Thursday, May 15, 2008


no need to say so much.
u shd hav seen it on tv for these few days.
thousands of ppl died, with thousands more pinned under slabs of concrete.
can u imagine urself being one of them?
unfortunately, most of the collapsed buildings were schools and hospitals.
the mourning parents, the orphans, the injured.....

these scenes on tv took me right to an emotion roller coaster.
while everyone keep asking y it happened, i quietly went to my room, n switched my channel to watch american idol.
i need a break in all these.

kudos to china govt.
they've did a great great job. crisis management.

saw this scene on the news.
PM wen went to the site to check on the rescue work n oso the affected ppl.
he insisted that ppl called him 温爷爷.
when he saw orphans crying, he went to them, held their hands, choked w emotions, n said :“不要哭,政府会照顾你们。不要哭。”
tears were in my eyes.


those whom wants to do their part for this crisis, u can log into the following website for more details.

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