Friday, December 22, 2006

Xmas mood????/New girl in the league

Xmas Mood????

i hav absolutely no mood today.
dun ask me y.
i oso duno.
yes, i noe, i'm going to tw tmr.
but i'm nt excited already.
duno y.
dun ask me.
i'm in a grouchy mood today.
anyway, to all those frens, darlings out there, i wish u a merry xmas n a happy new yr in advance.
will meet up w u all when i get back.

New Girl in the League

was watching scv (康熙来了) last nite n saw this tw model on tv.

she is one of the latest batch of model in 凯渥.
her name, 隋堂.

i was telling my bro, i need to change the ratings in my "top 5" liao.
yes, i am this fickle.
cai shu zhen is totally out of my league, n xu wei lun n zhang ziyi will b demoted to 5th n 4th respectively.
隋堂 will b the 3rd, behind vivian hsu n my repectable lin chi lin.

no need to ask me y. c for urself.

isn't she gorgeous???
i love the way she smile, she look, her collar bone, so so so pretty n classy, w all the necessary qualities of an attractive woman.
she is close to overtaking vivian hsu in my heart.
v close.
let me c her in taiwan, then i will put her on top.
erm, behind chi lin dat is.
chi lin is still the goddess in my heart.
no, no one will replace her.

aiyo, she is so cute la.

love her.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Singaporeans have no class

i noe it's holidays.
it doesnt mean that we can stop behaving.
i'm utterly disgusted by hw singaporeans act in public.
like a sch on holidays.
no class.
y i say dat? let me share wat happened to me n my family over the past few days.
i went to watch the curse of the golden flower last nite.
it was a good show. v sad indeed.
but the atmosphere in the theatre was totally spoilt by ugly singaporeans.
the movie was a quiet one, so u can even hear the auntie beside u breathing.
nt dat u cant breathe. u can. but.........
i muz say dat some singaporeans eat like pigs. the munching of pop-corns did nt stop till the last scene, n its nt even funny.
it was so so so distracting.
fine. u hav the freedom to eat in the theatre.
those morons started toking loudly. nt abt the show. abt the pop-corn.
the guys behind me kept telling each other hw lousy is the pop-corn, esp the salty ones.
hello, i didnt go into the cinema to get ur feedback on the pop-corn ok!!!!
as if it is nt bad enuff, the guy started to tok loudly on the hp.
yes. i cant even hear wat gong li said. i oni heard the guy.
bloody inconsiderate brat.
i turned over n asked him to keep quiet.
guess wat he did.
he continue to tok on the phone.
wat a fucker!!!!

n the audience, i muz say, r all idiots n bloody morons.
they laugh at the slightest things.
ppl die, they laugh. ppl cry, they laugh.
n i mean LAUGH.
the whole theatre was laughing when one of the character dies.
very funny meh?????
HZ was so so irritated that she turned around n showed me a sick face.
ignorant singaporeans.
i'm going to watch this show in taiwan again, juz to make sure dat nt all ppl in the world r so ignorant.
bloody fools.

the story will continue w my bro.
he was taking the mrt hm last week when this young lady stepped on his naked toe w her heels.
n she nv even turn n apologise.
u may say she did nt notice.
wiat till u hear the rest.
apparently, she continued to step on my bro's sandals in the extremely crowded train. so my bro tried to "withdraw" his sandals back. when he did it, the lady turn around, stared at him, n "tsk" him.
wah lau eh. i will b mad if it happened to me.
well, it did pissed my bro off. so, he did the ultimate.
when the mrt reached the nxt stop, n the door was abt to close, my bro swiftly swing his shoulder n knock the bitch out of the train as the door closes.
ta da.........she left outside the train, shocked.
v bad u may say.
i agree.
but she deserved it.

