Sunday, April 01, 2007

Overdue BBQ pix/What I did over the weekend

ok, i finally have the time to load my pix from my
here is the overdue pictionary of the BBQ i had during vday.
w a group of funny chicks.

me, starting the fire (as usual)

my darling sis n her frens, AL n Yvt

i'm good. i noe.

the food!!!! the chix wings was yummy.....

chef at work

my darling was enjoying the prawn i cooked in beer.

then we saw smth v phenominal (spelling?) the crab was staring at us fiercely n oso, it was like puking. no kidding. look.

the puking crab.

went club street for dinner on fri, to pre-celebrate HZ's bday. she choose the restaurant randomly from a makan book. she tot it was casual french dining.

noticed the "stiffness"? she was overwhelmed by the ambience of the restaurant. who the hell say it was casual?????

anyway, we proceeded w ordering of our food.

escargots in claypot!!!!

my fav foie gras!!!! i will die for it.

HZ's main course. pan fried duck breast w raseberry sauce. yum.

obviously, she's happy w her choice.

my duck confit.

HZ'z dessert. warm choc cake. we tot dat the choc fudge is going to flow out when we cut the cake, so i wanted her to cut n take a pix. end up, dun hav. dat explains y the cake looked so mutated.

if u wan to noe hw the food taste like, i can tell u, its damn disappointing.

the foie gras was overcooked, everything was so salty, my cream brulee was damn bloody sweet......n HZ spilled some red wine on my white shirt. yaya, she dun mean it, but like hw bad can it be man? money nt well spent.

the oni thing nice was her pan fried duck breast. no, i'm nt going to tell u the name of the plc here. if u wan to noe, ask me privately. i'll tell u then.

we went vivo after dat to catch a movie. end up, there was nothing there which interest me. so we went st james!!!!

HZ n me looking sleepy after the meal.

the lychee martinee gal. we spent alot of time discussing "hw to hold the glass nicely"

nt bad la.

dat sums up our friday.

went for ukelele's concert on sat. but well, i dun think she's too excited abt it. nevertheless, it was a v v fantastic concert.

i noe la, i looked like hell in the last pix.

no choice la, too tired.

the concert was great. i had tears swelling in my eyes when i heard a few songs. will tok abt the songs in my nxt post. meanwhile, i'm going to gt smth to makan. its 11 am, n my bfast is nt here yet.

shall go n hav some juice 1st.


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