Friday, January 26, 2007

Busy busy

yes yes. the FCC is finally over yesterday.
but wtf
CAF was nt here.
ta ma de. waste limpeh's effort.
u c, we were quite uptight abt his visit, so much so that we started planning n preparing a few mths ago.
i stopped everyone from taking leave, all come back n prepare. all my staff were so stressed up yesterday morning, all face black black.
n i had to run to the chinese herbal shop early in the morning, juz to buy a pkt of tang guei.
n we rushed n rushed, all ready, went to gombak w my staff, reached there at 12.
1pm, he's nt here.
nt here.
2.30pm, someone came n told me "eh, CAF left liao"
do like mad, u tell he he left wout even coming down??????
i was so pissed la.
n being the ppl they r, the unti nearly threw us out of the camp after they've utilised our effort n help.
nxt time u beg me, i oso wun do.
i dun care whether u r the president or wat.
rot in hell.

anyway, its friday!!!!
will b meeting my pals ltr for dinner n ktv *waves to YX,WK,MQ,mei mei*
lets hav fun babes!!!!
woo hoo!!

wish me luck for tmr.
i need to get a job to throw in letter here.
no more CAF or COA or watever business.
so so desperate to get the job.

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