Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Birthday Celebration + Anniversary = Endless Eating

ok. warning 1st.
there will b shit-loads of photos. 

 baby n i went to try out the new outlet of porn's at buona vista during lunch.

 verdict? ok. service is good. food shd b the same std as the one in bugis.
 these 2 pix will b dedicated to M. dun say i always eat chi chi ah.....baby n i were in orchard n went to this penyet shop at lucky plaza. cheap n good. this is baby's catfish penyet,.awesome awesome. crispy fish w sweet n fresh meat. i can even bite off the head. n the sambal......woo-la-la......super spicy. nt for the faint hearted.
 my ayam penyet. i can swallow the bones. serious. super crispy. i will go back nxt time i drop by orchard.
 it was raining on thurs afternoon, so baby n i went for lunch at the cafe downstairs. this is the fish sandwich. nt bad yo....
 mediocre linguine. i will stick to sandwich nxt time.

Pre-Birthday Celebration
 i've always wanted to blog abt this. my ever fav wanton mee. i've been eating this wanton mee for 30 years (yes, since i was 3 yrs old). the mee is AWESOME. i've always missed it when i go overseas.this 3 plates r for me n baby. hahaha. i dun mind calories for this. i will tok more on this when i post on my fav hawker food nxt time. :)
 yes, after many yrs, i came bk once again.
 baby looked as if she was part of the poster.
 welcome welcome.
 baby: 我怕怕
me: 怕什麽 LJ?
baby: got big lizard
me: *ran as fast as i could, like-a-smoke*
baby: i mean crocodile la
me: @$$%$^$^%%& (v far away, shouting)

 my all time fav white tiger.

 this tiger was pacing non stop(like a model) when we were there. fashion show.
 hippo de kar ceng.
 she think she hippo. pls la, pig n hippos r diff species. opps.
 kangaroo de dor lor?
 "limpeh di ji dao la"
 v fierce bird

 si beh cosy hor.
 v tired la, OT alot last nite.

 baby n i saw this white peacock during the animal show. isnt he beautiful?
 non-chalant female peacock.豈有此理.

 baby n i Q-ing for the elephant ride.

 i keep asking baby, y animals like to STARE. they juz stare lor, at nth. steam. nt bored meh huh?

 statue of ah meng. tsk, nt me la. AH MENG.

 baby feeding the goat. i think she is more excited than the goat lor. look at her nervous face.
 sleeping "alex".

 my fav giraffe. beauty hor?
 the series of animals made me tot of madagescar. *i like to move it move it, MOVE IT!!!!*
 "who is dat xiao one dancing?"

 damn cute hor? i mean the soft toy la.

baby n i were dead tired n dehydrated by the end of the *tour*. we've decided to b cheapskate by opt-ing for the tickets wout the tram ride.(hey, we saved $50 ok....no kidding)
we stopped by this an pang YTF on our way back. nt bad la. still as salty as ever. hahaha.

My Birthday

 went to cedele for brunch. yummy bfast.

 this was on my wish list once i knew abt it. i hav been begging baby to come here w me ever since duno when.

 i nv knew singapore was so beautiful. n in my opinion, we hav already supercede HK in terms of the fantastic nite view. c'mon! we hav it here! no nd to go overseas!
 catalunya. the ppl in charged were from the prestigous el bulli (now closed). after wat happened to santi in singapore (he died in his restarant here, n his resaturant closed down after one yr. i was really upset abt nt paying a visit b4 it closed down. v upset.), i told myself nt to repeat the mistake again. I MUST COME!!!!

 baby made a resrvation 2 mths ago. heng ah. this placed was FULL during dinner time. yes, singaporeans r RICH.
 this is the "de-constructed omelette".the white part is the egg foam. warm n savoury goodness lingering in your mouth, while the bottom yellow part is the butter n caramelised onions. sweetness of the onion pairs well w the smooth thick silky egg liquid. good!
 my cocktail, mystery backyard. yum.
 baby's cocktail, stairway to heaven. she is supposed to "smell" the container w smoke b4 she drink the cocktail. gimmicky but fun. i like. the "smoke" reminds us of celery. n the drink is refreshing n light.
smell la smell.

