Friday, March 30, 2007

I am defeated

i feel v demoralised rite now.
ok, lets put it in this way. in football terms.
i'm abt to take a penalty kick. n this goal will decide the winner.
i'm always a consistant performer, so i'm pretty sure that the ball will get in.
i prepare myself in front of the goal.
n the ref blew his whis.
i moved back, n when i was abt to kick the ball, i saw the goalie going the wrong side.
it was an open goal......
i juz need to tap in the ball......
and i, and i.........
tripped and fall.
flat on my face.
ball nv went in.
n i lost the match.

v long story, but this is hw i feel nw.
i'm nt a loser.
i noe things happen sometimes, we cant control, n i certainly noe the the-fate-is-sealed-so-no-need-to-dwell-over-such-small-thing theory.
i noe, i really do.
but i'm angry w myself.
its so near.
yet i cant get it.
wasted all my efforts i've put in for 3 god damn yrs.
its a bitter pill to swallow.

n juz as i was writing these crap, things turned for the worse.
gana backstab by someone in the army.
n now, they r going to fine me.
500 bucks.
in my 2.5 yrs in sfi, i nv nv nv nv gt a fine.
n nw, i get it.
juz bcos.....
i'm nt in a good mood rite nw.
i felt that i've been jinxed.
i hate it when my record dun look good. (who in the right mind likes it anyway)

maybe i'm nt that good either.
confidence level n motivational level zero now.
shut up n piss off.
i dun wan to tok rite nw.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Its coming

i juz changed some of the fluroscent light bulbs in my staff's resting room.
apparently, all 4 blown, leaving the poor aunties n uncles in total darkness when they rest in the room.
n the ceiling is super high, u need a really long ladder to reach the lights.
so, yah.
since no one dared to climb up, i did.
changed all 4 lights.
i mean, its nt so difficult rite?
i wonder y in some drama series, ppl call for help when their light bulb fused (or die die muz wait for the husband to change).
cannot change urself meh?
u dun hav hand meh?

anyway, i juz gt news that our results will b out by nxt week.
oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man...............
i am so so so stressed out suddenly.
ya la, after a long wait, we finally (going to) get it.
but but.......
i'm really worried abt my results.
i noe i wun do well in this sem, since the paper all sucked big time (nt to mention hw unlucky we were, my peeps from mdis will noe wat i'm toking abt).
oh my dear guan yin mah.
pls dun let me fail.
boh bi boh bi.
i'm so freaked out rite nw.
n stressed.
going to the dentist (finally) ltr.
followed by a v v v v impt matter to settle tmr.
i will update the matter here if i can gt it the way i wan.
i'll keep my fingers crossed.
pray for me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007





Monday, March 26, 2007

Tired weekend

wat a weekend.
used 80% of my energy on weekend, left 20% now.
damn shack man.

went cycling at bs park on sat.
ended up w a freaking painful arse.
the track was bumpy at some parts of the park.
so nw, i hv to sit slowly on chairs (esp the mrt ones), or else u will c me jump up immediately.
damn painful la.
went vivo to shop for shoes w HZ, ended up w nothing (i'm suprised dat there r oni like 6 shops selling shoes there).
shopping centre so big, cannot find shoes.

we had no choice but to shop for shoes again yesterday.
went far east plaza, bought a pair after walking around for like 1 hr.
i'm nt complaining. i think its pretty ok to shop for 1 hr.
maybe i was in good mood yesterday.
anyway, met up w old frens from mcd for dinner after shopping.
i confess.
i had this urge to kidnap my fren's child last nite.
my darling baby joel.
he is so bloody cute!!!
n nope, i didnt take any pics. nv bring the cam along (stupid me).
anyway, had a good time baby sitting him. he's simply adorable.
however, it ended w a disaster.
while i was playing w him in coffee club at paragon, he accidentally knocked his head on the glass panel.
i'm so damn guilty, although both the parents dun blame me.
sorry joel.
i'll buy another toy for u when i c u nxt time.
i will try to get his pic n post it here.

dats it. my weekend.
i'm so tired rite now.
can fall asleep any minute.
w a painful arse.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Not in the best of mood lately

i'm v depressed n demoralised lately.
physically n mentally i'm drained.
i'm beginning to c ripples coming out of the deep deep ocean caused by under currents.
things r going to happen pretty soon, n i'm nt sure whether i can handle it or nt.
i'm really nt sure.
hope things turn out better as time goes.
however, time is running out at my side.
i think i need to pay a visit to my beloved guan yin mah this week.
i need enlightenment n lots of luck from her.