last nite my sis was telling me abt this auntie (aiyo, y woman again)on the NEL (yes, train again).
this woman was standing near an uncle w a dripping umbrella. the uncle accidnetally "brushed" his umbrella against her dress.
she went crazy.
she violently "clean" her dress w continuous sweeping motion, as if the umbrella got aids virus, glared at the uncle n followed by the famous "tsk".
then, my sis was abt to alight, so she stood up from her seat. this auntie hav this if-i-dun-snatch-the-seat-i-will-die-n-the-uncle-will-rape-me-w-his-aids-infected-umbrella attitude, stood so close to my sis when my sis stood up. the distance is like two couples going to kiss (oh man, gross).
my sis was blocked by her, so she couldnt get out of the seat.
guess wat.
the auntie "brushed" pass her, squeeze my sis aside, n "chop" the seat.
my sis was so pissed. she told her off.
guess wat happen again.
the woman snubbed my sis by repeating wat my sis said. she even gave a smirk face.
wat is happening to our society?????
muz the govt fine rude ppl then ppl learn how to b nice?????
where r the manners?????

wat is wrong w singaporeans????

anyway, toking abt the show, although there were much distractions, i still enjoyed it.
there were tears in my eyes when i walked out of the theatre.
no, nt bcos of the pop-corn guy.
bcos of the show.
go watch. its nice.










(五十年前,兴荣问过小二:“我可以喜欢你吗?”, 小二点点头......)
小二:(含泪) 这五十年来,你不就这样过的吗?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006



~ 吴淡如, <<不是得到,就是学到爱情>>

Sky fall down

it was pouring this morning
to the fact dat brolly oso no use
i am soaking wet from my socks to my shirt.
head to toe, literally.
luckily, i hav a pair of slippers in the office. i'm drying my socks in my office nw (no, my socks dun hav smell ok)
quite song though. i'm sipping hot coffee in my office now.
i love the rain.

duno taiwan rain or nt. hmmm
i was online yesterday searching for some info, apparently, taiwan's temp is abt 16 degrees nw.
woo hoo!!!
can b colder or nt?
i'm quite warm blooded, so i'm nt afraid of low temp.
c'mon. go lower, n lower, n lower, n lower!!!!
HZ muz b cursing me nw.

wah lau, FIFA muz b mad.
they gave the footballer award to cannavaro.
yes, him again.
wah biang eh!!!!! wats wrong w all those ppl??????
they blind or wat??????
he nv "lead" his team to the world cup lor.
they cheated to win the cup!!!!!
all liars n cheats!!!! n they let this lousy captain win the award.
all awards r crap.
including the golden horse award.
lousy n crappy.
waste my time.
if u r scratching ur head nw, i'm toking abt the lousy shw which won the award (After this our exile, Aaron Kwok won).
super lousy. i nearly fell asleep in the theatre.
boring. n the director, lousy.
i dun like e way he pull all those shots.

I wan to watch the curse of the golden flower on thursday.
dun care. muz reward myself w a good shw.

Monday, December 18, 2006

New manager syndrome, Sng Buays vs Giam Ga Na

New Manager Syndrome

Those whom r nt into soccer, u can skip this part.
i'm so bloody tired nw.
Man U lost the fucking match last nite. n i'm so pissed, until i cant sleep.
its nt funny ok.
they played like wat they played last yr. boring, no creativiy, too cocky.
to sum up, one word.
n west ham suddenly played like nv b4, v motivated.
it muz b the new manager.
there's this thing in epl called the new manager syndrome, whereby player got motivated bcos a new manager come in.
this was the case i supposed.
n their tactic against Man U definitely work.
they went where ever the ball went. all crowd where e bloody ball went, end up i c so many west ham players (3-4) wherever the ball went.
win liao lor.
n bloody chelsea is so good la.
they play like shit, wout terry they play boring too.
but they r capable for coming from behind (no dirty tots pls).
tim howard shd noe dat.
fucking idiot. he was out of his line when chelsea scored their 3 goals. all from outside the penalty box.
no wonder fergie dun wan him
go fuck off la.
n dats wat Man U cant do. they lose, they lose. wun come from behind.
i'm so mad now.
whoever asked me wat happen last nite will get it from me.
u will nt b my fren again.
yes, i'm this pissed.
so shut up.

