i went for a shower. n since the shower rom is empty, i took my own sweet time to clean myself up.
after my shower, as i was preparing to leave, an ang mo lady came in. apparently, she waited for me to come out la (cos there r oni one shower rm in the whole damn shop). i felt so pai seh. as i was abt to apologise, she smiled at me n asked "so how's everything?"
i was dumb. hahaha. besides that she is quite chio (what else), she was v friendly. it took me 5 secs to answer her "oh, good." n she smiled again n say "cool! c u!"
it reminded me of another incident i've encountered a few yrs ago at the swisshotel (then westin). i was staying on the 58th floor dat time (i think la), so it will take a a fair bit of time in the lift to reach. so i was in the lift w an ang mo uncle. i got so bored that i started to tap my feet. the ang mo saw, n smiled. then he said "quite a long journey up isn't it?"
again, i was dumb la.
he proceeded "i'm from UK. r u local?" i smiled n said yes. then he proceeded w some complains on the weather (wats new). he kept toking until he reached his floor.
he was staying on the same level as me.
as we headed for diff directions, he cheerfully said "alrite, c u around! nice tokin to u!"
i oni said a "yes". nothing else. v nice meh.
however, i cant deny dat i feel pretty cheerful for the rest of the day. was it bcos of the friendliness (how to spell?)?
eh, y singaporeans dun do dat ah? we dun even smile to each other.
we dun even chat w the neighbour whom stayed in the corner for the past 10 yrs.
y r we so cold.
perhaps we r too focused on our own life, that we forgot others around us.
so, smile at someone today!!! make their day a happy one (wout them thinking that u r a moron at the rite person la). u will nv noe hw much it will mean to them.
i sound like a IMF rep.
4 million smiles.
mission impossible. mad.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006



I am becoming older

face it.
in less than a mth, i will b 1 yr older.
xian lor. cant act cute anymore.
anyway, abt my bday celebration, my gang was asking wat i want for the dinner n oso my present.
latest update.
teo is buying the "hard gay" for me.
mui n cheryl is buying a pair of lee hom concert tix for me.( woo hoo!!!! i love u babes!!!)
HZ had already bought a belt for me.
so, wat do i need?
i hav been thinking.
ppl, if u cant afford the versace watch, the mercs, then i hav smth else in my mind.
i need an oven.
serious. nt microwave ah. i need an electrical oven. so dat i can whip up more dishes.
i saw one in cold storage. cheap cheap. oni 40 bucks.
c, i so good to u all. 5 pax share 1, 1 person pay 8 bucks oni.
i cant think of anything i really need la.
so dun waste ur money ok?
we can hav dinner together if u guys wan.
dat will b enuff. cos u guys n gals r the best present heaven has given me (eeeewwww, damn disgusting la)
ok, i admit i said dat purposely to get a better present.
no la, really no need.

i saw a report on a "cure" for DM 2.
my god.
they will transplant pig's embryogenic cells in humans!!!!!
xiao ah!!!!
will i snore if i get the transplant????

Monday, September 18, 2006




ok. this will b a long long post.
1stly, i wan to clarify smth. to L. nothing in my previous post was toking abt u. i hav nothing against u. so, dun get so upset abt it. I AM NOT TOKING ABT U!!!!!
n bcos of this misunderstanding, i've decided nt to write anything abt the beast-whom-stole-the -emperor's-underwear-n wore-it-like-a-traffic-light anymore.
enuff is enuff.
i will nt waste my blog entry for it anymore.
2ndly, wat i wan to say is dat this is MY BLOG. i hav the freedom to write anything. nt happy, dun read (nt aiming at anyone, juz a general statement).
ok, tok abt my exciting weekend.

