Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Busy weekend

it was the most exciting weekend i've ever had for the past few mths.
went to st james w some of my pals on friday.
super crowded.
we were literally kissing other ppl's shoulders when we were in the dancefloor. the freaking part is, we were surrounded by ang mo guys.
i mean, hw disgusting (for me) can it get.
music in movida is good, n the band was superb, but it was really too crowded. so, we went dragonfly.
i tell u, i think i'm really cursed, in terms of clubbing.
who the hell will encounter wat i've went thru?
u c, juz when we stepped into dragonfly, the live band was performing "kiss goodbye" on stage. i turned to one of the babes n asked her "like dat hw to dance?". she asked me to wait.
ok ah, u say wait ah.
so i waited lor.
guess wat the next song is.
i'll give u time.
cantonese song.
ok, no takers.
the song is.......
"long ban (ta ta ta), long lau (ta ta ta)......"
shanghai tan1.
i nearly fell to the ground when i saw the lead singer w cheongsam n a group of bloody jokers act on stage (w the shanghai tan outfit n story line la. apparently, this gal went overseas, then duno wat happen, the gangster shoot her boyfren dead. i didn't get the story cos i was busy laughing).
classic rite.
yes yes, i did get my dose Beyond's songs.
but no, i'm nt impress at all. nt even abit lor.
i'm nt an expert or anything like dat, but i do hav expectations for a band w such a privilege to perform in a reputable club, in front of tons of ppl.
i am utterly disappointed by wat i heard.
the singers r ok. i hav no issue on them.
but the band.....sigh.
no synchronization, no teamwork, wrong lyrics, wrong note played,glaring mistakes.....
i mean, u shd b more professional.
the bass was blaring away, covering the lead guitar, w the lead guitarist (maybe too nervous) playing wrong notes (i muz say he is good though), the unbearable feedback from the keyboard n guitars, forcing the singers to scream their way thru the songs..............
it was simply noise. nt music.
loud = good?
does nt work for me though.
too bad.
i will nv go there again.
no way.
too disappointed.
wat? i heard someone say "u so good come n play urself"
i pay = i hav the right to criticise,so f off.

movida maybe, but definately nt dragonfly.
we went back after a mcd bfast at 8am.
i slept for 2 hrs, woke up at 10am.

w a splitting headache, did some preparations for S's wedding.

fast forward to sunday.
S's banquet.
doubled up as a receptionist w HZ.
it sucked big time.
apparently, we dun even hav a proper guest list to start w (someone down the line of responsibility cocked up). n when it finally came, we hav no say either. cos we duno the ppl form the groom's side (which is like 80% of the guests), we were left stranded the the reception table. luckily, S's sis was there. i was so desperate for her presence.
as for the other side, to hell i care. i will juz take care of S's family n frens.
the other side wan to "kay kao" , by all means, do all themselves. i cant b bothered if all ur so called relatives forms a long Q outside the restaurant.
the food for the banquet was superb!!!!
i love the steamed fish. super fresh n nicely done.
the oni thing i dun like is the noodle. i wan my ee mee.

we went hm at around 11 plus, n watched the Man U match until 2am.
i simply cant miss Man U's match.
n luckily i didn't.
they did a "john terry as a goalie" stunt.
u c, van de sar was injured in the ending minutes of the game. until then,fergie had already made 3 sub. dat means, no more sub can b done, n they hav to make do w the players on the field.
so, wat match is complete wout a goalie?
in the end, john oshea was asked to double up as a goalie.
u can suddenly c all the Man U player at their end of the field, defending their goal like nobody's biz.
i love it.
Man U rocks.

we slept at 2 plus, woke up at 5am.
dress up, n turned up at the hotel w a panda face n eyes.
the day ended w alot of travelling, pushing, squeezing, bargaining, eating, shouting, etc.
nt forgetting some vulgarities from the fucking ang mo in the hotel. i dun wan to even mention it.
anyway, i came up w a few conclusions:

1) Being rich is good.
2) Rich ppl will certainly hav spoilt kids.
3) Respect is a word dat cannot b found in a snobbish rich family
4) Rich ppl = incompetent + take for granted ppl

pls note that pt no. 2,3,4 does nt apply to the bride's family.
is it obvious who i'm toking abt????
but i'm sure the ppl whom noe those ppl agree to wat i say.
enuff already. i dun wan to start a verbal diarrhea again.

me n my gang had totally worked ourselves to the max for the weekend.
but no one is complaining. we simply felt the bond there.
juz as GZ was telling me, "we had known each other for more than 10 yrs liao, n we noe each other inside out. wats there to kay kao on?"
u guys are the best pals i've ever had.

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