meanwhile, stop bothering me. i have no time for ur nonsense.
u noe who u r.
my tolerance level is at all time low at the moment. so, stop ur sickening jokes n "advice" on my personal life.
u will regret if u do it again.
dun try me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Change of heart

yes, i noe.
it is v bad of me to do it.
but i cant help it.
i really like her so much now, that i even hav her in my dreams.
yes, it is this serious now.
hopelessly in love w her.

hebe tian. my new love.
since i saw her at their autograph session, i'm secretly obsessed by her.
i tot it was like "oh, ok, cos i nv c her in person b4 mah, so too excited"
apparently, not.
even now, i still dreamed of her.
i oso duno y.
i mean, she's nt those "model" kind of beauty.
but there's smth abt her i cant resist.
she gt quite an "act tough" attitude i dun really like.
but yet n again, i somehow gt smittened by her actions.
ain't she cute?
hee hee.
sorry selina, i used to love u like hell.
now, its hebe.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007











Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Random updates

lots of things happened during the past few days.
my tv exploded (no kidding) on sunday evening. we were watching the charity show on Ch U, and while we were cheering for mingyi fa shi, it exploded. everything after that was history.
apparently, the bulb, no tv for the past few days. it will b fixed by tmr, which means that there will nt b any "recreational activities" in my hse today as well.
i tell u, my family simply cant live wout tv.
n there were evidences to prove my pt.
i was toking to my sis at the dinning table yesterday (abt the tv). after like one minute, she walked towards the tv (i was like "huh? y u walk to the tv?"), then tried to switched it on, oni to find out that there was a "hole" at the "on/off" switch (it has been removed). n my sis, upon knowing her silly mistake, gave out a loud "AIYO!!!!".
i tell u, i was laughing like hell.
no, this is nt the end of the silly story.
my bro came hm around an hour later. i told him the silly mistake my sis made abt the tv.
he laughed at her.
after 5 mins, he too walked towards the tv. then he suddenly remembered that it was nt working.
he rolled his eyes, turned back, followed by a soft (he dun wan to let us noe he made the mistake too) "tsk, ch** by*"
too late.
we saw that.
nearly fell off the chair.
i mean, hello......i tot we juz toked abt it. hw come so fast forget?
alzheimer's ah?
we were so used to the fact that the tv muz b on from 5pm onwards, so, ya.
we cant live wout it.

anyway, on a diff note, i will b starting my piano lessons nxt week.
yes!!! finally, i went n enrolled myself.
n my italian class will start nxt mth.
cool eh?
will keep myslef busy w stuff.
its time. it has been 3 mths since i finish my degree.
so, the oni thing missing form my plan is a new job.
i'm so sick n tired of the job now.
i mean, ya, my job nw is good too (flexible time, good staff), but i need to move on already. to a new phase of life i've always looking forward to.
please give me a new job.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Si Beh Funny

enjoy. super funny.

Everything is going nuts. So am I

the stupid radio juz gave me a shock juz nw.
i've switched it off. i swear.
n suddenly, sounds r coming out from the radio w the switch in the "off" mode.
n the tv in my living rm is giving me problems too.
watch halfway, blank. after 3 seconds, reactivate again.
xiao liao.
every electric appliances around me is going crazy.

n i'm going crazy too.
i seriously feel that there's something very wrong w me.
u noe, this happened a few times already.
when i c ppl laughing happily, enjoying whatever they were doing, i feel like crying.
no kidding.
another depression episode?
nt likely. nothing happened recently.
or is it bcos of the stagnant-ness (wtf?) of my life that caused me to b jealous of other pl's happiness?
no leh. i dun feel jealous. i felt sad.
i really hav no idea.
think i'm going mad soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Endless concerts to attend

concert concert concert!!!!!!
ukelele on 31st march, jolin in apr, mayday in june, jacky in july.
i wanted to go for all.
nt enuff cash though
nt mentioning the phantom of the opera in apr too.
y all come at the same time one?????
guess i hav to wait n c.

n i hav plans to watch sammi's concert in HK too.
muz go local to watch local performance mah.
but i heard the tix r gone in one week.
c whether i can get the tix.
if yes, then i will b flying to HK in may. *wink to HZ*
so, keep my fingers crossed.

i hav nt been feeling well physically n mentally recently.
i'm sure by nw u noe the physical part.
as for the mental part, i'm nt quite sure y.
i'm having this feeling that my brain is degenerating at a speed of lighting.
no, i dun hav MS or ALS or parkinson's.
i mean, i realised that i'm pretty lazy to use my brains to think recently.
i used to hit back ppl's comment (those i dun like la) swiftly.
nowadays, i juz kept my mouth shut.
too lazy to fight back.
a rise in EQ? equals reduce in IQ?
i think i will b increasing my VQ soon.
violence quotation.
buay song then hoot. no need to tok so much.
hw's dat for a change?

by putting this post up, my IQ drops 10 pts again. *pout*
there goes another 10 pts.
(to MQ n YX: we shd hire someone to take note and update our IQ status frequently. its fluctuating far too fast for us to notice the change.
to MQ: did YX drop pts in class recently bcos of ur steamer fren? hahahahaha)

PS: this is for all the nosey ppl. stop fucking into ppl's privacy. u hav no rights. i keep quiet doesn't mean u can rattle on like a machine gun. go b a preacher if u wan. fuck off my life. screw u.

