Friday, March 02, 2007

Its free-day, finally

my staff juz brought in a cup of "remedy" for my throat.
the black stuff consists of bees, black olives n duno wat.
n she say "muz drink 2 cups. ltr i do one more for u."
i nearly fainted when she told me that.
ya la, i noe she is trying to b nice la, but i hav this thing abt tcm. i hate the smell.
but wat my sis told my the other day was quite true. we both tot that tcm is excellent for "cooling" effect.
so, LL. i drank it.
it taste saltish n sour w a weird smell.
but thank u auntie. i'm happy that ppl around me r showing concern.
love my staff.

digress abit.
i was walking in this morning n saw the rehersal for the coming parade.
i tell u, they sucked.
i mean, i can march n do the drills better when i was in secondary sch.
lousy ppl.
then suddenly, i rem those days whereby most of us skipped class to b supporting cont. or GOH for various occasions like the speech day.
so fun.
i missed my npcc pals.
wonder wat they r doing now.
we used to brave the sun n rain, the training, drilling, blah blah blah.......oh man, i missed those days.
"one for all, all for one" we always say. n we sure practise it too.
i rem once when we hav to practice for the national campcraft competition. the tent was ready, but the flagpole was nt. suddenly, it started to rain v v v v heavily. ppl from other ECAs (nw call CCA la) all ran to the shelter, but we did nt. our CI wanted us to go into the shelter as well, but we told her we'll wait for our pals to finish the flagpole.
one for all, all for one.
hw i love it. others were like "wow, npcc really rocks"
at least, thats wat EW told me.
who the hell will practice this now?
dun backstab me can liao. thank u v much.
n nw, cant march under the sun, cannot go under the rain, cannot do pumping on the hot floor, cannot this, cannot that.
then join npcc for fuck.
march indoors ah?
or go library read books?
kids r really pampered rite nw. n they r really used to it.
at least, this is hw i felt. esp after in worked here.
i accidently overheard a conversation between a few boys when i was doing a function. their officers asked them to wash all the utensils n cutleries b4 letting the big shot use.
u noe wat they say?
"i dun even hav to wash anything at beh, now ask limpeh to wash.pui"
wah lau.
i cant stand pampered brats.
so i told them "then u go hm lor. stay here for fuck"
they looked at me.
"y, nt happy ah? nt happy dun wash la. i help u tell ur CO"
they LL.
fucking brats.

opps. digress too much.
anyway, its friday today. i need to enjoy myself for abit.
i will b busy w functions again for the rest of the mth. so, ya.i can oni rest on weekends i guess.
anyway, c u guys ltr!!! *winks to babes*

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