Friday, March 01, 2013

Fly Fly Again!

my flying schedule started right after CNY.
but b4 i flew, baby n i went ahead for my ramen pilgrimage

 spicy miso broth w thin noodles. tasted quite good initially, but when the broth started to cool down, it became super thick n rich. nt for the ladies. for me, its still ok.

 so so gyoza.
so so.
my 1st is still ippudo, followed by miharu.
others r still nt quite up to my std.

 wanted to hav dessert after the ramen. tot this will b good. but look at the banoffee pie is drowned w whipped cream. i hav a hard time scrapping off the articifial stuff b4 i can find my pie. total upset. bleh.
baby's cup cake was alright.
 juz tot that my colleague's plant looks nice. :)

 the red indian chief of the office suggested to use abalone for our loh hei. i have the honour to cut the abalone. baby arranged this beautiful plate of goodie.
 had this dessert near our office when we were waiting for the legendary ne ne chix. nt bad. but those in jiu fen is definitely better.

 the ne ne chix at coconut's hse. we went for gathering n this was a big hit. my take? the hot n spicy one is really HOT!!!! v addictive too!
 baby starfruit. look exactly like the mother la.
 another baby. baby C refused to drink his milky wout toy toy.
 all the aunties n the mother v busy coaxing the baby. toking abt attention hogging!
 a day b4 my TW trip, we went to the temple to pray, n i insisted to hav this for lunch. look at the bloody Q. insane.
 look at this delicious mess. this curry rice is worth my waiting time. falvorful n fragrant curry, good curry chix, salty lor bak, sweet gor leh this!
 baby machiam reading a book in library.
 this is a little (i mean really little) specialty cafe in burlington sq. i wouldnt hav knew this if not for reading it online. this little gem is really a good find! the shop is run by a chinese guy, who hav so much passion n knowledge for the beans. he really noes his stuff (we asked alot of stupid questions), explaining patiently to us as he served our coffee, hw the beans r different, hw the taste is different....he even roast his own beans!
 i've ordered the panama geisha, but he served me the colombian geisha instead. told me the beans r better for the day. wow!!!!! i've never tasted coffee like this b4!!!!! fruity, flowery fragrant, yet light w little acidity. i've nv tasted such flowery flavors in coffee b4!!!! the boss told us that this beans came in 2nd for the competion (forgot wat event liao). so nice!!!!
he served another cup for baby, told us that the other one is sweeter n more fruity (like over ripe fruit). n indeed! its yeasty n fruity!!!! aiyo, i can write so much abt it!
 baby checking out the brewing stuff.
 the menu even hav a "序". like a story!
 “请你们喝的。我泡的espresso应该不错” the boss gave us this n waited for our reaction.
my god. i nv noe coffee can taste like this! after the light n flowery coffee, this espresso is robust, rich, super fragrant, n......SAVOURY!!!!! the taste kept lingering in my mouth, until i kept thinking abt it at night when i was at hm. so many different layer sof taste, yet good balance of everything. so complex yet so rounded! best espresso ever.
i left this place a happy man. i will deifinitely b back for more.u shd come n try it too! its a great great place for a cup (or more!) of coffee wout any hustle from the outside world. v nice.
 ya. this is tian hou gong on monday evening. super crowded w students. normally, it will b a dead town after 5pm.

 my dinner at this oyster/seafood shop. this eel noodles is awesome. i finished this plate of noodles in 5 mins, n the plate is still smoking when i finished this. its this good.
 i wanted to eat the fried intestine, but i ticked the wrong column n got this stir fried intestine instead. but wow! good mistake! they stir fry the intestine w celery, ginger, carrot n lots of vinegar. i hated sour stuff, but this is really good! the intestine was crispy n the sourness help to balance the taste for the dish. cut the oilyness for the nxt dish. good!
椒盐蚵酥w九层塔.all my fav elements together. do i need to say more????? yum!
 brought this back to hotel. wat is taiwan trip wout bubble tea. r u kidding me?
 n wat is taichung wout feng jia nite mkt?????

 all my fav stuff from FJ nitemkt. yes, u wonder hw am i gonna keep my weight down if i gorge myself silly like this everyday. well, taiwan is a great food place!
 the "hotel" i stay in look like a war zone. cars cant even come in. yes, i hav to carry my luggage n walk in from outside lor. idiot.

 this new fruit i found in taiwan. one of the factory stuff plabted this tree at hm n brought the fruits to share. they told me its "枣", which means dates. but eh? hw come dates is green one? n it tasted like a hybrid of apple n pear. n sweet. interesting.

 this is my absolute fav instant noodles in taiwan. try it when u r there. rem to get the extra spicy one. super nice!
 my bfast from the bfast shop downstairs. i always like to buy from bafst shop. so nice.
 the iconic golden chix from the factory.


 last day in taiwan, went to buy dinner at tian hou gong again.
 this gigantic cup of tea cost less than a dollar.
 the famous lukang pork bun fr the famous shop. v nice n juicy!

 taiwan taiwan.....hw to resist the cheap n good food?

even the airport serves fresh n good food. i mean, look at the ridiculous big fat juicy oyster.
who wans to go taiwan w me?

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