went clubbing w jen's gang for her hen's nite on fri. if u r saying "wah, so shiok" then u r wrong.
limpeh haven't warm up, our "hen" doh liao.
ya, then end up 4 of us shared the "waterfall" which was actually for jen.
ta ma de.
drink until may (aka the skyscaper) oso blur blur.
wah lau.
then i went to visit ann in the hospital on sat. apparently, all my frens seemed to b cursed. 2 asthma, another 2 in hospital, 1 w serious migrane. muz go guan yin miao n bai bai.
anyway, i think ann is ok, cos she scolded me "knn" when she saw me appearing beside her bed. haha. power.
then cheryl, HZ n i went bugis to look for mui. end up, mui took half day off. so we had dinner together (mui's treat!!! thanks!!!) at terra cafe. power. we enjoyed so much until we kept laughing. i told cheryl i wan micheal blubble (how to spell???) cd. mui heard it n asked me "huh, who is he? na gen cong? (translated as "which spring onion"). cheryl asked her "shei shi cong?" (who is spring onion) .
wah lau eh. i got a good time laughing lor. super sotong.
HZ n i went to watch "forbbiden city" after the dinner. v powerful performance by the cast, esp kit chan. i love her performance so so much. well done. the music n arrangement is nice too!!! by dick (lee)!!!
so touching.
go n watch it. worth all ur money.
one of the song i like alot. by kit chan. it makes me think so much over the weekend.
shd we look at things as it is? or shd we dig deeper to noe more abt the person? will we give chance?
apparently, if ci xi was evil n selfish, she wun let guang xu make those changes to china. too risky. during those days, she had to b ruthless in order to survive in the palace.
was it wrong?
will we b as ruthless if we were in her shoes? they dun hav a choice in that era.
that made me think of another impt person in chinese history. qin shi huang.
wout him, we will nt hav chinese characters (han zi). wout him, we will still b babaric. wout him, china will nt b untied.
ruthless? maybe.
but they dun hav a choice.
i'm sure they still love the ppl around them. i'm sure they still hav emotions.
i'm sure.
ok. the song by kit.

Why Dream Of Love
Is this what eyes were never meant to see
The end of hope and all it meant to me
How can I find the strength to carry on another day
Without my pride there's nothing left to say
Is this the way may life was meant to be?
Too late for me to say that I was wrong
Perhaps the weak believe that they are strong
I thought that if I tried I'd find a way to earn their trust
Yet all I've known and loved has tuend to dust
It seems there was no way I could belong
The fire that birns within your heart
The pain that tears your life apart
The rain that falls from the broken skies
The love I lost beneath the lies
And must I face the truth alone?
Is this the end of all I've known?
The years I gave, the tears I cried
Why dream of love, when love has died?
I know one day the story will be told
And in the end the secrets will be told
And will they look at me and say I should have known the end
Perhaps I did but why should I pretend?
I only dreamt of love and growing old
The fire that burns within your heart
The pain that tears your life apart
The rain that falls from the broken skies
The love I lost beneath the lies
And must I face the truth alone?
Is this the end of all I've known?
The years I gave, the tears I cried
Why dream of love, when love has died......
we all choose to believe what we want to believe, which might nt necessarily b the truth.
learn to accept the truth.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Totally insane

ok, i've deleted the last post .
if u r wondering y, i'm nt going to tell.
i slept at 5am this morning, n had juz woke up. jen's hen's nite. totally insane.
will blog more later.
will b going down to hospital to visit ann later.
having a swollen eyes nw......
machiam powerpuff girls.

Friday, September 15, 2006



Thursday, September 14, 2006

R u ready to die?

