Friday, January 19, 2007

Super screw up / Hen's nite again!!!!

i totally screwed up yesterday......
dun ask me wat. i will tell u at the end of feb.
meanwhile, let me dwell on it myself.

anyway, i'm down w a serious throat infection, which leaves me w a pretty sexy voice.
muz de-tox!!!!

nothing much to say though.
execpt the hen's nite on wednesday.
boy oh boy.
u will realise how deprived my frens were (opps).
as i hav mentioned in my previous entry, my fren, S, will b getting married nxt mth. so we held a hen's nite for her + bday celebration for M.
we had our dinner in the german restaurant at millenia walk. after a heavy dinner, we made S wear a big tag, w " i am getting married" on it.
n they dressed her up like the statue of liberity.
we made her walk downstairs, w the life band announcing her arrival.......
imagine the response.
the bar was v crowded, so, ya.
n our dear "pimp queen", C, managed to get 2 pretty charming guys to kiss S.
i tell u, my female frens were so so so impressed by the guys, they kept toking n drooling over them for the nxt 30 mins (to think dat all of them, except 1, is already "mrs" lor.....sigh......)
wat was i doing, u may ask.
i was holding the videocam, taking down all the actions.
will post the photos once i get it.
meanwhile, back to work now.
i hate the army.

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