Thursday, November 30, 2006

The starting of an end

yes yes. i'm starting to prepare for exams again.
so much to study, so little time left.
i feel so damn nervous n stressed now.

apparently (not new) canavaro won the european player of the year.
y not henry????
to think that the 2nd on the list is actually buffon (italian goalie).
wats up w the judges? doesnt mean they win world cup then muz give them the award lor.
freaking unfair. i preferred dida (brazil's goalie).
ok, i'm bias. i dun like the italy team. nt worthy champions.
n canavaro sucked big time in real madrid.

luckily, Man U won this morning, or else, chelsea will catch up.
heng ah.
pls win win win!!!!

i nearly bought a jersy online juz now, n suddenly realised dat i need $$$$ for my taiwan trip, so i dropped the idea.
maybe 10 days r way too many days.
we shall c nxt mth.

watched project superstar last nite.
omg. i nearly fainted.
oni 2 caught my attention. the rest.....blah........
esp dat fake rui en (F5)
she sang as if there's a guava in her mouth.
n she sang XQ's theme song!!!! how dare u!!!! then sing until like shit.
i smsed XQ immediately, n told her to join superstar nxt yr, since this kind of std oso can go into top 12.
for those whom asked me to go, imagine i gana "ding" out, oni to noe that i had lost to this kind of std. i will commit suicide.
blah. hope she get the boot today.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hellish morning

alrite. i'm nt in the best of mood today.
1st thing in the morning when i was waiting for a bus at ys, i saw this woman (old hag) beside me, pacing here n there as if she was in a fashion show. irritating. i ignored her.
then the bus came.
as usual, everyone will rush to the door. unfortunately for them, the door was rite in front of me (yeah). juz when i was abt to step onto the bus, the bitch (yes, the fake model) cut into my path w swift moves, knocking me out of the way, leaving me hanging on the step w 1/6 of my foot on the step. luckily i was holding the handle. i would hav fell of the bus.
na beh.
stupid bitch. some more wear a fake pair of dior sunglasses.
no class. pui.

then as if it was nt enuff to spoil my morning, my sis smsed me this.

"pele was in TP yesterday at sports complex, 5pm"

i nearly fell of my chair.
hey darling, u tell me for wat la. "came" lor, as u said.
i'm so bleedy pissed already when she tried to console me by sending me this.

"hahaha.i help u to take the banner la."

thanks, but no thanks.
so pissed.

anyway, after the tutorial last nite, i'm really stressed to the highest level.
i need a glass of good wine or champagne.
who wans to go w me?
oh ya, n a bowl of wanton mee pls. i'm carving (again) for it.
oni food n wine will cheer me up now.
i heard some of u saying smth else.
no ppl, no sex pls.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006



“谢谢你的祝福。我也希望你能过得开心。我们一直在寻找属于自己的幸福,希望我们真的找到了。Take care......”

Monday, November 27, 2006


我不要你解释 我不要你发誓
我只要 你记得此刻 你眼里 我的样子

我想我寻我憔悴 你躲你藏你卑微
我哭我累我哀悲 你忘你逃你戒备

Well well well

i'm having swollen n painful eyes now. cos i slept at 2am this morning.
yes. bcos of the beautiful game, of cos.
chelsea n man u draw the game. which i think is a reasonable outcome.
man u controlled the 1st half, chelsea controlled the 2nd half. one goals each. fair n square.
good game.
so good dat it keeps me awake for 1hr after the game. i turned n tossed on the bed, cant sleep.
i probably slept at 3am.
my eyes r so swollen now.

stupid workshop on sat morning wasted my 4 hrs. idiot!!!! it was freaking boring, until we ended up chit chatting in the "2nd half" of the workshop. it was this boring.
went to watch andy lau's "mo gong" after dat.
very good, despite the fact dat some of the love scenes r really redundant. i still think dat the director can do a better job.
so, 8 out of 10.
go watch it. its nice.

found a new eatery at hougang mall which serves good noodles n chinese food.
nt bad nt bad. a new place to hang out. n no need to go so far for my "gui hua jiu niang wan zi".

oh man, still need to go sch to collect the protocol for CDM later.
i feel so tired now.....

