Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Random updates

lots of things happened during the past few days.
my tv exploded (no kidding) on sunday evening. we were watching the charity show on Ch U, and while we were cheering for mingyi fa shi, it exploded. everything after that was history.
apparently, the bulb broke.so, no tv for the past few days. it will b fixed by tmr, which means that there will nt b any "recreational activities" in my hse today as well.
i tell u, my family simply cant live wout tv.
n there were evidences to prove my pt.
i was toking to my sis at the dinning table yesterday (abt the tv). after like one minute, she walked towards the tv (i was like "huh? y u walk to the tv?"), then tried to switched it on, oni to find out that there was a "hole" at the "on/off" switch (it has been removed). n my sis, upon knowing her silly mistake, gave out a loud "AIYO!!!!".
i tell u, i was laughing like hell.
no, this is nt the end of the silly story.
my bro came hm around an hour later. i told him the silly mistake my sis made abt the tv.
he laughed at her.
after 5 mins, he too walked towards the tv. then he suddenly remembered that it was nt working.
he rolled his eyes, turned back, followed by a soft (he dun wan to let us noe he made the mistake too) "tsk, ch** by*"
too late.
we saw that.
nearly fell off the chair.
i mean, hello......i tot we juz toked abt it. hw come so fast forget?
alzheimer's ah?
we were so used to the fact that the tv muz b on from 5pm onwards, so, ya.
we cant live wout it.

anyway, on a diff note, i will b starting my piano lessons nxt week.
yes!!! finally, i went n enrolled myself.
n my italian class will start nxt mth.
cool eh?
will keep myslef busy w stuff.
its time. it has been 3 mths since i finish my degree.
so, the oni thing missing form my plan is a new job.
i'm so sick n tired of the job now.
i mean, ya, my job nw is good too (flexible time, good staff), but i need to move on already. to a new phase of life i've always looking forward to.
please give me a new job.

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