Monday, January 15, 2007

The rain

my back has been aching since last week. w the rain pouring down for the last 36 hrs, it is definitely nt doing any help.
i've hurt my back b4 in the past, and it definitely acts as a v accurate weather forcast after the various injuries.
alrite, i confess. i hurt my back in primary 6 when i was in swimming class, hurt it again in secondary sch while playing soccer (yes, i PLAY soccer), n hurt it AGAIN in a fight w an unreasonable brat a couple of yrs ago.
so, nw karma sets in for the joker whom is always looking for trouble.
i'm having "hong sip" nw.
the pain will cos me to hav sleepless nites.
n it has been like dat since last week.
lao lang si an ne kuan one.
dun laugh.
juz dun "pound" my back when u c me.
n the disaster cos by the rain doesnt stop here.
my mp3 is dead bcos of the rain. apparently, the rain "seep" into my bag, cosing a mini flood in my bag, wout me noticing it (ya la ya la, i'm dat careless).
n there goes my beloved mp3.
it has been w me for 2 yrs, n i am quite sendimental abt the issue (actually, its the tot of spending more money that make me tear.).
the rain is a murderer. it killed my mp3.
n my money.

i accept your condolences.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my "song" oso gone with the rain.... :<