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The neoprints

i've finally managed to scan the neoprints (again, for the third time) into the cpu. thanks to my darling sis.
thanks babe!!!
so peeps, here's our masterpiece.

this is the normal one we took. dun ask me y my face is so big. i oso duno.

MQ was asking me wat happen to my face. well, this is my attempt to reduce the surface area of my face. i tell u, we had a hard time squeezing into the frame as well.

this is one of the nicest print we had. the gals planned the pose in advance, so it turned out rather well. all of them looked beautiful, don't they? after planning the pose, they realised dat they dun hav a place for me, so i've decided to act superstar in the middle. but i muz really say, u gals looked great in this pix!!!!

guess who is who??? prize for getting it rite though. u hav to take ur hat off YX. simply "xi1 sheng1 xing2 xiang4" to entertain ourselves. cant stop laughing when i look at this pix. well done, gals.

dreamy dreamy gals. here again all the gals looked so dreamy, n i'm trying to squeeze my big bleedy face into the frame, cutting abit of YX's face in the process (sorry gal!). u all noe la, it is impossible for me to look dreamy, so, i hav to act cute abit. ok la, i'm abit disgusting la. abit oni ah.

so, there u r. n we took 1 hr to complete the shots.

my god.

lets do it again babes!!! hahaha....

simply irresistable.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Freaking funny (part 2)

enuff say.

Freaking funny!!!!

i need to get this out.
i cant stand it. i have been laughing for like 10 mins liao. simply hilarious.
i was eating my laksa in my office. then i happen to stare out of the glass window (for those whom hav no clue of wat i'm toking abt, my office is in the kitchen, w a glass window attached, so dat i can supervise my staff in the kitchen even when i'm in the office).
guess wat i saw.
i saw my staff (cook, male) using the jumbo spatula (the utensils in cookhouse is humongous) as a microphone, singing along w the blasting radio (my heart will go on. yes, the sinking ship). he acted as if he is the star, singing to the audience, posing, waving to the crowd.
no, he is nt mad, he was juz entertaining another staff of mine whom was in the kitchen too.
the thing is, they nv realise dat i was walking out of my office towards them.
i stood behind the "singer", waiting for him to c me.
he nv.
he continued his act for around 20 seconds before he turned n saw me standing there, folding my arms.
i told him "y, performing for me ah? y stop?"
he jumped up n his face turned green.
so so so so so funny!!!!
he duno hw to react, wat to say to me, juz stood there, smiling sheepishly.
i laugh like mad.
buay tahan man.
tons of jokers around me.
toking abt this reminds me of this fren of mine whom commented on the xmas lighting.
yes, u. u r the one i'm toking abt.
dun hide hor , YX.
we were walking towards hmv for cab on wed, suddenly she commented " aiyo, this yr's deco can die lor. y they put sparrows on the tree????"
"huh???" i was looking at the tree when MQ said " eh, pls lor, its dove"
then YX say " oh ya hor"
auntie oei, where got ppl put sparrows on trees for xmas one??? we had enuff of them le lor.
wah biang, laugh like mad.
then as the cab pass by hmv (again), she said again " aiyo, u noe hor, juz now i tot dat the xmas tree "lao zui" (hokkien, loosely translated as leak water) after the rain."
i looked up n saw a xmas tree along the road. it was a fountain-plus-tree-w-water-flowing-machiam-v-artisitic-but-it-is-not tree.
tsk tsk tsk *shaking head*
MQ cant b bothered w her. she simply chose to keep quiet while YX rattles on, explaining y she tot so.
then i told MQ " now i noe y u keep quiet"
MQ stared at her, then said "cant b bothered w her nonsense lor" giving her the non-chanlant look.
poor YX.
ok la, u win.
the tree is really ugly la.

freaking funny.