Sng Buay vs Giam Ga Na

on an entirely diff note, HZ had been infusing me w gossips abt her immediate boss.
seemed like the whole office is against him now.
poor guy.
erm, well, he deserved it though.
he is a lousy boss, nv did his work (poor HZ always gana arrow. sayang sayang), n eat alot.
n i mean alot.
after causing much annoyance w his non-chalant attitude in work, he made it worse by having a not-giving-a-flying-fucking-damn-to-other-ppl's-feeling-n-i-am-the-king-here-so-shut-the-fuck-up-or-i-will-eat-u-up mentality.
HZ's big boss juz came back from UK w a few tins of v v expensive harrods biscults (one tin=6 pcs i think) for the ppl in office to share among themselves. well, they placed it in a common area whereby everyone can get it (which is think is quite stupid la). so, this guy came in early in the morning n start tucking in wout leaving some behind for others.
the tin of biscults was like left w 2 pcs(?) after he came out for another round of helpings.
HZ was so angry, so she n others hide the leftover biscults in their drawers.
guess wat.

guy: (came out after 20 mins) eh? where is the biscult?
HZ: oh, we kept it.
guy: but y?
HZ: oh, cos a few of them r on leave today, so we need tp KEEP SOME for them
guy: oh? is it?
HZ: ya.
guy: can i hav some more?

HZ cant do anything, being oni a subordinate, she had to let him eat more.
for this, the whole office called him Giam Ga Na (salty olives) now.
n the story dun end here.
apparently, one of the colleague came bk from korea the nxt day w some (some oni hor) seaweed to share.
no prize for guessing wat happen.
the Giam Ga Na (GGN) pulled the same tricks again.
n he finished half a packet of seaweed by himself.

dis irritated all the others.
so they declared war w him.
i find this so childish (but so funny).
so i had officially named the war as "The Sng Buays vs Giam Ga Na"
y sng buay (sour plums)?
cos all the workers in that office r ladies.
nw u noe y they r so childish?
but the GGN really too much la.
machiam yao gui, nv eat b4 is it?

Friday, December 15, 2006





Thursday, December 14, 2006

My dream house

i hate myself for being so materialistic.
i wan to b rich.
i wan a big hse w a big kitchen n bathroom
i'm nt kidding.
after watching the news last nite i'm more determined to do it.
singaporeans r damn rich. they even q up for apartments in marina bay n sentosa.
it cost S$2700.00 per sq feet.
so the whole house will b like 20 million.
fucking rich.

i wan to b rich too.

in case u still dun get my pt, here is my dream hse.
it muz hav a seaview. MUST!!!!

I MUST b able to c the sea in my living room

and in my bed room too.

the bathroom muz b simple n classy

or luxurious

i MUST have a BIG kitchen w bright lights. modern n clean.

after cooking, i will b a good host by chatting w my frens n guest in the dinning room. after which we can sip some wine near the living room.

c, i told u. i'm so money faced rite now. i wan to b rich, n to play golf (i'm nt v into golf, but hav to act high class) every weekend.


i heard wat u say.

dream on.

The Curse of The Golden Flower (and food, and lots more)

i seriously think dat BPMD 0303A is cursed.
MDIS is super fucked up.
i recv a sms from L after my dinner last nite, telling me dat the student officer from MDIS told XY dat one student binded her thesis for 80 bucks cos need to meet the uni's requirement.
yes, S$80.00.
n we hav to hand up 2 copies, so dat makes it S$160.00.
they might as well go rob a bank.
wat fucking stds? we dun even noe it?
the student officer dun even noe herself. so since nobody noes, i assumed no one bothers who n how we bind our thesis.
fucking spoil my mood for the rest of the day.

anyway, HZ n i went sembawang for thai food last nite (cos i've been craving for it for like 3 mths liao).
if gluttony is a sin, i would hav sinned v badly last nite.
guess wat we had.
one plate of pineapple rice (enuff for 4), one plate of fried noodles (for 4 pax too), one plate of sweet sour pork, one whole fried fish and one big bowl of tom yum soup.
yes, u got me rite.
n we finished the food in an hour's time n its nt even funny.
we ate like pigs man.
oh man!!! how to lose weight like dat?
i hav to go for jap dinner today w my family, go party w my gang tmr, HZ treating me to french food on sunday.....
na beh. fei wo bu si lor.
n guess how much we paid for the dinner last nite.
no kidding. its this cheap.
interested party to date me for my nxt thai food fiesta, pls make an appointment w me. i will gladly go w u. no, nt for the nxt one mth though. my stomach needs some rest from the hot n spicy tom yum.

