Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Xmas!!!

met up w YX n MQ on mon for dinner.
suddenly, YX asked us "did anyone do any unforgettable moments in 2009?"
it really sets me thinking.
our answer is, dun hav.
aiyo, so pathetic.
she is right. we hav to create our own unforgettable moments every now n then, or else, u r juz wasting ur life away.

anyway, its xmas eve today.
merry xmas to everyone out there!!

i will b in taiwan nxt mon. to create my own unforgettable moments.
cant wait. :)

oh, since i will nt b here until 5th jan, happy new year too!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I am back (again)

yoz ppl. i am back from japan.
no, i didnt enjoy myself.
work is always work.
n it was feezing cold in japan.
i caught the flu bug when i was there, n was having a fever on the plane when i came bk.
it sucked.
i cant sit, sleep, stand.
almost fainted in the toilet on the plane.
lost my voice, had fever, and my mucus is filled w blood.
yes, its this serious.
my voice is still hoarse, n my mucus is still red (sorry, too much details).
it doesnt help much when i tried to run for marathon on sunday (ok, dun scold me).
i nd rest now. but my schedule is damn packed.
xian to the max.

i will try to post the pix i took in japan when i feel much better.

Friday, November 20, 2009




Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sesame Street

"Sunny day - Sweepin’ the clouds away,
On my way to where the air is sweet.
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street...."
it used to b THE program of the week.
hav to watch it every weekend.
i realised that the ppl around me r nt aware of sesame street characters.
diff era?

well, i think at least, it is nt as retard as the "eehhhhh-ooooooo"s, the train (ahem) n the u noe wat purple animal.
variety counts. there r many many characters to choose from in sesame street.
my fav character?
isnt he CUTE????
the hair (messy, like mine) n red nose. classic.
the best part?
his laughter (if u think "keeshhhshshshhehehehehhe" is laughing) n his cheekiness.
simply love him.
n how can we forgot his rubber duckeeeeeee?????????
muz pong pong w it.

my fav fav fav character is..........



look at the duh face. steam steam, blur blur. n he always walks w his arms dangling (although he is a GOOD waiter).

I love the way he toks. esp when he say "suuuuuuuuupppper groveeeeerrrrrrr!!!!!"


ok. me n my childhood memories.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cancer Scare

after living in fear for like abt a mth, i finally can relax.
no, i dun hav cancer.
i am not dying yet.
i can oni say, the std of body checkups nowadays r really....u noe.....suck.
how come they nv inform ppl properly????
nv explain properly either.
i was abt to mk my way to the lawyer office to do up my will (ok, too exaggerating).
the confirmation came oni yesterday.
i can oni say, FUCK LA.
paid so much for scaring myself. well done.

anyway, i am fine.
at the moment.
alive n kicking.
those who wan details, we can meet up for dinner. i will tell u my story in detail (including the name of the clinic i went).
thank u baby for standing by me all these while, worrying for me (somemore cannot let me noe). apparently, she was the oni person who noes it.
thank u baby. u r the best.

Monday, November 09, 2009


断断续续地看了几集 《牵牛花开的日子》。


“当大哥真的好累哦 你不可以变坏,因为你的弟弟妹妹会学坏 你不可以发脾气,因为他们不会谅解你 你也不可以哭,因为那样很丢脸”





Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Catching up

juz met my polymates for dinner.
long time no tok. it has been like half a yr since i saw some of them.
good. we did spend quality time together.
it has been a long time since we've enjoyed ourselves so much.
i will wait for M to send me the pix n post it up.

meanwhile, MQ, PLEASE SEND ME THE PIX WE TOOK AT YX's ROM(donkey yrs liao lor).
having a course tmr at 8.30am. nd to b at the gym tmr at 6.30pm.
tennis on thurs.
yes. i amTHIS determine to lose weight.
dun stop me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My October Celebrations

baby n i had been planning our oct celebrations.
my bday n our 2 yr anni.
due to some logistics issues, we've decided to celebrate our anni 1st. way way earlier.