Monday, March 12, 2007

My we(a)kend

as all of u noe, i had a chronic sore throat condition lately.
it is nt getting any better.
in fact, it became worse after i went to the doc (again, for countless times) on wednesday.
the pain was so bad that i hav problems sleeping at nite.
n here comes the trigger which worsen the problem.

my staff called me at 5am (juz when i was abt to fall asleep) on sat. apparently, there was a power failure at the cookhouse.
ok. i'm nt an electrician. so i called my maintenance guy. he told me he's nt on shift that day, nt his biz.
i tried to page for the other guy. no reply.
i washed up myself n went straight down to camp.
reached at 6am.
after i tried to meddle with the switches n circuits, i realised that it was the main power from the camp that tripped.
so i called the officer in charged.
no reply too.
i tried to get them.
finally, both replied me at 7 plus after i've called like 100 times (ok la, nt so many times, but really ALOT la).
both told me they will reach at 8 plus.
i waited until 9.45am.
still nobody came.
juz when i was falling asleep in my office, they both came.
after much investigation, it was the heating element from the food warmer which causes the problem.
fine. change it. test it. everything was ok.
then, i gana mob. ok la, for around 200 pax oni.
so i went home after calling my staff on leave to come back to help.
i reached hm at 12 plus.
that was when i realised that i'm having a fever, n serious body aches.
i cant move an inch.
it was so serious that i hav to boycott my poly mates' bday celebration (sorry darlings).
but heng i nv go.
i heard dat they spent a whopping $600 plus for dinner alone. after which they went to clarke quay for a big round of booze.
all added up to nearly 1000 bucks.
crazy bitches. order order order, nv c the price.
but well, heard dat they had a good time, so, still consider worth la.

anyway, back to my story.
erm, no story la.
i juz ate medicine, slept, woke up, ate medicine again, slept again.......
for the whole of sat evening and sunday (ok, i confess. i was playing on PS2 from 6pm until 10pm, until i forgot y dinner totally. dun kaobeh la, 4hrs oni lor.).
n i'm back to work again now.
hard to believe?
believe it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


我曾 认真 深爱着一个人 他给我幸福的可能
  我等 我问 未来何时发生 他只是给我一个吻
  快乐 我哭 是因为你的手 曾答应带我向前走
  难过 我哭 是因为我的手 找不到你说的以后
  好眼泪 坏眼泪 我都曾为你流 感动和悲伤都是理由
  只不过 在你不再爱我了以后 剩坏的眼泪慢慢流
  快乐 我哭 是因为我付出 得到你温柔的答复
  难过 我哭 是因为我认输 你的心永远留不住
  好眼泪 坏眼泪 我都曾为你流 感动和悲伤都是理由
  只希望 在我不再想你了之后 有好的眼泪慢慢流
  好眼泪 坏眼泪 我都曾为你流 感动和悲伤都是理由
  只希望 在我不再想你了之后
有好的眼泪慢慢流 有好的笑容陪着我


i juz felt the ground move.
no kidding.
seems like there was an earthquake earlier at 11.49am at the sumatra.
hope it dun kill anyone.
anyway, here r the pix of the mini birthday celebration i had w 2 silly women.
we went to the outdoor bar at wisma indochine.

our drinks. as usual, i had a chardonnay, MQ had a "serena", YX had a "china blue". n it took them like 15 mins to decide wat they wan.

apparently, we tried to squeeze into the frame while YX is holding e camera. dont i look like a fat sugar daddy w 2 pretty "daughters" beside me? hahahaha......

the 2 pretty gals.

i sneaked up to the waiter while the 2 babes were busy toking, asked for a choc cake. nt too bad.

the birthday gal.

the 2 gals again

trying to act tough but failed. i look like a sleepy moron.

the 3 musketeers

well, dats abt all. tot i looked hideous in other photos. so here u r.


