Friday, April 13, 2007

The Royal Battle of the Ji Lengs / Useless family conversation

dats wat i can say.
abt 12am this morning, smth creepy happened in my hse.
no. there r no ghosts.
due to the rain, 2 orange (color) big lizards crawled into my bathroom via the oni window in the toilet.
1 is enuff to scare me out of my wits. n there were 2.
lucky i nv c them when i go pee at 11.59pm.
my sis saw n came into the rm, (i was preparing to sleep) spoke to me in a dead tone.
"eh, did u c anything juz nw?"
i immediately noe she saw lizards.
u c, we hv been traumatised so many times b4, so from the way she asked me, i already noe wats going on.
so ya.
she saw 2.
one frantically crawled out of the window when it saw my sis, while the other one insisted to stay in my warm bathroom.
then i asked my sis " y nt gt this chance to gt rid of them? tell mum la."
my sis say " u tell lor"
smart again.
ppl whom noe my mum well will noe dat she dread doing this kind of "big project" in the middle of the nite, while she's preparing to turn in as well.
jus when i was contemplating whether to go outside to tell her, my mum walked into my rm, asked me to fold my clothes.
immediately, i used my frantic tone n told her "mother, there r 2 VERY BIG ji lengs in the bathroom"
my mum ,in turn, asked me "where"
dat is a sign of approval.
so i told her.
she opened the bathroom door, took baygon w her.
juz as she proceed w the battle, she laughed at me (which is really v abnormal of her), n asked me to close my door.
the oni thing is can deduce from her royal battle is dat the amt of baygon used to kill the JLs r of an atrocious amt.
i kept hearing the baygon go off.
my god.
fierce ah.

as my sis n i were too traumatised, we began to think of the reasons, as in hw in the world the JLs make their way to our bathroom.
the oni explaination is thru the window.
n there is oni one stupid exhibitionist in my family whom likes to open the bathroom window when he/she (yes, he/she) was bathing. he/she claimed dat he/she hav to put the shower gel there.
my brother.
stupid ass.
n he was watching the tv in the living rm while my poor mum battled.
nv help la.
so i told my sis to sms him in the living rm (we dun wan to go out as 1- we were nicely tucked in bed, 2- we dun wan to b caught at the frontline of the battle).
the msg is as below.

"Eh, stop opening de windows in de toilet. u allowed 2 ji lengs in. put (ur things) on the stupid floor nxt tym u bathe. we all put on the floor wan. if (me) saw de window open (nxt time) will throw u down to meet the ji lengs.she is serious.haha dun open de door (to our rm).we slping liao. haha"
*pls note dat those words in the brackets r nt actually in the sms. it is for ur easy understanding*

we still cant sleep after she msg my bro.
then, she told me "eh, the sms remind me of the movie 'meet the robinsons'"

me: ah then
sis: no mah, like dat hor we can make a shw call "meet the ji lengs"
me: ya la, then the whole shw oni consist of a 3 sec scene of me throwing ur bro down, w 2 ji lengs crawling on the floor, then the end liao (n i proceeded to make dat body-crashing-from-a-great-height-machiam-the-aeroplane-crash sound)
sis: (laughing non stop) eh, the shw oni 3 sec ah?
me: ya la then. even the ji lengs hav more scene than ur bro.
sis: no la, then the closing (whereby the screen oni shw the director/actors/producer names, blah blah blah) rite, half n hr. longer than the actual shw.
me: wah lan eh, where gt closing longer than shw one?
sis: gt. "meet the ji lengs" lor.
me: .........
i was laughing like hell at this pt of our conversation. cant gt to sleep after dat. TOO excited (ham bin)
meet the ji lengs.
sponser, anyone?

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