Friday, August 18, 2006

Bloody hell!!!!

ok, i hav alot to complain abt now....
1stly, i met a bloody woman today on the bus, used her bag (which weighs like 100kg) n knock onto my arm....well, it was nt intentional, but well, i hav a blue black on my right arm now....thanks hor
2ndly, i hav to rush like mad for a function for 300 pax in the afternoon, n i found out that the order was wrong!!!they sent me the wrong stuff!!! i was pissed, so went on to check my order.....n guess wat......i've ordered the wrong stuff. yes, my fault...LL
when i was arranging my cakes n all, my HQ called n told me that the stock for the yoghurt i've ordered for my "health" week lunch was depeleted!!! grhhhh......n when i tell the messing, he told me "change to ice-cream lor" healthy is that man!!! these ppl really got coconut brains.
the main reason for me to b so grouchy today was actually due to the stupid incident last nite.
the two things i really hate abt ppl
1) non-chanlant-ness
2) super sized ego
n my brother showed me a 2-in-1 package last nite
i arrived hm after class abt 11pm, stressed (as usual) n tired. then i saw his shoes (3 bloody pairs) lying around the floor (wat is the shoe rack for la). so, i went up to him, whom is oni a few steps away from me, tapped his shoulder
me: "eh, put ur shoe back properly"
him: "........"(glare at me)
me: " u heard me or nt?"
him:"......"(nv even look at me)
ok lor, u wan to treat me like invisible, fine.
I went bk to my room, wanted to call HZ. then i came out for a while to get my notes or something (i forgot.too angry), toked to my mum. then i realised that he was gone, with the shoes still scattered around.
ok lor, nvm. i can't b bothered.
i went bk to my rm, called HZ.
in the middle of our conversation (i was scolding fergie for nt buying over a better player n oso criticising the england team), my brother came intot he rm to put my hair dryer bk to its original place.
me: (stare at him) "eh, can u put ur shoes bk or nt?"
him: "can u wait for a while? i'm v busy now lor!!" (shouting)
me: " so busy until cannot put the shoes bk meh? it wun take up a long time wat" (raised voice)
he went outside the rm, then after 2 secs, he shouted bk outside the rm "ya leh, take a long time leh, u nt happy ah?"
ok lor, i endure.
he proceeded by going to the kitchen n complaint to my mum abt how tired he is, how busy he is, then i was kicking a big fuss abt a small thing.
ok lor, i endure.
then, i heard this.
him: " knn, kao beh simi lan jiao. buay song throw my shoes out lah!! i'm nt scared lor!!!"
that's it. ultimate liao.
i went out, saw him in the kitchen.
me :" u kao beh simi lan? buay song is it?"
him: "knn, nt happy throw away my shoes la!!! I'm nt scared of u lor!!!"
me: " ok lor!!!"
i opened the door n threw his shoes out the hse. then i stormed into the rm. in that process, i still hear him say "throw la!!!i'm nt afraid of u lor!!!"
excuse me, u muz go RT my fault is it. i'm nt from SAF lor. knn, vent ur fu***** anger on me for f***. blame urself for a lousy body u have, blame urself for being a gu niang nt to pass ur ippt. nt me.
i'm sure i will pass if i takethe ippt.
i so wanted to punch him. i was waiting for him to approach me last nite, so that we can fight it out. i swear i will break his nose. i've been waiting for this for a long time.
wu ji fight la. bloody whimp.
but he didn't. he went out later in the nite, LL picked his shoes bk.
fight me.
i'm so so pissed.

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