Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sorry, but I can't help it

sorry ppl. i noe i said i will stop it.
but i still missed her lots.
so, ya.
here u go. weilun's rememberance concert.
n other stuff too.
u can choose wat u wan to watch from the main screen.

I'm surrounded by nice ppl

since my staff knew abt my throat condition, they hav been really helpful by contributing their "secret remedies" for sore throat.
gam en la.
n they r really worried abt my daily porridge diet. kept asking me to eat more, drink more green bean soup.
n this morning, one of the auntie brought me a plate of fruits. she told me that she had sprinkle salt to the fruits, so that it will help the recovery of my throat.
one of them even ask me to go to the herbal shop, buy some weird herbs, n she will brew the herbs for me in the kitchen.
aiyo. so pai seh.
that reminds me of the previous camp i was in. the aunties there will brew liang teh (herbal tea) for me when i'm sick.
all of a sudden, i felt so blessed.
this oni shows that i'm nt a bad boss, n they dun hate me la (exclude the fact that they nv tell me abt my pi jia pants la.....maybe they really nv c it. oh well.)

anyway, i'm pretty excited abt the mini gathering i'm having w some off my pals over the weekend.
*wink to u-noe-who-u-r*
lets hav fun babes!!!!
i'm quite sick n demoralised by the porridge diet already.
so, keep me entertained this weekend.

PS: one of my ex-staff saw me at the bus stop juz nw n commented that i look younger compared to those days in that old camp. woo hoo!!! so song. hahaha......

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

To let go or not?

one of my pals asked for my advice on her relationship issue w her bf.(u noe who u r)
well, darling i cant make the decision for u, no matter hw u ask.
the ball is in ur court now. hw u wan to play it, its all up to u.
as i've always said, the choice is urs.
of cos, its easier said than done.
been there, done that.

it makes me think (after seeing ppl's problems), is it really to difficult to let go?
after knowing wat happened to J n F (which makes me really upset), i began to think abt it. n the conclusion is, consequences r hard to bear, whether u like it or nt. but since u've already decided, no point looking back.
who ask u dun treasure when u hav(broken english, but hack).
juz let it go.
dun sit on the prob n pretend that its nt there.
do something for urself. make urself happy. this is the oni thing u can do, isnt it.


quote a some words from the lyrics of a kelvin tan's song.

or ah mei's song

juz let it go, babe.

I'm not well

i hav nt been feeling well recently.
no, its nt bcos of cny.
i didnt even hav the chance to feast on the goodies.
i'm having the worse sore throat of my life. from the day i came bk from taipei, the ulcers infested my throat. n from then onwards, i hav endless pain in my throat.
until now.
yes, i still hav ulcers in my throat now. n its getting bigger.
i went to the doc for 4 times, antibiotics n tons of drugs given.
no use.
still pain.
so i switched to chinese "herbal" tea. leng yang to b specific.
knn. 5 bucks per bottle (equivalent to a mcd meal)
it better work.
well, some how, it did its job.
my ulcers r healing, n there r no new ones (at the moment la, hopefully it stays this way).
so, ya. n i've spent abt 30 bucks already.
continue to drink until it heals.
ya. it will b like a 100 bucks.
the chinese sinseh say i hav a "heaty" body. n it "erupted" after my taipei trip.
ok lor. win liao.
it will nt stop me from going back there again.
it has been 1 mth plus since i came back.
oh man. hw i missed the place!!!! i kept dreaming of going back there.

anyway, i'm having a runny nose now.
i'm really nt well la.
need time to recuperate.
i need good food!!!!!
after i recover la
*waves to HZ*
acc me for good food after i recover from my sore throat ok????

