Thursday, April 12, 2007

Super tired / confused memories

i'm really damn shacked rite nw.
wah lau eh.
went hm at 1 plus this morning.
simply crazy.
this was the 1st time i sing ktv until i pek chek (sorry for the singlish, but i'm really too tired to think rite nw).
xiao char bos!!!!!

went celebrate cum mini gathering dinner w my mdis peeps.
dinner followed by another neoprint session n ktv.
although all of us sang like devils from hell (v tired, plus my throat is in a mess), we actually sang for 3.5 hrs!!!!!
it was insane.
i'm feeling giddy nw.
too tired.
i will catch some sleep b4 i meet HZ for another round of celebration today.
i looked as if someone had really punched me hard on both my eyes.
super panada + goldfish.
or bak kak

n i hav to meet some of my buds after my piano lesson on friday.
super full "schedule" if u ask me.

anyway, i hav been getting all sorts of confused signals from my pals recently.
affairs of heart, family prob, work stuff, blah blah blah.
u name it, they hav it.
fine, i understand that we all hav probs at diff stages of our life.
the thing is, most of my buds do nt noe wat they wan/hw to handle it.
although i cant help much in their personal probs, it does take a toll on me.
i'm worried for them.
c'mon. i cant simply say its nt my prob rite?
they r my best buddies.
n ppl whom really noe me well shd noe hw i treat my frens.
ok, enuff say.
summary. i'm worried.
stay strong ppl!

due to all the random things that happened over the weeks, my confidence in relationships (family, frens, love....everything) is drained to an all time low.
no, nothing happened to me. i'm fine n happy, thank you v much.
but from wat i've seen over the weeks, it makes me wonder, wat makes a person treasure their loved ones?
i felt sick to noe that most of the r/s n feelings we c does nt equate to wat it really is.
do we really need to act in front of ppl?
y act tough? y fake ur smiles? y lie abt ur feelings?
dun look at me like dat.
i noe too well wat it means.
i got alot of that "confused" eyes recently. so, dun test me.
juz tell me that u dun feel good. juz tell me that u r confused. juz tell me that u r sad. juz tell me that u r disappointed. juz tell me that u really cant forget him.
juz tell me to shut the hell up.
juz tell. i dun wan to guess.
n chances r i'm always (99.999%) right.
freaking hell.

i'm digressing like hell.
forgot wat i really wan to say juz nw.
too tired.
anyway, pt is, dun fake in front of me.
chances r, u wun get away w it.

my dear darlings.
dun worry to ask for help.
i will always be there (although i cant help much).
u noe i will try my best.
u shd noe.

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