Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Naruwan~~~I'm back!!!!

hey babes, i'm back!!!!
so tired after 10 days in taiwan....
n my skin were as dry as the twig rite now.
anyway, this blog (n the nxt one) will b full of pix, so, b patient to wait for all of them to load, ok?
to summarise my 10 days in tw, i will separate e experinces into few entries.
here goes.

Day 1 (23/12)

nothing much to b done though, cos we reached our hotel at 9 plus 10 pm. but we did went to the street behind our hotel for some "street" food.

i tell u, it became our staple diet for the nxt few days. no kidding. it was yummy.
it started to rain abit at 11 plus, HZ n i walked for 1 hr in the streets, under the rain, to try to search for a better hotel.
y leh u may ask.
cos our hotel is located in the "red light district" of taipei. n the rm is filled w xiao qiangs.
n the room looks eerie.
serious, no joke.
but well, we cant find one after searching for 1 hr in the cold cold streets of taipei.
so LL.
we went back n rest for a long day tmr.
i kept hearing bangings on the windows as we slept. tot there were evil spirits in the rm.
but nah.
it was the strong wind outside which cos e windows to bang against each other.

Day 2 (24/12 - aka xmas eve)

we woke up pretty early, excited for the fact dat it was xmas eve.
took bfast at the nearby shop.

they serve yummy soya bean milk n finger food.

we went to the taipei railway stn after bfast. we wanted to buy train tix to go jiufen n shifen for the nxt day.

i tell u, the charts r so so so so confusing. we dun even noe which trains lead to where.
luckily, there was a customer enquiry counter. n the lady is nice enuff to to teach us hw to look at the charts.
we set of for the major n famous shopping malls/areas after that.
ladies, si men ding of taipei.
the whole street is filled w shops, shops, n more shops.
for clothing, shoes, accesories, to b exact.
but no, its nt cheap.
one bloody t-shirt cost abt 60 bucks.
no kidding.
we walked around for a while, n found nothing special, so we went to the famous tapei 101.
yes, the building looked like a syringe.
big jumbo one dat is.
seriously, the interior look like the ones in KL twin tower.

n the price of stuff?
machiam those in paragon.
u muz b nuts to buy from there. or filthy rich la.
we gave up on the high end goods fr 101, went to new york new york.
well, same as 101, the things there were damn ex.
1 blouse was like 100 bucks.
juz as we leave the building, HZ saw this.
we left the building laughing like morons.
in case u still nv notice, look at the 2nd row of the directory.
it says "snake".
new york new york lor. pls la, "snack" become "snake" la
like dat oso can.
we went hunting for xmas prez for eo, end up empty handed. the stuff here were really ex. n to our dismay, there were no xmas mood at all. we then decided to go the so-called orchard rd of taipei (ie, zhongxiao dong rd) to get some xmas mood.
blah. wrong choice.
there was nothing there. we were thinking of having smth special since its xmas eve. so i suggested to HZ dat we go kiki (famous szechuan restaurant w celebrity bosses lan xin mei n maltilda tao) for dinner.
knn, we cant find it.
fed up, we went to tang chao (jacky wu's restaurant) for dinner.
n we were served this.

i mean, pls la, since u r so famous, serve smth w quality la.
my noodles were v oily n burnt
HZ's rice was like duno wat. i mean, will u even eat this?

n so ex la.
bloody hell.
i was so pissed after the dinner, that i went bk to the hotel immediately after e dinner.
lousy xmas eve.pui. spoilt my impression of taiwan.
nt mentioning the rude ppl in the mrt. if u think dat sporeans r really rude, wait till u c those in tw.
i'm nt saying it here.
ask me personally, i will tell u.