e tok of the town these few days will b the curse of the golden flower.
in case u still live on top of the mountain (yes, its u, mei mei), chow yun fatt came to spore to promote the show. big big hoo haa around. but all the reporters love him, all the reports tok good things abt him.
blah blah blah.
he n gong li will b the reason to watch the show.
i heard some of u telling me smth.....
wat??? jay chou?
pls la, who wans to c him.
i c some shocked faces.
yes, he is sort of out of my league nw.
simply nt interested in him now.
i oni like his music.
for inspiration wise, lee hom will b on top of my list.

i think i'm really cursed to the max.
my staff juz came in (as i blog this) n gave me a box of lao po bing (wife biscults) from HK.
how to slim down??????????????
curse of food.
wat? share?
no hor. i'm nt going to share it w u.
too bad. i rather eat it all myself. wait for the crumps on the floor if u wan.
no wonder i'm still so fat after 3 years.
no wonder.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I feel so hungry recently


I always feel so sad after listening to the above song.
so sad but so true.

anyway, i'm craving for tom yum soup n my wanton mee (AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!).
i wan tom yum soup.....

my staff was telling me yesterday:

staff 1: eh boss, u lost weight lor.....
me: is it? no la, u long time nv c me liao mah.....
after 20 mins
staff 2: boss, ur face become sharper leh
me: huh?
staff 2: aiyo, exam oni mah, y study until lost so much weight?
me: got meh?
staff 2: ya, until "ming qe qe" liao (hokkien - face green green)....we nv feed u la, dats y.
me: ok, close shop, lets go for coffee

they mad la....where got so kua zhang? i probably look pale la, but nt sharp face la.
i'm happy anyway.....heee
i need to lose some weight b4 going to taiwan. reason is simple. i still cant regain my slim 52 kg after i came back from HK 3 years ago. it has been 56kg for these 3yrs, despite hw i starve myself, exercise.....
ok la ok la, i noe i'm fat la. no need to give me dat look la.
so i need to slim down. at least 2 kgs. or else i will eat myself to death for the 10 days in taiwan.
but i'm always so hungry la.
wah biang eh.....

HZ is treating me to french stall this weekend, cos she got her fat fat bonus liao (i hate civil servant).
no, i'm nt pai seh.
ying gai de.
shamless hungry pig

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Diva

went for her concert on sat.
well, she's nt called the diva for nothing.
good performance.
good, nt super, cos it was marred by idiotic stuff during the concert.
1stly, i duno whether its due to nervousness, the so called music director (lun yong liang) cocked up during the 1st few songs. mistakes were obvious.
lousy la.
then it was sandy.
aparrently, the stupid music was too loud, she had to shout for the 1st few songs.
end up, she went flat for a few notes.
she was so fed up, she pulled out her ear piece halfway. n guess wat?
ta solves the problem. she sang superbly for the rest of the songs.
i muz say dat she's really powerful.
hav u ever seen a huge (n i mean huge) group of uncles n aunties (late 30s, 40s) dancing (i mean DANCING, nt moving) w the music in a concert? well, sandy managed to get them move their arse n do it.
simply amazing. u shd c for urself.
there were even synchronized actions. no kidding.
well, at the end of the concert, all of us stood up n dance as well. nt bad la.
one thing i need to say though. i think the organizer quite tight budget la. no fancy dresses, nt many dancers.....sandy looked lonely on stage alone.
she still shine though.
n she made it a point to bow 90 degrees after every song, thanking us for the encouragement n support.
i like her.
n she sang my fav song as well.
so touched.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Finally after 3 years!!!!

3 years.
yes. dats hw long i've been studying really hard.
serious. from the very beginning, i studied w my heart n soul.
nv mind yr 1 don't count much. nv mind wat type of funny lecturers we had. nv mind wat tricks other ppl pull (will explain it later).
i can cross my heart n say "i hav really done my best."
y so emotional?
my 3 years in MDIS ended w a "thump" yesterday (ok, i noe, still got dissertation), well, officially.
no, i didn't attempt to jump down from the sch's 4th floor, although it will b a good idea after yesterday's paper.
i've completed all my modules for my degree.
congratulate me, ppl.

