Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm not well

i hav nt been feeling well recently.
no, its nt bcos of cny.
i didnt even hav the chance to feast on the goodies.
i'm having the worse sore throat of my life. from the day i came bk from taipei, the ulcers infested my throat. n from then onwards, i hav endless pain in my throat.
until now.
yes, i still hav ulcers in my throat now. n its getting bigger.
i went to the doc for 4 times, antibiotics n tons of drugs given.
no use.
still pain.
so i switched to chinese "herbal" tea. leng yang to b specific.
knn. 5 bucks per bottle (equivalent to a mcd meal)
it better work.
well, some how, it did its job.
my ulcers r healing, n there r no new ones (at the moment la, hopefully it stays this way).
so, ya. n i've spent abt 30 bucks already.
continue to drink until it heals.
ya. it will b like a 100 bucks.
the chinese sinseh say i hav a "heaty" body. n it "erupted" after my taipei trip.
ok lor. win liao.
it will nt stop me from going back there again.
it has been 1 mth plus since i came back.
oh man. hw i missed the place!!!! i kept dreaming of going back there.

anyway, i'm having a runny nose now.
i'm really nt well la.
need time to recuperate.
i need good food!!!!!
after i recover la
*waves to HZ*
acc me for good food after i recover from my sore throat ok????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Wave to u*

Yes, yes, we'll go for good food. i wan to eat my fav food....heehee