Cena Perfetta!!!!

gli aveva una cena perfetta la sera scorsa

had dinner w few of my pals last nite. it was fantastic!!!! we had dinner at prego (the one at cityhall, swisshotel), n i hav to admit dat the food n service improved so so so much dat i really wan to go back there again!!!!definately money well spent (the bill came up to a whopping 60 +++ bucks per pax, luckily M had a 25% discount which shrink the bill to a considerable $45 per pax).
i had a squid ink pasta (finally!!!! hav been wanting to try it since stone age) w saffron sauce n small (i tell u, i consider dat as tiny) lobster. yum yum!!! the pasta taste so divine!!!! i love the "seafood" taste of the pasta. 4 out of 5 points, no pts for the small lobster. too small. other then dat, perfect. i managed to finsh the whole plate, despite of gulping down a "basin" of lobster bisque n a big portion of the salad (w lemon dressing!!!!) b4 the pasta.
the oni thing i can really pick on was the dessert.
i tot the creme brulee was nt warn enuff, n i cant taste any trace of rum in the tiramisu. it was tasty though.
n i ended my meal w a glass of chadonnay (white). fruity note, dry, nt v sweet.
i'm so so so happy now.
so, to make me happy, give me good food.
i'm so going back there again.
who wan to come w me?

looking forward for the match this sunday.
chelsea vs Man U.
sigh, think Man U will lose la.

so i will need good food after the match.
french stall anybody?
i'm craving for foie gras.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Partying 12 hrs

haha, ok. 2 papers down. 2 more to go.
although the case study sucked, we managed to pull it off.
ahhhhh, hack la. over liao. hav to go on w life. n we partied for 12 hrs yesterday.
we went for lunch at HMV after dat, followed by a crazy neoprint taking session.
i tell u, i nv felt this excited when i took neoprints in the past. yesterday was like war zone.
n it took us 1 whole bleedy hour to finish taking the neoprints (2 actually).
crazy ppl.
i was perspiring after the session. it shows hw exciting n tedious it was.
i cant seem to load the pix into the blog. but i'll try when i get hm 2nite, so, stay tunned.
nv noe it can b so fun taking neoprints. starting to get the hang of it.
but as u noe, old ppl dun take neoprints liao, we cock up abit during the 1st neoprint. cant edit (decorate) the prints on the right side. so, clever me went to seek help from the shopkeeper. she simply went over, took the pen from the right side n say " use this pen la"
knn, so pai seh la. apparently, we nv c a pen on the right side la (n YX was sleeping too la, stand on the right side nv c the pen). limpeh so paiseh la.
the prints turned out quite well though.
after the traumatic experience, we went for our usual ktv session. boy, it was fun.
MQ n i had our usual dose of<<我最珍贵>> (no error, its our version), followed by a disastrous <<珊瑚海>> (its not for the faint heart. i mean it). then MQ n i try to beat steph sun by singing <<第一天>>, but we ended up breatheless, panting n out of voice. nnb.
the session ended w half an hour of rememberence for danial chan.
no, he is nt dead. its juz dat the gals suddenly wanted to listen to his songs (thanks hor YX n WK). limpeh open mini concert la.
n no, i'm not going to join project superstar (havent open mouth gana "ding" out liao), so quit persuading me.
then we wailked around n ended up in swensen for our dinner n ice-cream *cover mouth n smile sheepishly*. MQ, YX n WK will noe wat i mean *wink to the gals*
we toked alot during the dinner session, then we started to compare hw diff bf shd propose to gals. the conclusion is:
MQ will hav her proposal in HK 女人街
YX will hav hers in chatuchak
WK will hav hers in taj mahal, her hubby to be will hav to propose in tamil.
dun u juz love asia??? (hey gal, these r generic strategies, ok?)
hahaha....laugh like mad.
then they start sharing hw they started their relationship w their bf. although we kept complaining 烂透了, i noe in their hearts, dat will always b the special moment for them.

cheers baby

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The ANTM 6

twist twist twist.....
i had nv seen an episode so competitive b4.........
my oh my.
i hav to rate this season's american next top model the best ever.
ladies n gentlemen, these r the contestants this season.