Anniversary Celebration

i've rented a service apartment at orchard for the celebation. credit card promotion, plus they upgraded us to a 2 rm suite cos they dun hav enuff small rms.....woohoo.

baby looking like a serial killer w the damn bloody blunt knife.
the menu i've done using cd cover. of cos, i do ALL the cooking.

tuna tataki. appetiser.

no, the hse is NOT on fire. i didnt switch on the fume hood. as if its working.

chicken thigh stuffed w pork sausage n pistacchio, wrapped w bacon.

the bloody knife is TOO blunt to b true. cut until v v ugly. but it sure tasted good. chix was tender, spaghtti (w spinach) was great too.

me n baby

cover of the menu. nice pix. got feel.

baby n her main course. she did alot though. helped me wash the dishes, video tapping me wheni was cooking....she deserved a good (ahem) meal.

the bellini i made w a big bottle of champagne

the dessert shd b chocolate fondue. i've bought this from a reputable mall. it CRACKED (exploded) when i placed it on the candle stand. spoil my dessert. knnb.

we tried to improvise it by pouring the choc onto the fruits i've prepared. baby was trying the grapefruit i've bought to mk the sauce for the tataki.
we played some music while we were having dinner, talked n laughed at our silly encounters over the two yrs, dance after the dinner......
i can oni say, wat a nite.....

me lazing on the bed, after bfast

the dinning area

the room

trying to show u how big the place is

the living room w another rm

living rm
it was really fabulous. baby n i truly enjoyed ourselves.
My Birthday Celebration

baby wanted to treat me to a meal. a good meal. a meal i've always dream of.
we were there pretty early (kiasu), so i forced baby to pose for me.

look at the view

pose pose. no, i am nt defecating.

we took a train to the restaurant

its near mayfair park

they let us in earlier cos we were loitering outside the restaurant. this r the deco at the window.

baby is waiting for the menu

try to act young

our appetiser. twisted mozerella cheese w tomatoes from sicily. my god, those were the SWEETEST tomatoes i've ever had in my life. fantastic. w good balsamic vinegar n olive oil, it was great.

complimentary bread w homemade pesto sauce. YUMMY. the bread was home made as well. crispy outside, warm n fluffy inside, n the sauce, wow! it was damn damn good. i can eat 10 of this.

baby's main course. king prawn w aglio olio linguine. the prawn was damn fragrant n sweet, soft n flavourful, n the gralic was sweet! w the pasta done al dente, v v v good.

my squid ink pasta w crabmeat , tomato n cream sauce. omg, it tasted SO SO GOOD!!!! nv eaten a pasta so nice in my life. best.

i even finished up the sauce. it's this good.

my dessert. the famous chantily cake. soft n fluffy, w a flowery fragrant. i wonder hw they did it.

baby's protifiroes (puff w ice cream inside, drenched w dark chocolate sauce). yumz

baby is happy w the meal

me too. n its baby's treat. THANK YOU BOSS!!!

yes, this is the name of the restaurant. superb food n service. well done.

my bday present. the one on my hand, nt the one one the left.

we will definitely go bk again.
it was a fantastic meal.
we concluded that the food is better than that of Aqua.
v v v good.
i am v happy.
thank u baby.

Friday, October 02, 2009

The Bad Things I've Done

sometimes u juz duno y ppl dun like u.
b it ur looks, ur character, the way u speak, ur sexual orientation, ur skin color, ur gender.......
u cant expect the whole world to like u.
u cant stop ppl from judging, even b4 they c what u r doing. even if u r doing the utmost right thing.
discriminate. dats wat they do.
my foot. my big fat ass.
face it.
we judge too.
the thing is, i give chance.
even for the stupid animal in my office. i gave her COUNTLESS chances (which i truly regretted.i hope i wasnt so soft hearted that time)

i hav been thinking, the bad things i've done to ppl in my past 29++ years (shuddup. i still have a few DAYS to declare this).
reflection. v impt. to prevent ppl front hating me more.
not v long list leh.


