Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I, Me, Myself

i'm impatient.
this is the conclusion abt my character. period.
i woke up early today to catch the bus early. n yes, i managed to reach the bus stop earlier than usual.
but no, i didnt reach office earlier. all thanks to the accident, n oso, my stupid character.
there was an unusual jam outside the bus stop today. i didnt take a closer look at the cause, it seemed to me dat there might b an accident in front.
nvm, nt my lane, so, guan wo pi shi.
i was reading w intense attention on the Man U report on my paper when i heard a bang.
double accident.
this moron suv wanted to do a U turn (in the middle of the road lor, is he mad or wat), end up banging into an approaching motorcycle. the motorcycle was pinned under the car (nt sure whether the driver is ok). everyone rushed to the scene to kaypo.
suprisingly, i didnt even move an inch.
cant b bothered.
scarly, i realised smth.
there is no traffic at the lane i was waiting for my bus.
i stood up n c
the stupid suv is in the middle of 2 lanes. it totally blocked the lane of my 159, which is in my sight.
the 159 driver then releases everyone from the bus, asking them to take an alternate route. the ppl were so pissed, n they grumbled to us as they walked pass us "no bus liao, bus gana stuck"
oh man.
i looked at the super long jam on both lanes, n decided to cross the road, go to the other side to take a bus (which is approaching too, but in a snail speed cos of the jam) to tpy.
i managed to catch the bus n was happy.
for 2 seconds.
as i turned my head to look at the other side, i realised that the 159, which was previously stuck behind the suv, managed to "manoeuvre" itself out of the mess, n is heading towards the bus stop.
i shd hav waited.
the story dun end here.
apparently, there was a big big jam (braddell side. always jam) in front, n well, i was stuck in the same position for a good 15 mins.
if oni i've waited. i would hav reached amk already.
i tot i was smart to change my route, i mean, since there is an issue, u hav to take alternatives rite?
stupid me.
nw then i noe.
waiting is also a choice.
might nt b too bad either.
i muz remind myself to b patient nxt time.
stupid me.

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