Day3 (25/12 - xmas day )

we woke up at 6am in the morning to prep ourselves for the long long jiufen n shifen trip.
we took the mrt to taipei stn, n switched to the railway train at the railway stn.

then we reached ruifang to change (again) to the "small" train (xiao huo che) to shifen.

ruifang was a simple small town whereby ppl r shy n quiet.
a v v peaceful place.

we sat down at a cafe as we waited for our train to arrive. the weather was like 13 degrees celcius, w wind blowing onto our face consistently. n we were sitting there, in a small simple town, sipping hot coffee in a cafe. can u imagine dat? shiok man!!!
anyway, we took the train to shifen. if i've juz said ruifang was a small town, shifen is smaller. it was like kampong style.

HZ n i walked uphill (wout any map) to locate the special plc we wanted to find.
u hav to take ur hats of us. we tracked muddy hills, a large expressway (w like 20 dogs following us on the way),

crossed a long long bridge

n found this.
i'm so so so excited. it was magnificant!!!! worth all my energy to walk so so so long to c this. amazing.
it was really beautiful.
but HZ fell down (too slippery) in front of the waterfall. scared the wits out of me.
she was so apologetic cos she banged the camera on the floor as she fell.
aiyo, pls la. camera spoil can buy new one la.
if u fall into the waterfall, then i go where n find u?
dun worry abt it la.
we even sent a postcard (to spore) to each other in shifen, so dat we will recv it when we r back.hee, so fun.
went to jiufen after dat.
my god. y no one tell me muz climb so many steps?????

i was half dead when i reached the top (jiufen old street).

n it was bloody cold!!!!! i was freezing cold on top of the streets.

oh man.
n we bought lots of goodies at jiufen.

nt forgetting to gorge ourselves w the famous "or yee" (yam balls) of jiufen.

n the smelly beancurd. nt dat smelly leh. ok lor.

of cos, i helped myself to the bingtang hulu too.
jiufen is so beautiful.

we took a cab downhill (too tired, n oso, the stuff r v heavy) to catch a train back to taipei at ruifang. the below convsersation was between HZ n the staff the the train stn. pls note dat is was in mandrain.

HZ: excuse me, may i noe wat time will the nxt train to taipei leave?
staff: (gave us a shocked look) now. it is leaving now. if u dun catch it, u have to wait 2hrs.
(as he was saying this, i started to run towards the platform)
HZ: THANK YOU!!!!!! (shouting, cos she's running w me)
staff: quick!!!! dun miss it!!! jiayou!!!!

thanks lor. as we were running, HZ realised dat there were more than one platform, n she had forgotten to ask the staff which platform was it for us to board the train. she took a gamble by going to the 1st platform.
we heard the horn of the train (a sign dat it is leaving) as we climbed the stairs.
i've nv nv nv ran so fast in my life. w the load of all the goodies (around 8 kg of stuff. no kidding), i was running like 80km/hr (ok, nt dat fast, but fast la).
the staff at the platform saw HZ, n he waved at the driver, asking him to stop for us. he was shouting to us "jiayou jiayou" as we were running towards the train.
the door closed behind me as in entered the train.
wah lau eh.
gan huo che (chasing the trian) lor. nobody will noe it as well as i do rite now.
my hands were like aching after the chase.
na beh.
damn exciting la.
nearly pee-ed my pants.
n guess we went after dat?

shilin nite mkt!!!!

me eating da chang bao xiao chang (loosely translated as big intestine wrap small intestine)

oyster egg omelette (o-a-jian) n lu rou fan

i tell u, i love the lu rou fan. i is my fav food in taiwan. it dun look appetising, but trust me, it was the best thing i had in tw. serious. the fragrant cannot b describe by words. simply gorgous.

this is the hong you shui jiao (dumplings in chilli oil) n ma la mian (spicy noodles).
the noodles r really spicy. n the dunplings were superb!!!! juicy n fragrant!!!! much much better then those in spore.

the famous hao da ji pai (v big chix cutlet). look at the queue.

the cutlet is reputated to hav a diameter of 45cm. eh, it is true lor. 2 of us cant even finish one.

if u realised, i'm eating non-stop.
after all the food, we went back (finally) to the hotel.
look at my feet.
red from all the walking.
i will stop here at the moment. so tired rite nw. need rest.

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