Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Not all food I eat is nice hor.....

went to porn's at star vista for boss's bday lunch

 the v shiok tom yum taley. but i think they mellow down alot on the spicyness. nt as spicy as b4 le leh.....
 kangkong. ok la.
 pad thai. nice.
 this fish is good. fresh n tender. i still think it can b more spicy. hahaha.

 mama noodles is abit too soggy.

 dessert. too sweet for me.

on the whole, i think the bugis branch serves better food.
i will still go to the bugis branch to try out other dishes.

 a random pix of baby stealing my japanese biscult in my cubicle. 有贼啊!
 our ramen rendezvous started 2 weeks ago, whereby we went to hunt for good ramen. this is the tori king at amara.

 free eggs for u to eat.
 i've nv imagine myself saying this, but their beansprouts r awesome. one big jug of marinated beansprouts for u to add into ur ramen. yum yum.
 baby had the orginal one. i've ordered the black ramen. w garlic oil.
 look at the big drumstick! the chix was marinated, braised, and then grilled. v flavorful n the meat juz fell apart when u use ur chopsticks to pick it up. noodles were a bit too soft for me.(u can choose the hardness of the noodles n i've chosen hard already....so, ya.) soup is rich n fragrant w a tinge of spicyness to balance up the taste. i've ordered a full version. so i oso had char siew, egg n seaweed. the egg is awesome, n the char siew is well marinated. by the time i've finished this, i am as full as a barrel. baby cant even finish her noodles. too big portion.
 nt a bad place if u like your soup base to b chicken.
 look at the Q. we were lucky to b there earlier to beat this Q.
 eh? i tot i was v full? still can go dome n drink ice chocolate?????
 i think i am in love w cedele at srg gardens. they serve awesome sandwiches n salads for bfast/brunch. my smoked salmon foccacia is filled w chunks of salmon. n the bread is soft n fluffy inside, crispy on the outside. yum!
 n this is our fav salad w sea bass n prawns. what a weekend brunch!
 ladies n gentlemen, this is baby's product. yes, this is the launch of the product she has been working on. great sales in thailand, n it finally came to singapore! pls support! no free sample ah. go buy la.

 this is ramen rendezvous part 2. we went to gallery hotel for this v v famous sapporro ramen.
 i will always order shio ramen. i tell u, this is awesome yo. the noodles were HARD!!! n the broth is well balanced but rich. egg is excellent. wat can i say??? awesome ramen!!! it was this good. so much so that when i finished the noodles, the bowl is still "smoking".
 gyoza. nt bad!
 this deserved a special mention. baby ordered thier special shoyu ramen. OH.MY.GOD. te soup is AWESOME. apparently, they made the soya sauce themselves, infusing it w different ingredients. their soya sauce had a special fragrance, w a balanced sweetness n savoury "beany"taste. it works so well w the pork bone soup, that i kept stealing the soup from baby's bowl. this is ramen savoury soupy goodness at its best.
 get ready to Q on a weekend. nt many seats inside.

 we walked to robertson quay to hav dessert. found this famous chocolatier.

 chocolate tart. so so if u asked me.

 baby digging her dessert. we spent another 30 mins in this cafe to watch ang mo kids climb tress. yes, climb trees. yes, in singapore.

call me a cynic. i do think that it is overpriced.
yes, the tart is good. but u noe, nt fantastic. maybe it is to cater to the ang mo crowd. service is almost non-existant too.
i would rather go max brenner nxt time.

 camwhoring baby.

 hav been wanting to try out this plc (near PS) for the longest time. sigh. my bad.
spaghetti is al dente. thats abt all. sigh. it was bland n the beef was tough n dry. mushrooms n rockets does give it abit of flavour, but wat can b done to a under-seasoned pasta? sigh.

 liguine is too soft, sauce is too creamy. although they r v generous w the crabmeat, this pasta dish is one dimentionally rich. two mouthfuls n u r full. literally. 'nuff say.
v disappointing dinner. i rather go for steamboat in a rainy fri evening. totally waste of stomach space. n nt to mention the slow n lethargic service. n there r flies hovering over the tables, which suggested that they didnt clean their tables properly. total put off.
 after a disappointing dinner, baby n i went to try out this new jap style cafe at PS.
 baby: eh eh eh, i oso wan to b in the pix......
me: tsk, 走开啦!
 Q is super long

 me: wah, go hot milk to drink ah.....
baby: 白痴啊? u v thirsty meh? its for the cohheee la.
me: u think i is stupid meh.....i noe la.....*still try to sip milk*
 we took this parfait cos they've sold out the green tea one. bleh. the fruits tasted n felt like pickled fruits.

