Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Life n Death

i waited for 1/2 hr for a bus in ys dis morning.
wat is happening to the 1st class public transport svs????

recently, e MOH keep educating the ppl abt death, n the acceptance if death. i've mentioned AMD in my previous post b4.
so, do u wan to die w dignity?
i've came across quite a few number of cases whereby old ppl w terminal diseases (eg. last stage of cancer) refusing to go thru chemo or any form of treament for them. to them, dying w dignity is more impt than having a longer life.
quite true in some sense.
but wat if it happens to u, the young ones?
wat if (choy choy choy) ur doc tells u dat u hav cancer now. will u wan chemo, drop all ur hair, feel like shit for a long long time, cant eat this, cant do dat, stay in the bloody hospital day in day out, but hav a longer life?
u sure u wan dat?
or u juz wan to live ur remaining life by doing watever u wan, enjoy the time u hav w ur family, frens n loved ones, wout burning a hole in your (n their) pocket?
u choose.
i dun wan to choose. sorry, but i really duno wat i wan in the future. hw can i make decision for the future me? later i regret how?
so, too bad. no AMD for me.

after toking abt death, lets tok abt birth.
yes, children, dat is.
i was watching a variety show one evening on ch 49, where 2 groups of artists argue abt the pros n cons of having children. interesting.
one v good point though.
u hav to worry for the rest of ur life if u hav a daughter. worried abt the usual stuff when she's young, then, worry abt her having a boyfren (will get pregnant or nt), worry whether she will marry a good husband, worry abt whether she noes how to take care of her kids or nt.....
wah lau. where got time for myself?
mad ah?
some more i'm a damn possessive parent. i will certainly freak out if my daugther tells me these.

D: can i hav a boyfriend?
me: cannot
D: i hav one liao
me: what!!!!!! who the hell?
n i will proceed to the boy's hse n castrate him

D: i'm getting married
me: no way.
D: but i really love him
me: cannot!!!!!! (shouting on top of my voice) now ask him to F off!!!!
D: but but.....(sobbing)
me: .......
D: .......
me: still cannot.

hello, limpeh invest all my love n money in u for ur life n u tell me u r leaving me for another man???
no way!!!

ok, i sound like a pervert, don't i?
well, juz to prove the point that i cant hav kids.
maybe i shd get myself a dog.
a male one.

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