Friday, April 27, 2007

My fav hawker food

i wanted to do this long time ago.
since its friday, i will do it nw.
my fav hawker food.

10)Soon Kueh

this is sort of my new love. esp those from bedok.
u hav to pan-fry the soon kueh for a while, then eat it hot w the sweet sauce n lots of chilli sauce.

9)Indian Rojak/Rojak

my dad used to buy it alot. i love the fish cake n the crispy stuff (duno wat the hell it is). the best thing is of cos the prawn craker. i will eat it w lots of green chilli. spicy. beer anyone?

rojak is oso my fav. i love the turnip n pineapple. v appetising.

8)Poh Piah

i love it w lots of chilli (again). i would prefer it wout tau gay though. but well, it still taste nice w the tau gay anyway. love the egg in it. the best i've eaten is from serangoon.

7)Tau Huay

my all time fav dessert. i love it warm w some peanut dumplings (tang yuan) in it. the best is from F&B (or smth like dat).
smooth, silky, soft w dumpling's peanut filling oozing out of the dumpling when u bite it. need i say more?

6)Carrot Cake (White)

i oni love the white version of it. then u can taste the "originality" of the dish.
of cos, lots n lots of chilli is required. so far i liked the one in AMK mkt. the best i've ever eaten.

5)Chwee Kueh

bedok chwee kueh is the best. the cai por is nt salty (abit of sweetness), n the chilli is full blast wout being too oily. used to eat it almost daily in my poly days. simply love it.

4)Roasted Duck Rice

drumstick is the best for this. w the chilli, i can eat 2 bowls of rice. the crispy duck skin w the juicy meat is definitely the best combination w the rice. it will b perfect if there is a bowl of watercress soup to go w the meal.

3)Ba Chor Mee

there r 2 versions i liked.
the dry one taste best w lots of vinegar n chilli. so far the one i ate in yishun (near interchange) is one of the better ones.
the soup version of ba chor mee is best at bedok north. i can eat 2 big bowls of it. simple noodles (very Q, sucks the soup) w good soup (natural sweetness),soft ba chor n some red chilli. my all time fav ba chor mee on planet earth.

2)Chicken Rice

i am v particular abt chix rice.
1stly, the rice. it muz nt b hard or soggy or tasteless. the rice have to b well separated w softness n flavour.
2ndly, the chix. personally, i like the white (boiled) chicken. it takes alot of skill to do it well. u hav to retain the juice of the meat, wout overcooking the chix, n oso producing the effect whereby the skin is nt too fatty or oily.
3rdly, the chilli. the chill muz carry n enhance the taste of the chix n rice, wout being too overpowering or sourish.
the best chix rice i've tasted was in my secondary sch days. it was from a stall behind my sch (AMK, blk 422). however, the auntie closed down the stall as no one wants to take over her biz. wat a waste.

the chix there r really tender n juicy, w the thin skin translucent, producing a perfect mouthfeel when u chew it. the rice is cooked juz rite, w the pandan n garlic flavor in every grain of rice. the chilli is oso perfect.

well. too bad.
no more.

and the champion goes to...............

1)Wanton Mee

my number 1 fav will b wanton mee from AMK market.
i've been a customer of that stall for 25 yrs (yes, i ate it since i'm 3yrs old. this will certainly expose my age nw).
i love the noodles (v Q), the chilli (flavorful), the char siew (nt too oily, soft n tender).
i hate wanton mee that r "wet" w seasonings. i preferred dry (n i mean really dry) noodles. this wun affect the texture of the noodles.
n the noodles used here r different from those used by others.

the best part of the noodle is the wanton soup actually. i will ask for a large bowl of soup everytime i order my noodles. i hav nv ever tasted wanton soup this nice in my 20++ yrs of wanton mee hunting.

trust me. its this good.
thats y i'm still a faithful customer after so many yrs. i can eat the noodles everyday n nt feel sick. (ok la, nt really EVERYDAY la)
i hav a sudden urge to eat wanton mee tmr.
any takers?
what is your fav hawker food?

1 comment:

An aspiring taste-berry said...

oh man...STOP reminding me of sg's hawker food...everyone's been talking abt it and it makes me SO wanna fly back and eat ALL the food that I can't concentrate on work! hahah....nah it's not your fault. I'm just being bo-liao here...hehe..