well, for ppl whom already noe, n r in the same boat w me (ie, came for the last paper yesterday), thank u for fighting the war w me. it has been a pleasure (n pressure. hahaha) to fight along w u guys.
for those cowards whom resorted to despicable n underhand methods to score well, n still got the cheek to ask for tips, i can oni 3 words to u.


no. i'm nt jealous. seriously. bit when competiton is concerned, i want it to b clean n fair. i rather lose it to L than them.
simply incorrigible.
my clique will noe wat i'm saying.
enuff already.

came home at abt 6.20am this morning. n i woke up at 8.50am.
u ppl shd noe dat i usually dun sleep alot after clubbing.
alcohol withdrawal effect, i supposed.
n i'm having terrible cluster headaches rite now. nt bcos of the alcohol, but due to the lack of sleep for the past few weeks.
yes, it was THIS stressful.
i need tons of benzo rite now.
oh, n an oxygen tank pls.
i'm suffering from post-clubbing-allergy-to-the-bloody-smoke-from-the-bloody-fucking-cheapo-cigerattes-from-the-club-n-i-dun-noe-why-syndrome.
i cant wait for them to ban smoking in clubs.
it used to b juz teary n painful eyes. but it reached terminal stage this morning.
i kept sneezing (n WK was staring at me for the whole nite in the dancefloor), w a v itchy nose.
i look like a rudolph now.
maybe i shd enroll myself to santa since xmas i round the corner.

simply love ONS. love the band, love the crowd, love my clubbing buddies (YX, MQ n WK). nvm other ppl. we were just in our own world.
if "that thing u do" is my poly song, our MDIS song will b "can't take my eyes off u".
hahahaha. u gals now wat i mean?
n we were trying our v best to salsa thru the dancefloor to the front.
ya la ya la, i noe i dance like a parkinson pt (note: shuffling feet, rigidity, tremors....)
hey, i noe i'm nt usher.
tsk, nt the uncle whom stand at the cinema door n ask u for tix la.

THIS usher.

but i dun bloody care already.
i'm the king now.
of pop? no. i dun wan to b dat paedophile MJ.
thanks but no thanks.
oh btw, i do think dat our dear YX hav a flair in salsa dancing. v fast learner n sharp too.
hey gal, take up lessons w chip. it will b fun. trust me.
n MQ, stop laughing at ppl already. it is nt her fault to b a direction idiot. (i am one too. so YX, u r nt alone)
at least YX can dance well hor.
credit credit. *giggles*

n YX n i had a sore throat after the clubbing session.
shout too much.
this shows how high we were.
those whom missed it (mei mei n C), i can oni say,
opps. ltr got KARMA.
(MQ muz b saying "eh, come up w smth new hor" rite nw. hey gal, dun b stingy. juz let ppl use the word)

we ended our session w a hotcake w sausage meal this morning. *put my hands on my face n scream hyterically*
u noe wat i mean. *wink at the gals*

simply love u gals.
u all r juz great.
thank u for "celebrating" w us. * jumping up n down, singing "i love u baby, n if its quite alrite, i need u baby...." *

aiyo, i'm so bloody hungry rite now.
going to cook some noodles to ease my hunger pangs now.
will update on the sandy lam's concert (tonite) soon.

p.s (to WK): i will remember my promise to u. will do it tonite.

to others: y u so kaypo? i'm nt going to tell u wat i've promised her.
stop bitching.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One more to go

i slept at 3 plus this morning.
in woke up at 8 plus.
my head was full of info from my cdt.

one paper down, one more to go.
cant wait for it to finish.
the feeling is like a chronic constipated pt whom suddenly wants to remove his bowels, but cannot find a toilet.
it was this desperate n its nt even funny.
the stress level is now to the max.
part of it is of cos exam. the other part of it will be the dissertation.
it sucked.
for ppl whom has nt done it, may god bless u. it took me 1 mth to complete it n 3 mths to polish it up, n it is still nt ready for submittion.
maybe i'm stupid.
well, who cares.
i cant b bothered rite now, esp after the paper yesterday.
haolian lor we. end up all dun hav time to complete the paper. we were struggling to finish the paper.
a group of taking for granted morons.
however, we muz thank JT for doing a good job.
he is our motivation.

enuff w daily crap. going for my bfast now n start to drill into my cdt again.