Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Stress level up!!!!

Damn it. i tot after i've finished my 1st assignment for cdt, i can b relaxed abit. suddenly, my dissertation sup emailed me (after 1 mth), bounced bk my dissertation. damn it. hav to amend the bloody thing....grhhhh....y can't i juz hav a break?
well, for ppl who noe me well, i hate to delay any work that is given to me. assignments, reports, dissertation, etc. i will wan to finish it asap. cos the more u delay, the more worried n stressed up u will b.
so well, i guess i hav to really focus on my dissertation again. damn it. hope to get over this fast.
ok, change topic.
meteor garden 2 is back!!! but most of the ppl preferred the 1st instead of the 2nd one. guess y.
if ur guess is bcos of michelle saram, u r rite. she dun seem popular w the ppl here. someone actually told me that if she's nt the lead actress, the shw will b more popular.....hmm....quite true. it gives me creeps when i think of her laughter/giggles. ewww....
so, lets imagine soemone else taking her role.
who neh?
rainie yang? lin yi chen?ella chen?
actually, no diff to me.
the main prob here is, most of us dun like the idea of dao ming si ending up w another woman besides shan cai.
face it ppl.
we like fairy tales.
so, too bad for michelle saram. she's juz a scapegoat.
but still, i hate her laughter/giggles
lastly, have to tok abt the good song for the shw.
season of fireworks.
good lyrics. good tune. too bad, their singing is oni average.
maybe shd change the singer.
my take?
boybands nowadays r quite lousy though. but if die die muz choose, i will choose......
at least i noe shu wei n ah dee will do a good job. (GG muz b happy now)
how abt 5566?
ok. enuff say.
the song.

你微笑的眼 我看到無數晴天
吻你的臉的那一天 擁有全世界
未來是一個圓圈 在你我無名指尖
為我們諾言來加冕 完美的句點
要把你擁進我外套的裡面 為你擋風雪
讓你靠著我的肩 分享每一個明天
牽你的手去感覺 煙火最迷人的季節
照亮幸福的瞬間 好讓我們看得更遠
牽你的手去感覺 煙火最迷人的季節
點亮生命的一切 綻放我們的喜悅 在愛你的每一天
珍藏的畫面 全都是你的情節
思念停格在你的臉 溫暖不會減
未來是一個圓圈 在你我無名指尖
為我們諾言來加冕 完美的句點
讓你靠著我的肩 分享每一個明天
過去現在或未來 也期待將你的愛下載
永遠不更改 有信心這樣愛

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