saw anyone special?
they r some contestants w minimal modelling experience.
one of them is a lawyer they found in the mall (sara), n they asked her to join.
she made it to the top 4 though.
my sis was rooting for her

well, i muz say that for an amateur, this is a good pix. nt good as the top model though. too bad. n my sis vowed to boycott the show after she's booted out. loser. hahaa.

so it was down to the top 3 last week.

apparently the lady in the middle (jade) had a foul mouth, so the judges gave her the boot. so it was down to two.

pick one.
i liked danielle evans all along. but joanie came as a strong contender. well, i really tot that the judges preferred joanie all along, cos she's really sophisticated n really pretty.
of cos, bcos she's white.
n danielle hav some prob w her speech (texas slang), which the judges picked on every week.
then i was telling my sis, i think joanie will win.

they were waiting for tyra banks to announce the results. n suddenly, i saw this on the screen


Danielle Evans!!!!!!!!!!

yeah!!!!!! danielle won!!!!!


i'm so happy.


but yet n again, i will hav nothing to watch nxt monday.

darn it. give me more reality shows!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Study study study

yes yes. its the time of the year again, whereby i hav to bury myself into the mountains n mountains of notes n books again.
my god.
this time was really worse for me.
i duno wat is wrong w my neighbours. apparently, they r renovating their hse for like duno how long liao. since the pmpd paper, they hav been drilling, hammering, knocking, "bua-ing" from 9am in the morning until 5pm in the evening.
what the fuck!!!!!
i cant concentrate at all man.
i wanted to go downstairs to study, but the noise from the kids (sch holidays now, so party everday) doesn't make it any better.
i'm having headaches from the noise evryday.
anyway,the mugging still hav to go on.
buy me 2 dozen panadols.

went to may's wedding banquet last nite, n boy, it was fun.
well done david. u r simply the best.

watched a fantastic tennis match (i noe i shd b studying la, but give me a break, ok?) between federer n nadal (master's cup, semi-finals). was really exciting!!!! i nv knew dat tennis can b such exciting game!!!!
federer is the best, although i like nadal too. but federer's skills r simply stunning.
simply amazing.
i love tennis.

oh ya, my sis was telling me dat the dressing rooms in vivo city Tangs are all w diff themes. they hav dressing rooms called "pari hilton". oh man.
but the best thing was dat some of the rooms come w a pole (imagine pole dance).
i mean, for wat la.....u wan a pole to dance in the dressing room????
my sis was telling me this.

sis: eh, my frens n i were discussing wat the poles r for
me: aiyo, let ppl dance inside lor
sis: imagine they buying bra la
sis: can u imagine a woman buying bra, then suddenly feel like dancing in the room....but she's wearing a red lacy bra with jeans la
me: eeewwwww....sounds so wrong la

then we went on discussing hw awful the lady will look when suddenly, my sis told me "oei, xiao ah, the lady will wear panty oso mah."
oh ya hor.....i forget.
but if the color dun match how????
imagine red bra w skin color (imagine lao po po's underwear) panty.....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My project run(a)way

Someone was telling me how bad taste is was for my choice of "bachelor's clothes".

pls lor, they r the best i can find liao.

dun believe? take a look at this.

call me bad taste. but wtf is this guy doing w the "raincoat" on him????

n look at the color.


look at the material of the coat.

n the color.

enuff say.

this chap got a whole chess board on him.

and its not funny.

n the hair........

the coat is too big, i think. it makes his legs look short.

n the design......ewwww

too many layers, pulls the whole person "down"

looks heavy.....dun u think so?

ba zang (meat dumplings), anyone?

this is the ultimate is hav.

omg. look at the "texture" (i wun even call it material) of the whole thing. looks like a plastic sheet to me. heavy n clumpsy.

n the color.....aiyo, even my dad wun wan to wear it la.......

so, did i prove my point?

nt all desginer clothes r nice hor, mind u. i noe y i'm nt a designer.


okok, i mange to find one not bad one la.

looky looky.

nice combination of layers, materials, color....