 this fishermen stew is AWESOME. the scorpion fish is firm n meaty. n the gravy/soup.....my oh my. its like drinking essence of lobster. they used the shell of the lobster to make the broth, adding other seafood n veg......reduced it down to a thick thick gravy for the stew. u saw the little white bits? its the BRAIN of the lobster. melts in your mouth the moment it touches ur tongue. this is seafood galore at its best. the stingy us even ordered bread (bo hua man) juz to soak up all the gravy for our greedy stomach. we can feel the lobsters n fish danicng in our stomach. its THIS good.
 roast suckling pig w lemon puree. yes,lemon. n it was nt even sour. juz abit tangy. perfect for cutting the richness of the pork. again, awesome dish. we reckon that we cant finish the whole pig, so we've ordered juz one small tiny portion for tasting. the moment we put the pc of meat into our mouth, baby n i stared at each other.MELT-IN-YOUR-MOUTH. this is the best pig i've eaten. ever. wah lau eh, y so nice???? we hav urge to order the whole pig after we ate this.
pardon me for the lousy pix though, doesnt do the dish justice. 燈光太昏暗.n i dun like to use flash.
 sweetbread w artichoke n calamari. artichoke is chewy n nice, calamari is springy n sweet. u ask me, wtf is sweetbread? nt bread hor.its......SPLEEN.hehehehe.
its pan-fried n cooked w the splendid sauce. innards r nv problem to me, so i quite like this dish. the sweetbread had an "organ" gamey taste. in a good way. me like. 

 iberico croquette. hmmmm. i will skip this dish next time. enuff say.

 dessert was good too. ice-cream had a tinge of alcohol in it. bread soak w mik n pan fried. good.
 told u i hate flash. look at the shocked face of the lady beside me.

great great great dinner!!!thank u baby!


i cant believe it.
it has been a year since i had butterflies in my stomach while we were in canada, getting ready to sign the "getting fat infinity" contract

 baby n i choose this plc for an italian brunch.

 v happy.
 they served crabs, lobsters, scallops etc....me being the seafood exterminator, i went for all. nt bad. oni regret is they dun hav my fav oysters. wtf.
 magarita pizza (wout the basil, duno y), roast pork (so so), lamb chops (ok) n the ultimate foie gras (artery clotting goodness).
 the foie gras is served w thick balsamic vinegar. the foie gras was over-cooked (i tried to stop the fella from cooking any longer. kept jumping at the counter. but still.....), n they did nt de-vein it properly. sigh. wat a waste.
 n look at the oil it left behind.
 baby: y u can eat foie gras i eat only 飛機-table?
 they hav a cheese room for more than 10 kinds of cheeses. i've tried some (n nearly fainted), n i hav to say my personal fav is the blue cheese!hahahaha.
 illy's ice blended coffee. mai xiao xiao

 dessert was ok. baby n i were stuffed by this time. look at the vanila pods at the bottom. they use the real stuff hor.
if u ask me, i think it is nt worth to go for this. nt that the food is nt nice, but i felt that for this price, we can get better food out there. really. so i am nt telling u where this plc is. u wan to noe, u ask me personally.

dad was in a cheery mood recently, n he decided to bring us out for dinner (AGAIN!!!), by the name of celebration for my bday.
 kid: let go of me!!!!
grandpa: stop moving
kid: i WANT the BEER!!!!
grandpa: fat hope kiddo. wait another 16 yrs!
kid: *CRY*
 shhhh....dun tell the environmentalist n animal lovers.
awesome groupa dad bought from mkt. he brought it to the stall n asked the cook to steam it. yum.

sorry hor. this chix was half eaten.

 the food trail continues yesterday w M and C to celebrate M's bday (ok, pre-celebrate. this woman is going overseas on her bday, AGAIN).

 nachos w cheese, black beans n jalapeno. still as good as ever.
 sangria. nice.

 stew lamb shank. nice. super big portion.
 roasted jalapeno. awesome. C-the-mad-woman say its nt spicy. xiao one. i seriously think that she didnt take kena the v v v spicy one. but well, she win. xiao one.
 v juicy chicken quesadilla. v nice.
 M&C: tsk, can u pose properly?
me: wat is "properly"?
M: normally la
me: ok lor
 C: wah lau eh!!! wtf r u doing?
me: pose "normally" wat
C: pose ur head la can u do it PROPERLY?
me: u mean digging nose? v proper le ah
C: i mean POSE
 me: y u scold me, upset.
C: wah kao, if u still monkey face again.....
M: we willl spank u
M&C: @#$#$%$#%^%^
me: *niam niam niam*
me n my magic wand....deng......
 this pix was taken last yr....c the diff?
 me is very the happy to recv the present. thank u very the much boss.
 me: huat cai ah!!!
M: *steam*
C: limpeh spend so much!!!! *sob*
 me: eh, who paying ah?
M: not me....hehehhe
C: *sense sabotage coming*, i am leaving now

 M & me: U PAY!!!!
C: wah lau eh, kena again (run too slow)
me: gimme ur wallet!!!!
 me: wah lau eh, y ur wallet so cui one? machiam a car went over it. got $$ ma???
 look like burger. so thick. got $$ ma???
lousy max. bo lui one.

we had a good time laughing after all the good food n alcohol.
shd hav this kind of gathering frequently.
last but nt least, juz shw u wat my baby sent to me when the clock strikes 12 on 13th oct.
she tried to hide her face behind me. brilliant move.
i love this pix. ugly. hahaha. thank u baby. love u.

1 comment:

Baby said...

Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary my Love!