先别说 先别说
拥抱着 拥抱着
多年后 多年后
可能你 可能我

a song by jiang mei qi. one of my fav. esp the last two phrases above.
we r at diff corners of the world, but the same gust of wind just came by.

i read this article on "Today", toking abt death.
r we ready to die? r u afraid? wat will u do if i tell u dat u r dying soon?
would u wan to die w integrity?
will u choose to die in pain (but longer life) or will u wan to make the choice to die when u can (ask the doc nt to treat u anymore)?
difficult choice.
i wun dare to sign the AMD (advanced medical directive) either. hw the hell will i noe whether i still wan to fight or nt? if my partner is still alive (provided i hav one) then, of cos i will wan to fight on for my life. but if my partner is gone (or i'm juz alone in the world), of cos i wan to leave asap.
so, how to sign the AMD?
simply no guts.
ask me when i'm dying. maybe i will tell u.
that is provided i die of illness. if it is due to accident, then not much choice.
ok, y shd i tok abt death early in the morning?
1stly, i'm nt THAT young anymore. reaching the big 3 soon.
2ndly, i had a very very traumatic nitemare last nite. i still feel sad n having a headache now. dun ask me wat dream. i'm nt telling u.
ok, dats it.
i'm nt ready to die.
dun let me die now.
treasure life while u can. u will nv noe when it will b taken away from u.
love all around u. ur parents, frens, colleagues.....those whom r impt to u.
for those whom r reading this, i love u all.
except non-humans of cos. he simply pissed me off everytime i c him.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fed up

ok. dats it. i am nt going to organise ANYTHING in the future. esp if it concerns money issue.
so many buay zi dong ppl around. some more if one of them is your good fren.
no more. i'm doing this oni bcos of my xiao mei.
if nt, i wun even bother.
stop bothering me in the future. u wan to come come. dun wan then i oso dun wan to c u.
makes no diff to me.

anyway, wanted to share these w all of u.
damn funny. i laugh like mad when i heard these.
make sure u play it till the end. the NG part is the best.
click on the podcast.

I've changed my mind.....

ok, i used to go gaga over BMW Z4 and lambo. however, i think it will nt b possible for my to drive a lambo this poor life. so, i'm changing my fav car into smth more practical.

ta da.....mercedes SL roadster. hahaha.practical or nt? case u nv c properly, here's a few more.....

power hor.....

dun tell me to stop dreaming.

i wan to make it possible.

hee hee.


i tell u, i gana aim last nite. thanks to the beast/ghost in my class.

he was standing near my seat after break, asking L abt smth. then, in order nt to stand close to him,i stood at my table for a while. this was when JY past by me. he wanted to "siam" the beast, n stepped on me accidentally. then i was telling him jokingly "eh, nv say sorry ah?".....guess wat he say.


hahaha....if u r clever enuff, u shd noe whom he was refering to (of cos nt me hor, i v skinny one......well, compared to the beast la) n to make sure the beast heard him, i purposely say out loud "aiyo, i gana scolded leh, BIG SIZE MORON....."

i think he noe la. cos the whole class was laughing.

however, to maintain my reputation n intergrity, i demanded an apology from JY. he laugh out loud n say "pai seh ah".

nvm, i feel shiok when u scold him....hahaha....but gana used as a "tool" nt v "song" lor.

dun do it again ah.....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Die die oso muz share

ok. i'm not crazy to hav 3 post a day.
but this is so good.
i hav to share.
the ending theme song of "bleach" (jap animation)

I want hard gay

wah biang. i nearly had a heart attack when isaw this.
someone buy it for me.

i wan HARD GAY!!!!


buy for me.


at wheelock plc.


Food again

i tell u, i'm losing patience w myself already.
i had a "foody" dream again last nite. wth.
i dreamt dat i was having noodles. 3 types together, mind u. instant noodles, mee pok, mee kia all cooked together in my fav wanton mee style (the one i've eaten for more than 20yrs).
c, i'm so hungry in my dreams.
anyway, regarding my last post, i've recieved mixed reviews. some like it, some dun. the one whom dun like it commented that she dun understand wat i'm writing.
kns la.
use ur imagination. haha
then she told me "u ask me to comment, then u ask me to go imagine." hahaha.....well, maybe it really take the comments seriously.
i wan to b a famous writer mah. (i noe, dun puke) i've been writing stories, poems (chinese one hor) n lyrics over the years. i told HZ b4 that i wanted to print all out n make a book out of it. my own book. but we nv do it la.
nvm, i'll bind it myself, then i'll sit in the tunnel at orchard mrt stn, nxt to the uncle whom play the keyboard. then i will beg everyone whom pass by to take a look at my "book".
bah. rubbish. haha.
i'm having illusions.