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CNY???? NO thanks!!

i officially announce that cny is the most dreaded festival in my dicitonary.
i hate it.
to hell w all those ang baos. i rather nt to hav them.
cos during cny, all the shops r nt open for biz, the theatres n ktv will all b filled to the brim w aimless souls, n most of us will hav to stay at hm (aka do nothing) as an obligation.
worse still, when the whole world is having holidays, I HAVE TO WORK.
absolutely devastating.

nothing interesting happened during this long long weekend.
but, but, but......
i wan to complain abt the lousy lousy supper i had in Mr. Bean on sunday.
utterly disappointing.
a few of us went for supper on sunday after a midnite shw (just follow law). after much discussion, we've decided to go to Mr. Bean (sure open one la). so, ya, we walked there, managed to find seats inside.
all the tables r nt cleared, despite the fact that there were no customers there (ok, nvm, i noe they r busy). so, we cleared the tables n took the seats.
after the super attitude problem waitress took our orders, M realised that she've forgotten her appetizers, so she called the waitress over n ordered "chix drumlets" (appetizer hor). the waitress nodded.
then, i was served my drinks. i ordered camomile tea. well, the teapot came. wout the cup.
i asked the waitress (ya, the one w AP) for the cup.
i waited.
10 mins, still no cup.
i waited again.
after 20 mins, i saw her strolling to my seat, n yes, w a cup n saucer. then, as she was putting down the cup, she asked me (in a non-chalant tone) "oni one cup rite?"
ok, i shd hav specifically say i wan oni 1 CUP FOR ONE POT OF TEA.
then, after we've all finished our main course, the chix drumlets r still no where in sight (i mean, shdn't appetizers come b4 the main? correct me if i'm wrong).
this is where the nitemare begins.
20 mins after we finished our mian course, another waitress strolled to our tables w 2 CHIX CHOP.
hello???? cant u c all the empty plates on our tables????
ok, nvm. we told her we didnt order the chop but the drumlets. she gave us a blur look, then went back to the cashier to confirm the order.
after 1 min, she came back w 1 plate of chix chop, n put it on our table.
tsk, deaf or wat?
nvm, we told her nicely again, that we DID NOT ORDER chix chop, we oni order chix drumlets.
she looked blur again, went back to her supervisor n told him.
the sup looked at the order chit, came back w the chix chop again.
"excuse me, did u order the chop???" he asked.
we repeated our stories again (at this point of time, i'm shouting vulgaritites inside my heart)
we waited for the drumlets.
still nv come.
after 15 mins, the AP waitress came to us, n asked "u ordered chix chop juz now rite? y u dun wan now?"
ta ma de.
i tell u, i was so pissed already.
but M was nice enuff to repeat her story (AGAIN) to her.
the AP waitress then went back to the kitchen, mumbling to herself.
one of the chef came out, asked her loudly "wat happen? y the chop still here?"
she told him "the customer cancel order" (knn, since when la)
the freaking old man then shouted "y cancel????? can like that one meh?"
i was waiting for him to come out n confront us, then limpeh can screw him on his wrinkled blad head.
but he didnt. (good for him)
after 45 mins of waiting, we decided to give up.
we asked for the bill.
lucky i checked the bill 1st (i dun usually do that, but i hav a hunch that smth will cock up that day). they charged us for the chix chop.
so, i nicely told the waiter (whom brought me the bill) that we did nt hav the chix chop.
he went back to the cashier.
then, our miss AP came to us (AGAIN), n asked "u all dun wan the chix chop?"
the bloody brain went for holiday is it? or she dun hav one in the 1st place???
how many freaking times do we hav to repeat?????
then i freaked out.
i told her "NO, WE DIDNT ORDER IT ."
she gave me a fucked up face n went back to the cashier to make the change.

ok, i noe, its a busy day, n its 3am in the morning.
but shdnt u juz give me the correct attitude?
juz by remembering wat the customers said to u????
v difficult meh?????
cant tahan.
i tell u, no more nxt time.
i rather eat grass than to go to Mr Bean again.
btw, this MR Bean is the one near parklane, nt the sell tau hway one.
hw i missed Danny's.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mood for love

ok. its the time of the yr again.
valentine's day.
whether u love it or hate it, u will c clubs of the females species w smth in their hands by the name of "flowers".
wat more?
restaurant charging exorbitant prices for normal food, hotels w packages to lure ppl to spend tremendous amt of money.......mind u, the most ex package i saw cost a whopping US$6000 per couple.
no kidding.
worth or nt? u decide.

anyway, i wanted to do this for quite some time, here it is.
my contribution to the big V day.
Top 10 romantic hits (mandopop only. wat do u think i will put?)

