Monday, March 05, 2007

How much r u willing to give for love?

my mum is down w fever.
for dat, my family hav to eat watever i've cooked for dinner last nite. ok la, still edible. i muz say i'm nt a bad cook either, so, shut up n eat.
saw my mum behaving like a baby once she's sick.
so funny.
n my poor dad. he hav to endure e complaining-nagging-non-stop-but-still-behaving-like-a-kid-mum. he even braved the rain to buy medicine for her, prepared it, n brought it to the room, coaxing her to drink it.
where can find a hubby like dat?

anyway, my point is, ppl can really sacrifice for love, regardless of age.
heard stories over the weekend abt hw silly 2 women can b juz for love. (yes, its u. no need to hide)
well, one became smarter after the lesson, one still holding on to the obvious wrong choice (to us la) but doing nothing abt it.
well, non of my biz though. watever has to be said had already been said.
juz dun wan to c u get hurt again, babe.
think abt it again la.

my sis was telling me yesterday dat she felt really betrayed n bu gan xin when her ex went for another bitch.
i told her, this is the chance from god to let u c thru his true colors.
shd b happy.
if like dat u still dun c, u shd b cursed.
dun give for nothing. i mean, yes, u love the person, n u hav the freedom to decide hw much to give.
provided he/she noes n appreciates it, otherwise, dun waste ur time.

thinking back to the stories i've heard on friday nite makes me cringe.
those silly things we've done when we were young.
waiting aimlessly for a person whom no longer loves u, cry n beg for love, tolerate all those nonsense from a person whom took u for granted.......
n we can no longer afford to do it again.
so painful, the memories.

give as much as u can, but to the right person, that is.

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