他抵了件厚厚的棉袄给她,说:“天气冷,把它穿上吧。” 她默默地底下头,“嗯”了一声,把棉袄接了过去。外头正下着雪,刺骨的北风在这时吹了进来。他看见她颤抖了一下,便握紧她的手,道:“要好好照顾自己,如果他对你不好......”他顿了一会儿,然后轻声的在她耳边说:“我会一直在这里......不要把我给忘了......”说到这儿,他的眼泪不禁地流下。他把她紧紧地拥进怀里,因不想让她看见他的泪水。可是他却没发现,她也在偷偷地流着泪。

给你一碗桂花酿 碗底全是碎花瓣 甜的那么淡
心是多么伤 满脸是泪的我 你看也不看
为了和你好聚好散 不敢说出多悲伤
你的心已淡 我的情未断 怎能相信我们 还来日方长
从此不再为你想 怕你又是我的方向
永远都为你心乱 心乱
如果你真的可以忘 不再说该谁欠谁还
相不相爱都无关 无关

ps: HZ nv laugh it off. i was wrong. wrong info. sorry ah.......

Monday, September 11, 2006




this is a song by jay. but i wrote the top part myself.
dats wat i felt abt the song.
nice or nt?
comment pls.

Enjoyable weekend, but......

very fun weekend. i had a good time laughing. until i hav 6 pacs liao.
well, almost.
we celebrated elmo n jen's bday on sat evening in the korean rest in far east. food was nice, but quite ex though. there was a confusion when the food was served (as in diff sets hav diff dishes). end up, we shared the time the rice (which is the MAIN course) was served, i'm full liao. i oni ate a mouthful of rice n i was damn full already. so u can imagine hw much appetisers we had b4 dat ( n oso i think the rice is abit too sweet for me).
after dinner, there were tons of jokes by our dear sharon n weihua. they cant stop suaning each other la.....laugh until limpeh ham bin at nite. hahaha......
yesterday was fun too. i had my best pool session of my life. so funny.
HZ n i went grandlink for a pool session after we had smelly beancurd across the street. n guess wat.
we played for 3 hrs.
total 9 games, limpeh lost 7.
nt to mention dat HZ (aka seh wang) was my disciple.
throw face la.
i kept hitting the white ball in after my 1st shot lor. until i cant tahan myself. i'd lied to myself, calling dat 旗开得胜 la, but apparently, it was nt la. kept losing.
then HZ told me that there might b smth wrong w the cue (after 5 losses). so i went to change one.
ta da.....i won the nxt game.
i noe she purposely one rite. win already shiok shiok then tell me.
but she was the MVP eventually la. cos her incidence of the white ball going in was like 80% of the time.
so bloody funny.
we were so high after each game (laughing non stop, machiam drunk) that we've decided to shout "huat ah!!!" after the white ball go in everytime.
machiam xiao lang geng.
now i noe y there were no one beside us despite that there were empty tables around us.
they muz hav tot that we r mad.
so fun.
but, i didn't sleep well last nite.
i'm having a very bad back ache.
it will rain soon. these few dyas i'm sure. n a v heavy one.
so pain......
sigh. lao lang is like dat one la.
dun laugh.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wats wrong????