10) <<爱很简单>> ~陶吉吉
i'm sure this is a long time fav for many out there.
so y no. 10?
simply bcos its too 泛滥 already.
good song though.

9) Forever Love ~王力宏
a "sure win" song. reason for it being in no. 9 is the same as the above song.
too intoxicated.

8)<<心型圈>> ~ 蔡依林
not many ppl noticed this song by jolin. it is a v sweet song. good music n lyrics.

7) <<无条件为你>> ~ 梁静如
my all time fav. lyrics is so so powerful. of cos, the singer sang it well too. i will die if someone sing it to me.

6) Belief ~ S.H.E
my personal fav too. the lyrics r so applicable to me then. was deeply touched by the song when i first heard it. i still do feel smth for the song when i heard it 2 days ago.

5) <<非你莫属>> ~ Tank
a new song by Tank (originally sung by lin yichen). a soulful performance by the newbie. v v v nice.

4)<<可乐戒指>> ~梁静如
fish's new song written by mayday's ah shin. i love the wat ah shin wrote the lyrics. simple yet touches my heart.

3)<<七里香>> ~ 周杰伦
a struggle for me. wanted to put it in no. 2, but, well, need to b fair. this is my fav song by jay. i like the arrangement of the music, i LOVE the lyrics, i like the way jay sang, i like the way it was composed. to me, this is the best song by jay. to me la.

2)<<我爱你>> ~ S.H.E
if u've seen the full version of the mtv (which is like 15 mins), u will noe y i rate it 2nd. still gives me goosebumps n bring tears to my eyes when i listen to the song now. i love the way the instruments were arranged. the music n lyrics r superb. v v v "impact" song indeed.

n of cos, the number 1.

1)<<最浪漫的事>> ~ 赵咏桦
dun bluff la. some of u r going to tell me "wat the hell this song is? nv hear b4".c'mon la. sure hear b4 lor.
yes, this is a v old song. but it nv failed to give me the "romantic" feeling whenever i listen to it. serious. even till now, no new songs can overtake it in terms of the feeling. no joke. stop being skeptical , go listen to it. i'm sure everyone will agree to the lyrics.
well, me being a nice person, will give u the lyrics below.



of cos, u do nt need to agree w me (esp those nt into mandopop for watever reasons).
all the above r purely personal fav.
wah. i love this.
shall do a recap nw n then.
anyway, happy valentine's day to all of u!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


went to chinatown over the weekend and bought alot of cds, n the S.H.E's concert dvd.
nothing to do last nite, so me n my sis watched the concert dvd.
n it did smth to me.
i tot i dun like them anymore. hahaha.....but when i saw them perform, the affection erupted out (as wat my sis said, it was like a 'sleeping' volcano which erupts suddenly).
i guess deep inside me, i still like them (which i'm happy to admit).
after the whole concert this is hw i felt.
very touched by their performance. n those songs certainly brought back tons n tons of memories.
suddenly i told my sis (halfway down the concert) dat i will go sign up for my piano n music making class after cny.
she padded me on my shoulder n said " its time for u to pursue wat u've always wanted. its always nt too old to 'chase' ur dreams. dun give up."
i paused for a while n tears started to swell out in my eyes.
true. i've wasted alot of chances n opportunities.
n now dat all impt things r done (eg. studies), i can go after wat i've always yearned to do.
it had always always always been my fantasy n dream to make my own music n share them w others. i had alot of ideas n vision (i dare say) for it, but always kept in inside me (maybe share w my sis sometimes).
i've regretted wasting so much time.
its now or never.
so, i will go sign up for the course after cny.
serious, no kidding.
if u happen to ask me abt it in march, n i tell u i havent sign up, pls bring a baesball bat n bash me up w it.
i muz do it this time.