Monday, March 05, 2007

How much r u willing to give for love?

my mum is down w fever.
for dat, my family hav to eat watever i've cooked for dinner last nite. ok la, still edible. i muz say i'm nt a bad cook either, so, shut up n eat.
saw my mum behaving like a baby once she's sick.
so funny.
n my poor dad. he hav to endure e complaining-nagging-non-stop-but-still-behaving-like-a-kid-mum. he even braved the rain to buy medicine for her, prepared it, n brought it to the room, coaxing her to drink it.
where can find a hubby like dat?

anyway, my point is, ppl can really sacrifice for love, regardless of age.
heard stories over the weekend abt hw silly 2 women can b juz for love. (yes, its u. no need to hide)
well, one became smarter after the lesson, one still holding on to the obvious wrong choice (to us la) but doing nothing abt it.
well, non of my biz though. watever has to be said had already been said.
juz dun wan to c u get hurt again, babe.
think abt it again la.

my sis was telling me yesterday dat she felt really betrayed n bu gan xin when her ex went for another bitch.
i told her, this is the chance from god to let u c thru his true colors.
shd b happy.
if like dat u still dun c, u shd b cursed.
dun give for nothing. i mean, yes, u love the person, n u hav the freedom to decide hw much to give.
provided he/she noes n appreciates it, otherwise, dun waste ur time.

thinking back to the stories i've heard on friday nite makes me cringe.
those silly things we've done when we were young.
waiting aimlessly for a person whom no longer loves u, cry n beg for love, tolerate all those nonsense from a person whom took u for granted.......
n we can no longer afford to do it again.
so painful, the memories.

give as much as u can, but to the right person, that is.

Friday, March 02, 2007


“喂,你看。又是那肮脏的卖蛋佬!” 一群小孩在路上,一边嘻戏,一边说。

在梦里,他见到了娘亲。她依旧带着笑容,轻轻地模着蛋佬的头,说:“傻儿子,脏了没关系,等一会儿那到太阳底下晒就行了。” 蛋佬开心地点了点头:“哦,知道了!”


蛋佬已经一个星期没到市级卖蛋了。大家都觉得很奇怪,于是几个街坊便到蛋佬的家去瞧一瞧。当他们走到蛋佬家门口时, 发现蛋佬冰冷的尸体躺在门外。他一手紧握着棉袄,一手握着一张纸,上面写着:娘,我没脸再穿上你给我的棉袄......



Its free-day, finally

my staff juz brought in a cup of "remedy" for my throat.
the black stuff consists of bees, black olives n duno wat.
n she say "muz drink 2 cups. ltr i do one more for u."
i nearly fainted when she told me that.
ya la, i noe she is trying to b nice la, but i hav this thing abt tcm. i hate the smell.
but wat my sis told my the other day was quite true. we both tot that tcm is excellent for "cooling" effect.
so, LL. i drank it.
it taste saltish n sour w a weird smell.
but thank u auntie. i'm happy that ppl around me r showing concern.
love my staff.

digress abit.
i was walking in this morning n saw the rehersal for the coming parade.
i tell u, they sucked.
i mean, i can march n do the drills better when i was in secondary sch.
lousy ppl.
then suddenly, i rem those days whereby most of us skipped class to b supporting cont. or GOH for various occasions like the speech day.
so fun.
i missed my npcc pals.
wonder wat they r doing now.
we used to brave the sun n rain, the training, drilling, blah blah blah.......oh man, i missed those days.
"one for all, all for one" we always say. n we sure practise it too.
i rem once when we hav to practice for the national campcraft competition. the tent was ready, but the flagpole was nt. suddenly, it started to rain v v v v heavily. ppl from other ECAs (nw call CCA la) all ran to the shelter, but we did nt. our CI wanted us to go into the shelter as well, but we told her we'll wait for our pals to finish the flagpole.
one for all, all for one.
hw i love it. others were like "wow, npcc really rocks"
at least, thats wat EW told me.
who the hell will practice this now?
dun backstab me can liao. thank u v much.
n nw, cant march under the sun, cannot go under the rain, cannot do pumping on the hot floor, cannot this, cannot that.
then join npcc for fuck.
march indoors ah?
or go library read books?
kids r really pampered rite nw. n they r really used to it.
at least, this is hw i felt. esp after in worked here.
i accidently overheard a conversation between a few boys when i was doing a function. their officers asked them to wash all the utensils n cutleries b4 letting the big shot use.
u noe wat they say?
"i dun even hav to wash anything at beh, now ask limpeh to wash.pui"
wah lau.
i cant stand pampered brats.
so i told them "then u go hm lor. stay here for fuck"
they looked at me.
"y, nt happy ah? nt happy dun wash la. i help u tell ur CO"
they LL.
fucking brats.

opps. digress too much.
anyway, its friday today. i need to enjoy myself for abit.
i will b busy w functions again for the rest of the mth. so, ya.i can oni rest on weekends i guess.
anyway, c u guys ltr!!! *winks to babes*