心跳的声音 像舞动奇迹
你那麼冷静 忽远又忽近
原来为爱流的眼泪 也是种甜蜜滋味
是你让我了解自己 可以为爱那麼坚定
不管你做任何决定 究竟爱我还是逃避

when will i have the chance to hear someone say these to me.
most prob nt in this life bah.
anyway, nt in good mood today. i realise smth really annoying.
we tend to hav the "need" to spend more money when we r broke.
i need to buy a pair of pants (refer to the previous post). badly.
i need to go fix my vcr. i broke it last weekend, while trying to fix it. broke the spring inside. even my dad shook his head when he saw the crippled metal.
sigh. so suay.
tons of ppl going to resign from here soon. wonder y the company still can function. there is absolutely no loyalty here. zero. everyone was juz waiting to get paid n the yr end bonus.
lousy company. full of stupid management ppl whom oni noes how to make noise n ask us to key reports, going for stupid courses.
waste of time.
n while the works had finally started for my burnt kitchen, the noise n smell is driving me crazy. i'm having a v bad headache now. can't they juz stop banging n drilling?????
wat a grouchy post.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The beast is at it again!!!!

if u feel bored recently, let me entertain u w a story.
the below story is based on TRUE (n i mean true) events of life.however, the names had been changed to protect the identities of the victims.
dun ask me who. u shd noe.
here goes.

long long time ago (nt so long la), earth was juz a huge piece of land. as there were no boundaries around, there were numerous wars between humans and beasts, fighting for the control of land. eventually, the human race won the war as they were smarter (u bet), n oso more good looking (of cos la) than the beasts. bcos of the long war, the beasts were near extinct, except for one. however, humans tot that one beast won't do any harm to their race, so they choose to ignore its existence n get on w life.
the beast was left alone.
maybe it was due to the loneliness that sets in, the beast started to hav illusions n delusion. it tot that it is the most good looking creature on earth, w mighty powers n powerful resources (note, this is delusion). so nt long after the war, the beast strikes again.
it proceeded by be-friending the princess (part of delusion too, it was actually an old woman) of the human race, tried to get close to her.the old woman was lonely too, so she accepted it as her fren. the beast eventually fell in love w the old woman, thinking dat she loves him too. however, we all noe that it is nt true. the old woman was juz loney.
one fine day, the old woman's husband came bk from a long long excursion (dun ask me what. juz part of the story) n found the beast in his hse. pissed, the old man shooed the beast out of his hse, turned around, n killed the old woman.
the beast was devastated. he vowed to revenge.
the old man did a good job by chasing the beast out of the hse, so as appreciation, the king invited the old man for a dinner session at the palace M (dun ask me y M. ur IQ shd b high enuff to noe).
dinner was fantastic, n the old man enjoyed alot. the royalties were v friendly n nice to the old man. the old man was happy. after dinner, the royalties brought the old man to the backyard for a chat. they were chatting by the river happily, when they saw the beast approaching. the beast saw the old man so happy (broken english, but hack), it buay song. so, it jumped onto the old man n started to roar at him (y roar oni la, bo ji). the old man shouted back. after a raoring war, the beast released the old man n ran away.
as it ran, a script fell out from the pocket (yes, it still wear clothes. civilised world, mind u) of his pants.
one of the scholar from the palace was an expert in beast-teo-logy, so he translated the script into english for ur better understanding.
info of the script is as below:

Regards to what pple say perhaps they r jealous. That all. I dun give a damn to them. Y cared about how pple look at me??? In life, I know that I am a step ahead of them. Have a farm (aka career), bull-cart (aka car) and powerful martial arts (aka degree) in the coming next year
(oh, so mighty huh? but y u still lost the war to humans? obviously, u need to re-look into ur assests and the std of ur evaluation.)

Perhaps, in life, understanding, forgiving and empathy will make the world a better place.
(huh? who is the one whom jumped onto the old man n roared at him?)

So talkative last time now become so quiet
(u v quiet now meh? always ask stupid questions n act smart.)