lastly, i still wan to say.......
I LOVE S.H.E!!!!!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

i'm going thru emotion flattening now.
yes i noe, its friday.
friday = free day.
but i simply hav no mood for the weekend
dun ask me y. i oso duno.
i'm exhausted to the max rite nw *points to the tip of my head*
the thing is, i did nothing yesterady. or shd i say, i did nothing exhausting or fantastic for the past week.
then hw come leh?
i REALLY duno.
i feel dat i'm wasting my time, n my brain is full of cobweb, waiting for bacteria n micro-org to break it down to nothing but waste water n carbon dioxide.
its frustrating. trust me.
ya i noe. i'm getting impatient again. it is corroding n eating up the motivation n self confidence in me.
n the bonus issue is nt settled yet.
where is my BONUS????
i dun care even they oni give me like the minimum.
let me c the money!!!!!
there r oni 3 things in the world nw which can really perk me up rite nw.
1) money
2) food
3) a new job (which give rise to more money)

pt 1 n 3 r out of my control.
i wan some fresh oysters n champagne to motivate myself.
i noe, MQ will b shaking her head nw (no, i cant stop eating)
anyone offering a treat? i will gladly oblige to ur request.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My tarot readings

the below is the outcome of my tarot readings when i ask whether will i get a new job by march this yr.

how you feel about yourself now (Judgement)
You feel this is an end to an era or at least a certain phase of your life - you are taking stock and looking where you want to go from here. This ending is not one for regret but for rejoicing. Soon you will enjoy the rewards for your past efforts. As with any period of endings, many opportunities will present themselves and the choice that you make will have far reaching implications that could change your life dramatically. Any legal issues should be ruled in your favour.

what you most want at this moment (The Hermit)
The cards suggest Wayne, that what you most want at this time is to know what to do, as well as companionship or a lover as you feel somewhat lonely or isolated at the moment. Perhaps you are feeling exhausted and in need of a rest - if you have been ill this is a time for rest and recuperation.

your fears (The Star)
You are fearful of the future and rather lacking in self-belief - you are afraid your hopes will be dashed. Well don’t be, this is your wish card - a time of joy and fulfilment. Good health, possibly after a time of illness, and good fortune that will give you a new zest of life. If considering a new love affair, new job or career, or travel, then go for it. You may also receive a gift or gifts!

what is going for you (The Fool)
This is an exciting time with much potential for fun and good times. Your confidence should be high, it's a great time for new possibilities. If you are considering leaving your job, home or relationship, in time you will. An unexpected desire will be fulfilled, even before you express it!

what is going against you (The Chariot)
Watch out for being too arrogant or letting that ego of yours get over inflated, nobody likes a know it all. Watch that temper too, aggressive bullying behaviour will only set you back. If this doesn’t sound like you, beware of someone like this that could set you back. This is a time of movement and change, and conflicts ending in victory, so don’t give up.

outcome (The Hanged Man)
You will in time know what decision to make about who or what must be given up. This is a time of passage from one phase of your life to another. It may be a difficult choice, and self-sacrifice is never easy, but if you look for truth and integrity and don’t be too materialistic or hang onto things or people for all the wrong reasons, everything will turn out in your favour.

while the future looks bright for me, the outcome is damn puzzling.
good or bad????
wat u guys thinks?
but one thing for sure, i need to stop my arrogance.
v difficult leh.
but i'll TRY ah.
try oni.