 however, this souffle pan cake is good! fluffy n soft! w maple syrup n blotted cream. yum!
 camwhoring part 2.

 nw, we found this gem hidden in my neighbourhood.
 it was 2pm in the afternoon. baby n i strolled to the restaurant beside this cafe for lunch. but alas, the restaurant is nt opened, so we've decided to hav our lunch here as well.
the baked rice is surprisingly good! v flavourful n the chix in the rice is soft n tender. nt bad!
 baby's chai latte is good too.
 look hw happy she was. we've came here specially for this.
 the waffle oozes out buttery n eggy fragrance, fluffy n soft interior, add butter n let it melt on the outside, then dunk ur waffle into the sweet maple syrup. u tell me, if this is nt comfort food, what is? 
 thier eclair is awesome! i've decided to order this after we finished the waffles. i saw our neighbouring tables ordering this, n it will b gone within 10 seconds. this is an indication of good food. n boy i was right. this eclair is one of the best eclair i've ever tasted. the choux pastry is crispy n light, the cold cream is full of vanila flavor, n the choc icing is bittersweet (this is a chocolate specialty cafe, so go figure). v nice. 
 here comes the dessert thief again
 caught in the act.
 lazy rainy sat afternoon at a cosy cafe near my hse. life is great.

 we went back to this jap cafe to try out the interesting entrees we saw that day.

 tomato omu rice. nt bad. egg is creamy n fluffy, however, rice is too soft for me. quite bland unless u scoope up the cheese at the side n eat it together w ur rice. quite a mismatch in flavour if u ask me.
 lobster bisque pasta (???). nt bad though. abit too salty.
 this bloody souffle is such a disappointment.it looked ok. but it was watery n gooey inside (totally uncooked!!!). what a disgrace to jap dessert! i will seriously think whether i would like to go back juz for the pancakes. nt sure whether its worth my time to Q n wait. 

 ootoya is one of the restaurant we can always trust. this grilled pork bento is awesome. pork is nicely grilled, tendern juicy inside. rice n miso soup included. score as comfort food.

dessert is oso better then that of the mediocre ones from the jap cafe previously. this is so much better. n their service is oso one of the better ones around. i will come bk anytime.

 went for my irish coffee to sum up my meal. warm myself up on a sat night.

 we went kki (AGAIN) on sunday b4 a wedding dinner at that vicinity. they had new doodles on their glass panel. made me think of kids time. toking abt memories.hahaha.

 we still managed to grab some cakes despite going in rather late (we went in like 6.15pm, they close at 7pm). lady boss,D, was nice enuff to accomadate us. thank u!
lucky we ate smth b4 the wedding dinner. the freaking dinner started at 9.30pm. n it ended at abt 11.30pm. baby n i left at 10.45pm after finishing the 5th dish. mad la. longest n most cock up banquet ever.

 ya la ya la, laugh at my hair la. machiam wearing helmet. my hair is too long to stand, too short to fix behind. bleh.
it was super hot today, so baby n i went to the star vista for lunch.

 we've decided to try out this new vietnamese restaurant. n this harmless looking chilli is actually damn spicy! i put one pc into my noodle soup n it lights up the noodle soup. no kidding.
 they specialise in wraps, n they even teach u how to make n eat them! needless to say , their wraps tasted so good. the best wraps i've had. for now.

 lime gek huay. as bizzare as it sounds, it actually tasted nice. refreshing.
 shop specialty, fish noodle soup. nt bad! light n tasty. soup is sweet from the fish. i almost finished the soup.
 we ordered some grilled pork kerbab, n it came w a DIY rice paper wrap.
 i wrapped this for baby. 小而巧.include at veg n herbs.
look at wat she did for me la. no veg, one pc of meat, few strains of pickled veg. sigh, kor mia.....(ok la, this was actually the last pc of meat left. she was nice to let me hav it - me is dustbin).
verdict of this place?
good! they serve tasty n quality food! we will definitely go bk to try out other dishes.

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