Pls be a man; a real man
(u r nt even one. shouting at ppl openly doesn't make u one either)

Show me that you are a man; a real man; not a man holding your pants like an ant
(aiyo, y u like ant so much? tell u already, u r nt even one. anyway, y muz show u? u wan to c penis ah?)

end of story. a bit boring though. but mind u, it it a true story.
the world is juz full of bad losers n morons.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


十四岁的陈冠铮在8月31日遇到车祸,在昨天凌晨2点30分去世了。如果大家有观看昨晚U频道播出的一个节目(忘了叫什么),你会知道,他就是那个刚刚做完骨髓移植,回到校园的癌症斗士。他十二岁患上了血癌, 却没放弃生命。在节目上,他说:“十二岁就死了,太早了吧。我还有很多事没做。我要好好念书,然后上大学。”
god bless.


War of my life

last nite was the turning point of my life.
anybody reading this pls give me compliments n encouragement. no sneering pls.
i nv noe i will do it in my life.
i nv noe.
ok, here is the incident.

i was half asleep at 12.10am this morning, my sis was doing some stuff for her bf on her bed.then, i heard a scream from my sis. shocked, i woke up immediately. she was jumping out of her bed, hiding behind me as i stood up. then she started crying hysterically. then, she told me.
"there was a lizard on my bed."
ppl whom noe me long enuff shd noe that i really really hav this phobia of lizards. big, small, any color, any designs (yuck!!!). i will die when i c one near me.
there my sis was, hiding behind me (while pushing me infront to die la), crying until she's going to faint.
my god.
this is traumatic.
i shooed her into the living room, while i went to my parent's room to ask for help.
my mum woke up reluctantly, went into the room. apparently, the lizard hid when she's there. she even fliped my sis's mattress. not there.
my mum was so pissed, kept scolding my sis, saying that she saw the wrong thing. then she went bk to the room, warned me "u better dun wake me up again"
my sis was still crying in the living room at this time.
suddenly, i hav a hunch. i think it muz b there.
fed up, i fliped my own mattress too, pillows, bolster.....
not there.
then, i looked at the pile of notes i hav on the floor. i pulled all out one by one.
it came running out from one of the files.
can u imagine hw close i was w it.
it crawled out frantically towards the door, hid under my Mayday's score/book.
i stepped hard on it (the book la). the lizard ran out.then.....
it crawled towards the wardrobe.
xiao ah!!!! i cant imagine wat will happen if it did. eventually i will hav to take out all the clothes to hunt for it.....
i will nt let it happen
in the nick of time, i picked up a copy of newpaper n whacked hard on it. 3 times.
guess wat.
i killed it.
my god.
in the process of killing, i was roaring w fear + excitement, as a result, i woke my parents up (again, this time, both of them came out). my mum was furious. however, when she saw me shaking on my sis's bed, announcing to her dat i've killed the lizard (yes, she was SO suprised), she sort of cooled down a little bit. she even helped me to clear the "dead body" away. when she did that, i asked her "r u sure it is dead?".
she said " ya lah, u wan to c or nt" (walking to me, showing me the "body").
"NO, NO!!!! I BELIEVE U!!!!!" (me still shaking).
dats it.
my experience w the lizard.
i will do a spring cleaning this weekend.
after all the commotion, my sis was led into the room again.
apparently, she was tired from the all the crying that she fell asleep within 20 mins.
snore some more.
adrenaline + cortisol level to the max, i stared into blank space until this morning.
so much for being a hero for killing the pest.
so shack now.
say i'm mighty.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I need good food

ok, i need good food.
i think i gana deprive. i dreamt of eating abalone (machiam the size of my hand) last nite.
i muz stop dreaming of food.
who's going to give me a treat?

if the above cannot, brunch oso can.
at the greenhouse, ritz carlton.


suddenly i realised. i've forgotten how oysters taste like!!!!!