n i bet u gals noticed.

the model is more good looking than those on top.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006



“喂,我有东西介绍给你哦。”朋友告我。接着,他便从书包里拿出了cd。"Beyond - Live and Basic"。“吓???新的cd???”我怀疑地看着他。他把cd递了给我,吩咐我一定要把它听完。当天一到家,我就把那张演唱会的专辑听了一遍。十七岁的我当下许下了一个承诺,“Beyond,我永远爱你们”。

也请你保佑家强的宝宝(还有一家人) 平平安安,保佑ah Paul和朱茵早日有情人终成眷属,保佑世荣不在孤独,快点找到他的伴侣。

Oh my F god......

man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man................
i cant believe it.
i'm so so so freaking out now.

some taiwanese gal fan of Beyond actually tattooed Kar Kui's pix on her back.
she is 20 yrs old.
amazing courage.
she has earned the outmost respect from all the Beyond fans from the Beyond fan club forum.
i wish i hav the courage to do it.
i so wan a tattoo too.

Let's stop being so pathetic

i was watching the news last nite, then i saw this report on the haze thing. e govts were dicussing how to work together to prevent the haze. saw this uncle, alone, managed to put out a small (really small la) fire by waving some branches n beating the fire w it.
poooof.....its gone w one stroke.
power leh uncle.
then i told my sis these.

me: wah lau eh, did u c dat?
sis: huh? no. simi?
me: dat uncle use a branch to put out the forest fire leh. one stroke oni lor. so efficient!!!
sis: is it? so? (nt v interested)
me: they shd employ some uncles to do it la. so efficient.
sis: huh?
me: they shd ask 20 million uncles to do it. like dat, w one stroke, wll the fire will b gone!!! brilliant eh?
sis: (giving me the 'wat the fuck' look) huh? u mad ah? u noe how many ppl is 20 million or nt?
me: erm.....
sis: singapore oni got how many ppl??? 20 million???? that is more than all e ppl we hav here lor
me: aiya, can b done one mah.
sis: (begin to ignore me) xiao.
me: i tell u..... (comtinue my lame excuses n reasoning)

my sis juz sighed, then turned away.
cannot meh? hmm......
y so pathetic la.

on another note.


y so pathetic.
no need.
move on baby.
dun lose urself when u love someone.
not necessary

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Life n Death

i waited for 1/2 hr for a bus in ys dis morning.
wat is happening to the 1st class public transport svs????

recently, e MOH keep educating the ppl abt death, n the acceptance if death. i've mentioned AMD in my previous post b4.
so, do u wan to die w dignity?
i've came across quite a few number of cases whereby old ppl w terminal diseases (eg. last stage of cancer) refusing to go thru chemo or any form of treament for them. to them, dying w dignity is more impt than having a longer life.
quite true in some sense.
but wat if it happens to u, the young ones?
wat if (choy choy choy) ur doc tells u dat u hav cancer now. will u wan chemo, drop all ur hair, feel like shit for a long long time, cant eat this, cant do dat, stay in the bloody hospital day in day out, but hav a longer life?
u sure u wan dat?
or u juz wan to live ur remaining life by doing watever u wan, enjoy the time u hav w ur family, frens n loved ones, wout burning a hole in your (n their) pocket?
u choose.
i dun wan to choose. sorry, but i really duno wat i wan in the future. hw can i make decision for the future me? later i regret how?
so, too bad. no AMD for me.

after toking abt death, lets tok abt birth.
yes, children, dat is.
i was watching a variety show one evening on ch 49, where 2 groups of artists argue abt the pros n cons of having children. interesting.
one v good point though.
u hav to worry for the rest of ur life if u hav a daughter. worried abt the usual stuff when she's young, then, worry abt her having a boyfren (will get pregnant or nt), worry whether she will marry a good husband, worry abt whether she noes how to take care of her kids or nt.....
wah lau. where got time for myself?
mad ah?
some more i'm a damn possessive parent. i will certainly freak out if my daugther tells me these.

