Friday, November 24, 2006

Cena Perfetta!!!!

gli aveva una cena perfetta la sera scorsa

had dinner w few of my pals last nite. it was fantastic!!!! we had dinner at prego (the one at cityhall, swisshotel), n i hav to admit dat the food n service improved so so so much dat i really wan to go back there again!!!!definately money well spent (the bill came up to a whopping 60 +++ bucks per pax, luckily M had a 25% discount which shrink the bill to a considerable $45 per pax).
i had a squid ink pasta (finally!!!! hav been wanting to try it since stone age) w saffron sauce n small (i tell u, i consider dat as tiny) lobster. yum yum!!! the pasta taste so divine!!!! i love the "seafood" taste of the pasta. 4 out of 5 points, no pts for the small lobster. too small. other then dat, perfect. i managed to finsh the whole plate, despite of gulping down a "basin" of lobster bisque n a big portion of the salad (w lemon dressing!!!!) b4 the pasta.
the oni thing i can really pick on was the dessert.
i tot the creme brulee was nt warn enuff, n i cant taste any trace of rum in the tiramisu. it was tasty though.
n i ended my meal w a glass of chadonnay (white). fruity note, dry, nt v sweet.
i'm so so so happy now.
so, to make me happy, give me good food.
i'm so going back there again.
who wan to come w me?

looking forward for the match this sunday.
chelsea vs Man U.
sigh, think Man U will lose la.

so i will need good food after the match.
french stall anybody?
i'm craving for foie gras.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

French Stall???!!

Can i? Can I? I wanna haf my chocolate souffle....hehehe. Wait...mayb after our trip