1) Starting a "newspaper" to "smear" the teacher we hated. nt v bad things. juz drew a couple of ugly pix abt her n comment abt the way she toks.
Age when committed crime: 11

2) staying back after school to laugh at sec 1 students. their bags will b bigger than their torso. nothing impt. juz laugh.
Age when committed crime: 13+

3) threw water bomb on teacher's car (no, the car is nt a bitch. she is.), in the end, kena write confession letter.
Age when committed crime: 13

4) stayed in sch illegally (climb in by sch gate),deactivated alarm, stayed overnite. hungry at nite, pry open canteen uncle's stall, fried noodles. climbed out b4 the cleaner comes.
Age when committed crime: 14

5) shut myself in a classroom when my fren was crying for help outside. she was being pursued by a few guys with urine in plastic bags. chaos stopped after 30 secs.
Age when committed crime: 16

6) purposely banged onto my fren when she is doing titration (reaching end point). in the end, end point was nv met. but my dead point was.
Age when committed crime: 17

7) asked everyone to skip a tutorial bcos the lecturer was damn boring. everyone skipped. some went hm, others went library (i sleep, they read). end up, there was a surprise test that day. all failed. thanks.
Age when committed crime: 18

8) choose women b4 frens.
Age when committed crime: 14 - ??? (Now????)

9) etc etc etc......

am i really that bad????

Monday, September 21, 2009

My love

there is a list of food i must try b4 i die.
well, nt so serious. but smth like that la.
1) wagyu / kobe beef
2) otoro / chutoro
3) black / white truffles
4) beluga (sturgeon) caviar
5) valrhona chocolate
6) hairy crab
7) pierre herme's macarons
8) uni
9) lobster sashimi
10) others (more weird things in the future....hahahaha)

i've fulfiled one of my dream last weekend.
check this out.

yes ppl.
i've gt the belly of blue fin tuna.
look at the price.
abt 10 pcs.
62 bucks.
yes, i am mad.
but well, i think the money is well spent.
although i juz had 3 pcs (i v good one. i SHARE).
it really MELTS in ur mouth. no kidding.
n bcos they r air flown the day b4, they r SUPER fresh.
the taste of the fat n tuna lingers i ur mouth after u swallowed the fish.
SUPER YUMMY. simply love it.
def worth.
yes, i am mad.
i've already had wagyu (ok lor), black truffles (aquired taste. dun really like), uni (yum), otoro (hee hee).
more on the list to clear.
this oso mean more $$$$$ to b spent.
any sponsors???
well, i guess not.

Thursday, September 17, 2009











Monday, September 14, 2009

Dad and Mum's Bday

here r some pix updates for the past few weeks (ahem, mths).
me n baby went to ikoi for some fresh sashimi n the fish soup.

the stupid camera went out of batt after this pix.
ok, my fault. i forgot to charge it since i came bk fr hk.

then it was my dad n mum's bday.
my dad decided to hav smth diff this yr. so we went to a neighbourhood rest for dinner.

the so called shark fin. ok la. so so.

sis is happy abt it.

my dad insisted to hav his peking duck.

prawn deep fried w salted egg yolk. the best dish of the nite. v crispy n fragrant. yum.

sis: eh, take photo
bro: wtf, limpeh eating, take wat take
me: smile la
sis & bro: F off la!!!!

the super salty yee mee. yucks.
conclusion: food is bad, service sucks. pui. waste my time n money. i rather spend abit more to go somewhere that will serve me better food. suck to core. FC. losuy shit.

this is my mum's new fav cake. ya, it look like an ordinary swiss roll. but it tasted out of the world. the small stall is located in ion. vanila roll rocks. the cream melts in ur mouth, releasing the vanila flavour into ur whole palate.......YUMMY.

dad n mum

a v reluctant choir group w a super fast n pathetic bday song

last but nt least, let me present to u my new love.
my little nephew.
nat has grown quite abit since i saw him last time.
unfortunately, giz still scream n cry when she saw me.
vigilant security guard.

handsome boy, right?