Very stressed up now

the lacking of job offers had taken a toll on me.
i'm getting pretty impatient abt the search process.
n oso, the recent debate on biomedical research is driving me nuts too.
apparently, ppl r saying that the area of research is too wide. they claimed that we shd nt cast the net too big n shd invest on diseases that we r familar or good at.
the other group were saying that the results for the investments can oni b seen in long term, ie, 10-15 yrs later.
then they will decide whether it is successful or nt. blah blah blah..........
it goes on.
it totally freaked me out.
cos one of the "opposition" voice is from someone reputable.
go n read today's paper, u will noe whom i'm referring to.
if she say things like that, that means action will b taken pretty soon.
oh god.
pls dun limit the research areas. or else, it will b more difficult for me to find a job i wan.
oh man.
I NEED A JOB!!!!!!
i'm getting really really impatient n insecure rite nw.
i dun wan to stay in sfi forever (although its nt a bad idea if u wan a stable life).

i need good food n a fun weekend to relax myself.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

我们的天使 (最终篇)



Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Busy weekend

it was the most exciting weekend i've ever had for the past few mths.
went to st james w some of my pals on friday.
super crowded.
we were literally kissing other ppl's shoulders when we were in the dancefloor. the freaking part is, we were surrounded by ang mo guys.
i mean, hw disgusting (for me) can it get.
music in movida is good, n the band was superb, but it was really too crowded. so, we went dragonfly.
i tell u, i think i'm really cursed, in terms of clubbing.
who the hell will encounter wat i've went thru?
u c, juz when we stepped into dragonfly, the live band was performing "kiss goodbye" on stage. i turned to one of the babes n asked her "like dat hw to dance?". she asked me to wait.
ok ah, u say wait ah.
so i waited lor.
guess wat the next song is.
i'll give u time.
cantonese song.
ok, no takers.
the song is.......
"long ban (ta ta ta), long lau (ta ta ta)......"
shanghai tan1.
i nearly fell to the ground when i saw the lead singer w cheongsam n a group of bloody jokers act on stage (w the shanghai tan outfit n story line la. apparently, this gal went overseas, then duno wat happen, the gangster shoot her boyfren dead. i didn't get the story cos i was busy laughing).
classic rite.
yes yes, i did get my dose Beyond's songs.
but no, i'm nt impress at all. nt even abit lor.
i'm nt an expert or anything like dat, but i do hav expectations for a band w such a privilege to perform in a reputable club, in front of tons of ppl.
i am utterly disappointed by wat i heard.
the singers r ok. i hav no issue on them.
but the band.....sigh.
no synchronization, no teamwork, wrong lyrics, wrong note played,glaring mistakes.....
i mean, u shd b more professional.
the bass was blaring away, covering the lead guitar, w the lead guitarist (maybe too nervous) playing wrong notes (i muz say he is good though), the unbearable feedback from the keyboard n guitars, forcing the singers to scream their way thru the songs..............
it was simply noise. nt music.
loud = good?
does nt work for me though.
too bad.
i will nv go there again.
no way.
too disappointed.
wat? i heard someone say "u so good come n play urself"
i pay = i hav the right to criticise,so f off.

movida maybe, but definately nt dragonfly.
we went back after a mcd bfast at 8am.
i slept for 2 hrs, woke up at 10am.

w a splitting headache, did some preparations for S's wedding.

fast forward to sunday.
S's banquet.
doubled up as a receptionist w HZ.
it sucked big time.
apparently, we dun even hav a proper guest list to start w (someone down the line of responsibility cocked up). n when it finally came, we hav no say either. cos we duno the ppl form the groom's side (which is like 80% of the guests), we were left stranded the the reception table. luckily, S's sis was there. i was so desperate for her presence.
as for the other side, to hell i care. i will juz take care of S's family n frens.
the other side wan to "kay kao" , by all means, do all themselves. i cant b bothered if all ur so called relatives forms a long Q outside the restaurant.
the food for the banquet was superb!!!!
i love the steamed fish. super fresh n nicely done.
the oni thing i dun like is the noodle. i wan my ee mee.

