Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mood for love

ok. its the time of the yr again.
valentine's day.
whether u love it or hate it, u will c clubs of the females species w smth in their hands by the name of "flowers".
wat more?
restaurant charging exorbitant prices for normal food, hotels w packages to lure ppl to spend tremendous amt of money.......mind u, the most ex package i saw cost a whopping US$6000 per couple.
no kidding.
worth or nt? u decide.

anyway, i wanted to do this for quite some time, here it is.
my contribution to the big V day.
Top 10 romantic hits (mandopop only. wat do u think i will put?)

10) <<爱很简单>> ~陶吉吉
i'm sure this is a long time fav for many out there.
so y no. 10?
simply bcos its too 泛滥 already.
good song though.

9) Forever Love ~王力宏
a "sure win" song. reason for it being in no. 9 is the same as the above song.
too intoxicated.

8)<<心型圈>> ~ 蔡依林
not many ppl noticed this song by jolin. it is a v sweet song. good music n lyrics.

7) <<无条件为你>> ~ 梁静如
my all time fav. lyrics is so so powerful. of cos, the singer sang it well too. i will die if someone sing it to me.

6) Belief ~ S.H.E
my personal fav too. the lyrics r so applicable to me then. was deeply touched by the song when i first heard it. i still do feel smth for the song when i heard it 2 days ago.

5) <<非你莫属>> ~ Tank
a new song by Tank (originally sung by lin yichen). a soulful performance by the newbie. v v v nice.

4)<<可乐戒指>> ~梁静如
fish's new song written by mayday's ah shin. i love the wat ah shin wrote the lyrics. simple yet touches my heart.

3)<<七里香>> ~ 周杰伦
a struggle for me. wanted to put it in no. 2, but, well, need to b fair. this is my fav song by jay. i like the arrangement of the music, i LOVE the lyrics, i like the way jay sang, i like the way it was composed. to me, this is the best song by jay. to me la.

2)<<我爱你>> ~ S.H.E
if u've seen the full version of the mtv (which is like 15 mins), u will noe y i rate it 2nd. still gives me goosebumps n bring tears to my eyes when i listen to the song now. i love the way the instruments were arranged. the music n lyrics r superb. v v v "impact" song indeed.

n of cos, the number 1.

1)<<最浪漫的事>> ~ 赵咏桦
dun bluff la. some of u r going to tell me "wat the hell this song is? nv hear b4".c'mon la. sure hear b4 lor.
yes, this is a v old song. but it nv failed to give me the "romantic" feeling whenever i listen to it. serious. even till now, no new songs can overtake it in terms of the feeling. no joke. stop being skeptical , go listen to it. i'm sure everyone will agree to the lyrics.
well, me being a nice person, will give u the lyrics below.



of cos, u do nt need to agree w me (esp those nt into mandopop for watever reasons).
all the above r purely personal fav.
wah. i love this.
shall do a recap nw n then.
anyway, happy valentine's day to all of u!!!!

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