Saturday, December 09, 2006

Finally after 3 years!!!!

3 years.
yes. dats hw long i've been studying really hard.
serious. from the very beginning, i studied w my heart n soul.
nv mind yr 1 don't count much. nv mind wat type of funny lecturers we had. nv mind wat tricks other ppl pull (will explain it later).
i can cross my heart n say "i hav really done my best."
y so emotional?
my 3 years in MDIS ended w a "thump" yesterday (ok, i noe, still got dissertation), well, officially.
no, i didn't attempt to jump down from the sch's 4th floor, although it will b a good idea after yesterday's paper.
i've completed all my modules for my degree.
congratulate me, ppl.

well, for ppl whom already noe, n r in the same boat w me (ie, came for the last paper yesterday), thank u for fighting the war w me. it has been a pleasure (n pressure. hahaha) to fight along w u guys.
for those cowards whom resorted to despicable n underhand methods to score well, n still got the cheek to ask for tips, i can oni 3 words to u.


no. i'm nt jealous. seriously. bit when competiton is concerned, i want it to b clean n fair. i rather lose it to L than them.
simply incorrigible.
my clique will noe wat i'm saying.
enuff already.

came home at abt 6.20am this morning. n i woke up at 8.50am.
u ppl shd noe dat i usually dun sleep alot after clubbing.
alcohol withdrawal effect, i supposed.
n i'm having terrible cluster headaches rite now. nt bcos of the alcohol, but due to the lack of sleep for the past few weeks.
yes, it was THIS stressful.
i need tons of benzo rite now.
oh, n an oxygen tank pls.
i'm suffering from post-clubbing-allergy-to-the-bloody-smoke-from-the-bloody-fucking-cheapo-cigerattes-from-the-club-n-i-dun-noe-why-syndrome.
i cant wait for them to ban smoking in clubs.
it used to b juz teary n painful eyes. but it reached terminal stage this morning.
i kept sneezing (n WK was staring at me for the whole nite in the dancefloor), w a v itchy nose.
i look like a rudolph now.
maybe i shd enroll myself to santa since xmas i round the corner.

simply love ONS. love the band, love the crowd, love my clubbing buddies (YX, MQ n WK). nvm other ppl. we were just in our own world.
if "that thing u do" is my poly song, our MDIS song will b "can't take my eyes off u".
hahahaha. u gals now wat i mean?
n we were trying our v best to salsa thru the dancefloor to the front.
ya la ya la, i noe i dance like a parkinson pt (note: shuffling feet, rigidity, tremors....)
hey, i noe i'm nt usher.
tsk, nt the uncle whom stand at the cinema door n ask u for tix la.

THIS usher.

but i dun bloody care already.
i'm the king now.
of pop? no. i dun wan to b dat paedophile MJ.
thanks but no thanks.
oh btw, i do think dat our dear YX hav a flair in salsa dancing. v fast learner n sharp too.
hey gal, take up lessons w chip. it will b fun. trust me.
n MQ, stop laughing at ppl already. it is nt her fault to b a direction idiot. (i am one too. so YX, u r nt alone)
at least YX can dance well hor.
credit credit. *giggles*

n YX n i had a sore throat after the clubbing session.
shout too much.
this shows how high we were.
those whom missed it (mei mei n C), i can oni say,
opps. ltr got KARMA.
(MQ muz b saying "eh, come up w smth new hor" rite nw. hey gal, dun b stingy. juz let ppl use the word)

we ended our session w a hotcake w sausage meal this morning. *put my hands on my face n scream hyterically*
u noe wat i mean. *wink at the gals*

simply love u gals.
u all r juz great.
thank u for "celebrating" w us. * jumping up n down, singing "i love u baby, n if its quite alrite, i need u baby...." *

aiyo, i'm so bloody hungry rite now.
going to cook some noodles to ease my hunger pangs now.
will update on the sandy lam's concert (tonite) soon.

p.s (to WK): i will remember my promise to u. will do it tonite.

to others: y u so kaypo? i'm nt going to tell u wat i've promised her.
stop bitching.

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