Friday, April 20, 2007

The story of R

hw things hav changed!!!
i was jus going thru some "celebrity" blog, n wat a shock i gt.
i saw one of my sec sch mate's pix in the blog.
i rem those days whereby we went to the kallang stadium together to catch the matches for the M league.
n i suddenly realised dat it was like 12-13 yrs ago.
my fren looked more or less the same (dats y i rem her), the oni diff is, ya, we all look older nw.
she look like a typical OL.
my god.
alot of things came rite up to me after i saw the pix.
hw i missed those days.
n i suddenly rem 1 pax.

i had a liking for R for abt 3yrs. its juz dat i nv shw it due to the fact that 1) i wasnt sure of my "direction" then, 2) there was a boy in my class whom likes her.
well, she was close to me though.
we spent alot of time together, having tution together, went to soccer matches, hang out near her hse, went movies, ate at our fav coffee shop.......we even went bishan park n played soccer together!!!!
hw to find this kind of chick?
to add to her credit, she has the splitting image of HK actress, zhu yin (aka paul's girlfren nw).
hw's dat?
i gt good taste one.
n oso, i love the fact that (i noe, abit pervert) she really smell sweet when she's around u.
she really smell so so nice.
musky n feminine.
i can still rem the smell till nw.

ppl in my class kept gossiping abt us (cos we're really v close).
the gossip gt worse when she rejected that guy whom has been wooing her since sec 1 (for 4 yrs). it doesnt help when dat guy looks like tommy su, whom is R's idol.
i love her presence around me. n i'm sure she felt the same (cos she told me b4).
but well, things change after Y came into the pix.
apparently, Y was holding a torch for me (yes, i may look ugly, but well, there r always blind ppl around), n R knows it. when she told me dat Y liked me, i brushed it off. R was so pissed then, cos i did nt take her words seriously.
Y was a problemetic child (she still is, judging from the sms she sent me last mth), w a perverted father, n a grouchy mother plus a rebellious sis. the father always abuses her, leaving her w nasty bruises. she will always come to me n tell me her stories, sobbing her eyes out, looking for comfort.
well, as a good fren, i've always lend a listening ear, n offer whatever help i can. n yes, i did spend alot of time w her, neglecting R.
R was damn pissed then, cos Y did nt wan to share those personal stuff w her. n the most impt thing is, Y had a really nasty attitute (nt towards me though) towards "outsiders". i guess it was her way to protect herself from the so call "bad ppl".
R was cold towards Y, but still close to me.
then things happen.
Y's attutitue gt her into big trouble w one of our sch ah lian, whom coincidentally, was a good fren of R.
so sparks flew. ppl starts to take sides. n suddenly, some of my gd frens, including R, went to the other side, accusing Y for nt respecting ppl. (someone told me its bcos i really neglected some of my pals after i noe Y).
given my stubborn nature, i started to go all out for Y. n my plot works. i gt the whole class behind me, n one of my buddy from npcc (she is the da jie of XXX gang) vowed to b on my side.
so, the confrontation ended in a real ugly manner, w most of us in the conference rm, warned by the discipline master.
well, it was oso after the incident, i gt together w Y. dun ask me y. i oso duno the reason behind this mistake.
the incident ended, but the hatred between those two didnt.
R will "shoot" Y whenever she had the chance, n Y too did nt give up any chance to b sacarstic as well.
however, R was still close to me.
she still tok to me, went socer match w me.
we will still hug each other when spore scored goals, when we feel really down......
but we lose touch after our 'o' levels.
n i heard from a sec sch fren that R is really angry w me, n told her dat she hates me to core.
R oso said dat she do nt wan to c me again.
dats y i didnt call out for her when i saw her at Mr Bean last yr.
guess i really hurt her so much then.
anyway, i heard that she's getting married pretty soon w a secondary sch teacher.
good for her.
at least, there will b someone whom will take gd care of her. n nt hurt her, like i used to.
insensitive idiot.
as much as i've regretted it, i really want to wish her well.
i will c her in my dreams then.

toking abt dreams, i was in a pretty joyous mood today.
yes, its friday.
but the main reason is...............
i dreamt of Hebe!!!!!
n we r good frens in my dream.
yes, oni in my dreams.
n i'm happy abt that.

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