Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Like dat oso can......

like dat oso can.
i was having my usual morning swim b4 work. when i was doing my 2nd lap, there was this machine sound on the right side of the pool.
for ppl whom noe me, i am literally a blind person wout my glasses. thus, when i turn over, i saw no one, except a blue "ufo". i was thinking myself, if they r going to clean the pool, they will come n tell me to get out of the pool.
so, happily, i continued to swim.
then i saw a long stick in the pool, followed by bubbles n a motor sound.
the cleaner proceeded w the cleaning w me still in the pool!!!!!
knn.my sis told me that he treats me like a trash, so dun bother to tell me.
imagine this.

cleaner:" hahahaha.....i am going to eliminate u!!!!!"
me:" no no!!!! pls dun do dat!!!!" (sobbing)
cleaner:" u stupid piece of sh**!!!! die!!!!"
me:" NO!!!!!"(struggling for life)
b4 i can run for my life, i'm being sucked into the machine.

like dat oso can.
i was teaching my sis hw to differentiate between atherosclerosis and arterosclerosis last nite, then i told her "after we noe so much, we always think we hav that disease"
this brings me bk to a silly conversation i had w my sis (again) a few days ago.

sis:" eh, i think i got prob"
me:" y leh"
sis:" i think my bones r degrading"
me:" huh? impossible lor, u xiao ah?"
sis:" yes meh? i really feel the pain leh." (then she pointed to her ribcage)
me:" pls la, u hav spasm la"
sis:" huh? bone will hav spam one meh?"
me:" ......"
sis:" i think i hav osteoporosis"
me:" pls la, ostoeporosis = menopause lor. impossible la"
sis:" ......"
after 10 mins.
sis:" i think i hav osteoporosis"
like dat oso can.

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