Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Fav Celebrity Chef

i've been thinking of doing this long time ago.
ppl whom noes me well shd noe that i am crazy abt food.
hawker food, finger food, expensive food, buffet.....anything. i love food la.

i can stay infront of the tv n watch the food channels (cable) for the whole day.
no kidding.
dun believe, ask my baby. she buay tahan me liao.

among all the chefs who appeared on tv, there are a few who i ADORE.
idol man.


The cynical old man

mr anthony bourdain.
i love him for his wicked sense of humor and the sacarsm he had.
he is frank n truthful (when the food suck, he will say so).
oh, he is damn brave too.
i am sure no one else dare to eat the RAW brain of a sea lion.
he did it in iceland.(i didnt c anything except a messy load of blood n skin of the sea lion. yucks.)
n said dat it tasted like urchin (my god).
kudos to bourdain.
one xiao ang mo.
however, i've nv seen him cook b4. so, dats the reason he's in the 5th place.


The mother

her name is 蔡季芳. more known as 阿芳老师.
she is a frequent guest chef in taiwanese shows.
but she is different from other chefs.
she is an expert in taiwanese dishes.
n she gave the audience alot of cooking tips, like how to make the soup tastier wout adding msg, how to fry a fish wout the oil splattering, etc.
v motherly, v patient.
i will choose her dishes over the expensive stuff like shark's fin.
watching her cook makes u realise dat normal dishes can taste heavenly as well.
its not the price of the dishes.
its the heart. the love for cooking.


The romantic

David Rocco.
si beh yandao chef.
i made my 1st tiramisu with his recipe.
he steal the show (instead of the FOOD) in HIS own show.
wtf am i toking abt.
ok, in his show, even the food looks "romantic".
he made cooking a love affair for the audience.
n he certainly made me fell in love w italian food.
amo l'alimento italiano!!!!


The humble fella

ok. enuff of all the "overseas goods". time for some local taste.
ok. he is nt quite local la. he's nt singaporean.
but well, who doesn't noe sam leong now?
after his show w quan yifeng, i am sure most of the aunties noe him.
i love his passion in his job.
he always emphasize on 厨德 (which means ethics of a chef).
no wastage of food, hygienic and safe working areas.
he is strict w his disciples, but as long as u r keen to learn, he will b willing to teach.
he do his job w great integrity, giving the best to his customers.
n as proud as he is, he respects other chefs, holding them in high regards, v humble, learn from others.
i juz finish watching one episode of "chef in black" featuring sam leong.
i was amazed by his creativity.
at the same time, i like the way he treats other chefs/cooks.
although they r nt as experience as him, he dun look down on them.
he kept addressing the other party as "chef", learn earnestly from the other party, treating the other party w respect.
this is the correct attitute to treat others.
sam leong.
well done.
no wonder he is the chief exec chef for tung lok.


The funny kid

of cos its him la.
who else?
he is funny, he is clumsy, he is fat n chubby, he is crazy......
he is so so so so passionate about food.
i've nv seen anyone so in love w food b4.
he single handedly changed the diets of school children in UK, making tony blair fork out millions of dollars to improve the food in schools.
he went to italy ALONE,in his stupid truck, banging into ppl's hse, working on the streets, kena scolded by italians like mad.
he makes cooking so fun.
like playing.
he makes cook look so easy.
like playing.
from the naked chef (he was still single and SKINNY), till the latest episode of "jamie at home", i nv failed to pause wat i am doing n watch his show when i was ay home.
i had few of his cook books, n i plan to buy ALL of them by nxt yr.
he n food = kid n candy.
he had his heart n soul in food.
not mentioning how he tried to help others by setting up "fifteen".
3 (i think) restaurants. n the chefs/cooks/helpers in the restaurants were either school dropouts or criminals who are keen to change themselves, asking for a 2nd chance.
he was a dropout. cos he cant really read. he had dylexsia.
but he nv give up on himself.
n similarly, he dun wan others to give up either.
so he gave them a 2nd chance.
to work in his restaurant.
jamie oliver is my ultimate idol.
jamie's the man!!!

after so much admiration, time for some boo boos.

the duno-wat-the-hell-u-r-doing-bimbo

wat can i say abt her.
basically, if u switch to the channel w her in it in my hse, u will sure gt a big loud "eeeeeeeeeee" from the ppl of my hse, followed by a "y in the world r u watching her???".
watching her is fun. in my hse.
cos all of us will nt stop kao beh-ing, w "她在煮什么大便?" or "她在做什么?" being heard consistently behind or beside me.
trust me.
its really dat bad.
dun believe? ask my baby.
i will end up laughing like hell though.
basically, she juz any-o-how cut the ingredients, n throw them to a heated surface, n dats it.
dats cooking (which is oso true la).

Finally, the worst of the worst

The ultimate old fart

forever floyd.
a cocky old man who cooks an ostrich egg IN FRONT OF A GROUP OF OSTRICH.
end up, the ostrich ate their OWN eggs.
si beh chek ark.
he cooks in the wild, throwing everything he has into the wok, n walah, dats it.
n scolding his assistant all the time.
super old fart.
bleh x 100.

there u go.
my post abt celebrity chefs.
go cook urself maggie mee.
nt everyone is jamie oliver.

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