Sunday, April 22, 2007

Crazy weekend

sometimes, things juz cant b anticipated.
2 crazy chicks called me at around 9pm on friday, jio-ing me to go ONS.
i tot it was a joke at first.
then i realised dat they r serious.
xiao char bos.
anyway, i reached clarke quay within an hr.
si beh on rite.
n we club until 2am the nxt day.
pretty early if u ask me. but MQ hav the curfew.
post midnite cinderella.
so tired the nxt day.
went for dinner w HZ at geylang (smelly beancurd....yumyum), followed by a few rounds of "mvp" pool session.
y mvp?
cos we r competing for the highest-record-for-the-white-ball-to-gt-into-the-pocket award.
i didnt win (heng).
still, HZ won most of the games.
every ball juz seemed to go in (including the white one of cos) when she hit them.
ta ma de.
went hm to watch a lousy soccer match, then slept.

still tired from the past few nite's activities, HZ n i met for bafst at taka's coffeebean yesterday.
went for a lousy play at jubilee hall after dat (whereby HZ fell asleep halfway.i cant even fall asleep. yes, its THIS bad).
Went shopping at MS after dinner.
juz when i'm so so so tired, we past by a shop in TPY n saw wat we were looking for, for the past 3 mths.
K(C)onan's vcd!!!!
n guess wat.
i bought all of them.
5 boxes of vcd.
207 episode.
69 pcs of vcd.
i've done a rough calculation, n if i'm nt wrong, it will take me more than 1 yr to finish all the vcds.
happy 2008.
dun believe?

5 parts.
25 bucks each part.
yes, i've spent 125 bucks on vcds.
cartoon some more.
u say la.
mad or nt?

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