Tuesday, February 27, 2007

To let go or not?

one of my pals asked for my advice on her relationship issue w her bf.(u noe who u r)
well, darling i cant make the decision for u, no matter hw u ask.
the ball is in ur court now. hw u wan to play it, its all up to u.
as i've always said, the choice is urs.
of cos, its easier said than done.
been there, done that.

it makes me think (after seeing ppl's problems), is it really to difficult to let go?
after knowing wat happened to J n F (which makes me really upset), i began to think abt it. n the conclusion is, consequences r hard to bear, whether u like it or nt. but since u've already decided, no point looking back.
who ask u dun treasure when u hav(broken english, but hack).
juz let it go.
dun sit on the prob n pretend that its nt there.
do something for urself. make urself happy. this is the oni thing u can do, isnt it.


quote a some words from the lyrics of a kelvin tan's song.

or ah mei's song

juz let it go, babe.

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