we went hm at around 11 plus, n watched the Man U match until 2am.
i simply cant miss Man U's match.
n luckily i didn't.
they did a "john terry as a goalie" stunt.
u c, van de sar was injured in the ending minutes of the game. until then,fergie had already made 3 sub. dat means, no more sub can b done, n they hav to make do w the players on the field.
so, wat match is complete wout a goalie?
in the end, john oshea was asked to double up as a goalie.
u can suddenly c all the Man U player at their end of the field, defending their goal like nobody's biz.
i love it.
Man U rocks.

we slept at 2 plus, woke up at 5am.
dress up, n turned up at the hotel w a panda face n eyes.
the day ended w alot of travelling, pushing, squeezing, bargaining, eating, shouting, etc.
nt forgetting some vulgarities from the fucking ang mo in the hotel. i dun wan to even mention it.
anyway, i came up w a few conclusions:

1) Being rich is good.
2) Rich ppl will certainly hav spoilt kids.
3) Respect is a word dat cannot b found in a snobbish rich family
4) Rich ppl = incompetent + take for granted ppl

pls note that pt no. 2,3,4 does nt apply to the bride's family.
is it obvious who i'm toking abt????
but i'm sure the ppl whom noe those ppl agree to wat i say.
enuff already. i dun wan to start a verbal diarrhea again.

me n my gang had totally worked ourselves to the max for the weekend.
but no one is complaining. we simply felt the bond there.
juz as GZ was telling me, "we had known each other for more than 10 yrs liao, n we noe each other inside out. wats there to kay kao on?"
u guys are the best pals i've ever had.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Traumatising week

this is the word dat sums up my week.
after having to deal w the sudden death of my Angel, the topic abt death kept popping out.
i was having my haircut on wednesday, n b4 i went into the saloon, i hav this feeling dat my hair dresser will ask me abt Angel's death.
juz as he was trimming the edge of my sideburn, he asked me " hey, do u noe dat gal whom died recently in taiwan in a freak accident?"
i nodded my head.
he went on "aiyo, so ke xi, so young die liao"
"yah" i told him "she's my idol"
he stopped cutting my hair, stared at me, n say "huh? xu weilun is ur idol????"
i nodded again.
he went silent for a moment, the he told me "aiyo, dun cry la" (i did nt cry, the water from my hair rolled down my cheeks as he tok to me)
then i stared at him.
wth la.

watched AI last nite.
there was one uncle (64 yrs old) during the audition.
weird, isnt it? cos the "cut off" age for AI is 28 yrs old (i cannot join liao).
read on.
simon was asking him "pardon me for being rude, but hw old r u? y r u here?"
the old man told his story.
his wife (of 20 over yrs) was diagnosed w cancer few yrs ago. he tried his v best to make her happy for the few yrs.
then, she died 2 days b4 the audition.
he wanted to sing a song for his wife in front of the whole nation (n he tot dat AI was a good choice. it was anyway), to tell the wife dat he loved her so so much, she's part of his life.
he sang "u belonged to me".
although old, i muz say dat he really really sang so so well.
brought tears to my eyes.
paula was weeping away, n others were equally touched.
the old man was happy, said dat he has done something special for his wife, n he's a winner.
u bet he is.

this morning, i was listening to 933.
the segment is called "my OST" which simply means "original sound tracks". they played the soundtrack from the japanese movie "love letters".
i felt emotional again.
now now, if u hav already watched this movie (i read the novel), u will noe hw i felt.
"o-genki-deska" (spelling??) was the oni word dat echoed in my brain.
y take the ppl we loved away?

everytime after we lost someone we were close to, we tend to grieve, sink ourselves into the sea of sorrow, refused to believe, n of cos, try our v best to struggle juz to keep in touch w watever is left of dat person.
then we make promises, promise to treasure the ppl around us, promise to live a better life, promise this, promise dat.
then wat?
we forget.
forget the feelings we had for the dead person, forget abt wat we've done w the person, forget all the moments we had together.
forget the promises.
human nature, u say.
to me, plain selfishness
yes, life goes on. indeed.
it seems like we do nt hav much choice abt it.
dats life, isnt it.
dats life.
n i hate it.

this is a useless post, n i duno y in the world i post it.