Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One more to go

i slept at 3 plus this morning.
in woke up at 8 plus.
my head was full of info from my cdt.

one paper down, one more to go.
cant wait for it to finish.
the feeling is like a chronic constipated pt whom suddenly wants to remove his bowels, but cannot find a toilet.
it was this desperate n its nt even funny.
the stress level is now to the max.
part of it is of cos exam. the other part of it will be the dissertation.
it sucked.
for ppl whom has nt done it, may god bless u. it took me 1 mth to complete it n 3 mths to polish it up, n it is still nt ready for submittion.
maybe i'm stupid.
well, who cares.
i cant b bothered rite now, esp after the paper yesterday.
haolian lor we. end up all dun hav time to complete the paper. we were struggling to finish the paper.
a group of taking for granted morons.
however, we muz thank JT for doing a good job.
he is our motivation.

enuff w daily crap. going for my bfast now n start to drill into my cdt again.

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