Thursday, May 10, 2007

My morning

went to the doc this morning.
i'm having a v bad backache plus mutiple ulcers in my throat.
reached the clinic pretty early, so i went for bfast after i registered myself.
oh man. nw i noe y ppl hav bfast.
it is so enjoyable.
i sat alone in a nt so crowded hawker centre(weekday mah), eating my beehoon mee, sipping my teh si, looking at the ppl around me.
boy, wat an experience.
ok, i sound like a mountain tortise.
u c, i dun eat bfast at all on working days.
i oni eat bfast on weekends, PH n when i'm on leave.
n i always ate bfast at hm. seldom outside.
today is the first time in many many yrs that i've eaten bfast b4 i start work.
boy, i feel so blessed.
n happy.
a good bafst really make one's day.
nw i noe y they say bfast is impt.
it sure is.

anyway, back to the clinic.
i tell u, i'm so glad dat i noe smth abt drugs.
u c, i noticed smth amiss when the clinic asst gave me my medication.
she gave me a vaso-constrictor (for headaches)n a beta blocker.
i asked her "this one for headache rite?"
she replied "yes"
then i told her "but i dun hav headache"
then she told me "its actually pain killer, so its the same"
"r u sure" i asked her.
she then checked my case notes. then she realised, she gt the wrong med.
she returned w some cox inhibitor (for my backache), pregnisolone (for my stupid ulcers), n lozengens (for my throat), which i think, is more logical.
lucky i noe smth abt drugs.
na beh. ltr die oso duno y.
ppl, make sure u look properly when u gt ur med from the clinic asst.
they might b wrong sometimes.

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