Monday, September 04, 2006


手里抱著一个老式皮箱, 游目张望,似乎在期待什么。
只是不安的眼神,端整的打扮, 好象在等待著某一位约好的人。
一直到深夜落雨,一直到凌晨一点, 妇人才站起来,走到候车室的黑板前,
后来车站的老人告诉他, 妇人已经在候车室坐了二十几年了。
有人说她疯了;有人说曾看见她打开皮箱, 箱里装的是少女时代的衣服;
问了车站许多人都不知道为什么, 这风雨无阻的妇人,那一天没有来。
第二天清晨,英残缺的身体被发现在铁道上, 皮箱滚到很远的地方。


I've written a story 6 yrs ago based on the above.......interested party pls take it from me. hahaha

machiam popular writer.

Baring my all

i think ppl around me dun like me at all.
after the traumatic "pool uncle" experience, smth worse happened.
i bared my arse to all the ppl at my work place for a day last week.
there was a hole on my pants (at the butt area), n didn't c it.i happily wore it to work n oni realised it after i reached home. strictly speaking, i showed my arse to the ppl on the streets as well.
power rite.
from the incident, i there r 2 conclusions:

1) I have a very very attractive/nice arse. irresitable.
2) the ppl dun like me + my arse is irresitable.

I would wan to believe that it is due to the 1st reason.
bah. wth.
btw, i look like a lobster now. gana sun burn (again) yesterday .
so dun touch me when u c me in the streets.
juz tell me that i hav a nice arse.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Like dat oso can again?

damn it. the i juz finished typing then gana bounced out.
anyway, HZ told me that her colleagues found xiao qiang's legs in their bee tai mak soup yesterday. yuck. can u imagine. the worse thing of all is that they found the legs oni after they had finished eating.....puke.....luckily it's nt HZ whom found it. but come to think of it, no diff. cos they shd come from the same soup base and the same batch of bee tai mak.....eeeeee......(i can feel HZ staring at me now).
toking abt food, i hav been dreaming abt food lately. for the past few weeks, i've been eating alot in my dreams. y huh? gana deproved when i'm awake?
i decide to investigate.

guess what?

To see food in your dream, represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. The different types of food can symbolize a wide range of things. Generally, fruit is symbolic of sensuality. Frozen foods may imply your cold emotions and frigid ways. Eating certain foods refers to qualities that you need to incorporate within your own self.
To dream that you are eating with others, denotes prosperous undertakings, personal gain, and joyous spirits.
To dream that you are overeating or not eating enough, signifies your need and lack of spirituality and fulfillment in your waking life. Food can represent love, friendship, ambition, sex or pleasure in your life. Thus, food is seen as a metaphor to fulfill and gratify our hunger of love and desires.
To dream that someone clears away the food before you finish eating, foretells that you will have problems and issues from those beneath your or dependant upon you.

i dun feel it dat way leh......

i tell u, i seriously think that i hav a weird family.
my bro was telling me this last nite.

bro:" eh, i think i hav prob"
me:" is it? ur menses come ah?" (still focusing on the tv show, nv look at him)
bro:" tsk, no la"
me:" then?"
bro:" my here pain for few days liao" (he moves his hand to his right lower abs, then moving it to his lower back)
me:" huh? aiya, u got spasm la" (eh, familiar leh)
bro:" is it?" (looked at me doubtfully)
me:" ah then? u think u hav kidney failure meh?"
bro: (* smiles sheepishly at me)
me:" xiao ah u. kidney failure wun feel pain one la"
bro:" is it? then kidney will hav spasm meh?"
me:" wah lan eh. i mean ur muscles la. xiao ah u" (ignores him, conitnue watching tv)
after 5 mins.
bro:" wei wo dian zhan deng jiang shi jie zhao liang...." (starts singing the NKF song, waving his hands around)
me:" huh? u xiao ah?"
bro:" i tot i hav kidney failure mah"
wah lau eh.
y my siblings all like dat one. wan to ask me then dun believe dr. phua.
i think it is in the genes.
it muz b.
like dat oso can.