D: can i hav a boyfriend?
me: cannot
D: i hav one liao
me: what!!!!!! who the hell?
n i will proceed to the boy's hse n castrate him

D: i'm getting married
me: no way.
D: but i really love him
me: cannot!!!!!! (shouting on top of my voice) now ask him to F off!!!!
D: but but.....(sobbing)
me: .......
D: .......
me: still cannot.

hello, limpeh invest all my love n money in u for ur life n u tell me u r leaving me for another man???
no way!!!

ok, i sound like a pervert, don't i?
well, juz to prove the point that i cant hav kids.
maybe i shd get myself a dog.
a male one.

Monday, November 13, 2006

上海1930 (续一)

玫瑰气呼呼地站了起来,二话不说,往那小伙子的脸上赏了一个耳光。“对不起?妈的个头!老娘打了你才跟你说对不起,行不行?” 只见小伙子默默地抬起头,看着玫瑰,说:“没关系,我们送你回家,好吗?”

A good i wish

HZ n i went to watch this movie on sat.
i love it.
u hav to c hw the french enjoy every moment of their life.
simply amazing. how i wish i can do dat too.
life is way too stressful in the city (singapore dun hav city, so in this case, country)
hw i wish i can wake up everyday (awaken by scorpions), walk downstairs to hav my pancakes specially made by my love, then hold her hands n walk thru the vineyard, telling her dat we will hav good wine this year.....bring her to the restaurant at the alley for dinner, oni to find out that we hav to wait for an hour for our food, w the boss scolding us for our impatience when we enquire for our meal.
fantastic, isnt it?
simply love it.
i wan to b rich. so dat i can buy a land, hire some jokers, n lets make wine!!!!
i really wan it.
there is one thing i rem clearly abt the show.
it's wat uncle henry told young max after a game of tennis (of cos max, as a kid, lost)
it goes like dis:

"max, there is nothing to b angry or upset about when u lost. u've actually gain when u lost. being able to learn your mistakes n what causes it prevents u from doing it again. this is life, we hav to learn as we grow. in this case, their is nothing to b happy about when we win, because we won't learn anything."

cool. so true isnt it.

Lif ressemble à du vin, plus long c'est autour, plus mûr il arrivera

hee. c i told u i noe french.
i'm nt going to tell u here wat it means. ask me urself.

on another note, i went to the motorshow yesterday.
fucked up.
i went out wout checking my camera.
and up, no batt.
i end up taking photos using my lousy hp.
so pissed w myself.
and then, i've found a car which is really suitable for me.
yes, u've got me rite.
the freaky round thing.
damn it!!!! i dun wan yaris!!!!
but seemed like i liked the car's interior the best, most comfi, n all.
damn it.
sorry la MQ.
i may buy it.
dun say i copy u hor. i oso dun wan.
Je ne suis pas un copieur


Uncle Henry's philosophy on life – and on life in Provence: "There's nowhere else in the world where one can keep busy doing so little, yet enjoy it so much!"

Friday, November 10, 2006

Smart la smart la

i really wonder wat will happen.
smth will happen.
n it is going to jepordise (spelling?) the progress of our dissertion, as well as implicate us to a unimaginable consequence.
i've told L nt to get involved.
anyway, i cant b bothered.
i noe u may b reading this. i'm going to tell u, pal, cool it. dun lose ur cool by "fighting" w him. nt worth.
cool it ppl!!
we will b graduating in like.....1 mth? dun add pressure to urself anymore.

anyway, on an entirely diff note, w regards to my previous post, i realised dat my "eligible bachelor" does not hav clothes to wear (i nv include clothing). he cant be naked w shoes n watch oni.

so, i am going to do him justice.

Valentino 2007 summer collection

Kenneth Cole 2006 Fall/Winter Collection
can already?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I want to buy shoes!!!!

i was watching this variety show last week, whereby they featured men's fashion. i was totally blown away by a pair of puma's limited edition leather shoes.
guess how much?
it costs S$450.00
bloody hell.
how come the things i liked r always so so so ex.
ta ma de.
in order to search for another alternative, i went online for other options.
i end up w a huge urge to buy shoes.
damn it.

this pair is from DM.

simple n nice w my fav color. costs US$98.00

this pair is from our dear puma. sporty yet classy.

nice. US$248.00

this pair is one of my fav. nice cutting n design. suitable for formal occasions/functions as well.


ok, i'm not mad. if u looked carefully, both pairs r made from diff material, although they r of the same design. i like the "sporty-ness" of the shoes. goes well w jeans.


here comes my 1st choice.

ta dah.......

aren't they gorgous????

italian cut, with sleek design, so classy, so so so .....erm......beautiful???? (damn, ran out of words to describe)

anyway, they r simply gorgous (pardon me for my limited vocab nowadays. my brain is really exhausted at this point of time.)

these beauties cost a smashing US$460.00


wear those shoes, n those versarce watches (i've mentioned in my previous blog), buy the D&G V3 hp, n drive this.

u will b the most eligible bachelor in the world.

i wan to buy shoes.


I love reality shows

ok, i admit. i'm really a sucker for reality shows. i juz cant wait to c the nxt episode of ANTM, amazing race, survivor, the apprentice and project runway. bitchy n fake u might say. i dun care. i need my weekly dose of bitching into watever they r bitching abt. simply love the bitchiness n backstabbing.
i hope they bring back paris hilton. love that bitch.

i will b cooking smth diff again this weekend.
fish n chips or seafood noodles.
which one u wan ah?

wah biang, i'm craving for french onion soup w mozzeralla cheese now.
damn, i miss the french stall man.
i wan french stall.
my foie gras as well.
damn it.
so hungry now.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The long awaited day has finally arrived

finally, after waiting for one yr, the moment had arrived.
dsta came to do a yearly grading on the cookhouse.
after being so "on the ball" for a few mths, finally, the 2 beauties came.
alright, i'm nt sucking up to them, but this round, they r really nice to me. very diff from the one i had in stts a couple of yrs ago.
had a couple of mistakes here n there, but well, everything was still under control, i guess.
now, i'm so so so tired.
i really really need some good, uninterrupted rest.

i'm near a breakdown point liao.
after dat traumatic paper, i'm really demoralised.
n the more i need to buck myself up for better results.
i cant waste the effort i put in from yr 1 until now.
its so unfair.
i've been putting so so so much effort (i'm sure my other classmates did as well), n this happened.
so unfair to all of us.
exams r always unfair, i guess. it doesn't measure how much effort u've put into revision. oni "ling chang biao xian".
i'm so grouchy.

P.S: HZ, i cant do a full distinction liao. u win. hahahaha
P.P.S.S: dun send me the cookie recipe oni. make for me.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006





hey peps, do it together w me.
breathe in deeply.
ha ha
ha ha ha

i think we need to learn to b happy.
currently, i feel so drained n tired. need to take a break.
this is a clip i got from youtube.
hope it makes u laugh.

Monday, November 06, 2006

What a demoralising day

i really wan to rant all my anger out.
juz finished a paper earlier today. i tell u, dun ever let me c miss loh in sch in the near future. i will certainly slaughter her, cut her into 1001 pieces, feed it to 200 diff dogs, with one extra piece kept in my freezer for my supper tonite.
bloody hell.
nt dat i'm so hungry. i tell u, it really ruin our day.
the section she asked us to skip actually came out as a 100 marks exam question.
as if it is nt enuff, other questions were ambiguous, so we hav to to it or die.
end up, all our answers r different from each other.
n one "truely champion" went around, boasting to ppl that he got the correct answer, n others were wrong.
ok lor, u win.
c who gets the last laugh.
i tell u, i will b happy even i get a C.
pls dun fail me.
i still wan my 2nd upper class.
pls pls.
may the immortals pity us. (the reason i nv say GOD here is bcos i reckon that he will b too busy to deal w my minute request, so i will spread the word around to his "xian you" as well)
anybody up there, help us!!!!!
esp my beloved guan yin mah.
bo bi bo bi.
tolong tolong.